The World Of Twilight

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: frog of dhoom on April 18, 2011, 06:30:22 pm

Title: next show
Post by: frog of dhoom on April 18, 2011, 06:30:22 pm
it probably says somewhere around here but what is the next show you guys are at, and will there be Fubarnii civilians to buy :D

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Megatron0 on April 18, 2011, 07:00:02 pm
theres the UK games expo in June is twilight going to be there?

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Brandlin on April 18, 2011, 11:19:02 pm
never again....

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Carcharoth on April 19, 2011, 08:49:22 am
I've only ever done Salute as a show (excluding my first demo game at Fiasco up in Leeds over ten years ago), and I haven't got any immediate plans to do another one. My daughter does make travel a bit more tricky (there's no way I'd get even the small board in a car with her), but I wouldn't completely write off the idea...

Civilians? Does that mean you've been reading the new rulebook?

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Geckilian on April 19, 2011, 08:55:08 am
It'd certainly be interesting to see Twilight at more shows - means I'd have more travelling to do as well, heh.

As for civilians, currently there are the 2 children, and maybe you could use herders with weapons removed?

Title: Re: next show
Post by: frog of dhoom on April 19, 2011, 09:04:46 am
by civilians i was thinking traders herders children and elders. But i think i probably will remove some of the herders weapons as i am looking for unarmed peeps. Also i was wondering whats the best way to either make or buy Fubarnii buildings

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Carcharoth on April 19, 2011, 10:05:47 am
Also i was wondering whats the best way to either make or buy Fubarnii buildings

Wow, almost an hour has passed and Brandlin hasn't turned up yet! You certainly need to talk to Alan - his kits are a great way to make buildings for the Empire and it was those kits that were used to build the terrain at Salute. I've scratch built buildings in the past from various tubes and containers but it's kinda useful to have a kit that gives guidance. I'm planning to try and build a big Fubarnii building from several kits at some point...

One of the new scenarios looks for 8 civilians. I've not done quite that many yet, but I'm working on it. At the moment you've got the herder, the elder, two youngsters and various Enuk/scrats that would do the job. Mark is looking at some alternate arms for the herders so I might suggest he does some less violent options at the same time...

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Megatron0 on April 19, 2011, 03:30:01 pm
I've only ever done Salute as a show (excluding my first demo game at Fiasco up in Leeds over ten years ago), and I haven't got any immediate plans to do another one.

Awww :( Its a shame as the Uk games expo is massive and extends over a couple of days.the potential new customers could be massive! But if you ever need support/help running conventions i'll be happy to take part! :D

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Brandlin on April 19, 2011, 08:07:06 pm
Huh? Whaddi miss??

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Brandlin on April 19, 2011, 08:10:49 pm
Megaton. I can't speak for mike, but for me the time commitment and financial outlay to just to get to shows and buy a stand means I lose money. I'm not moaning about it, after all I chose to go to salute, but I'm out of pocket by around £300 for the privilege of standing up all day and selling so hard I didn't even get the opportunity to look round.

If I did something else I'd certainly have to be very selective.

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Megatron0 on April 19, 2011, 09:30:00 pm
Thats harsh. I can understand that the whole process must be exhausting for you both. Perhaps You should have a volunteer programme in place?
Another game I play (Warmachine) have people called Pressgangers these are essentially unpaid voluneteers who help run events for the company across the country whether in game shops or cons
It might not be something Twilight wants to go down but it might be worth a thought :)

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Carcharoth on April 20, 2011, 02:58:10 pm
Salute is a fantastic way to meet people who are playing and encourage others to start. We actually did much better this year than before and I really enjoyed it. The last few months have been a tad stressful getting everything ready, but each year Salute marks a big milestone and drives me to push everything forward another step. I'm now buzzing with lots of ideas of stuff I want to do next!

I have no idea how I would sort the logistics for another show - but I'm sure it wouldn't be insurmountable. The UK Games expo would be a great option and might be a possibility at some point. Probably not this year (although I've not actually checked when it is - quite soon though as Steve was taking his WM force there...), and if I did it it would be a much smaller affair. Another option would be Fiasco as I've got family up in Leeds.

The pressganger idea is certainly a good one (what's not to like about free labour?) - if you (or anybody else) have any good ideas for how that could be implemented then I'd be open to suggestions. There could certainly be some perks to that sort of role (early access to new minis for one thing).

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Megatron0 on April 20, 2011, 08:16:02 pm
Right Well Here are my suggestions
Every applicant Must submit a photo of a starter set (small) ( fully painted) This shows you that they are capable of demo-ing the game to new players with a painted force.
Twilight volunteers must be available to attend/help Twilight conventions at least once a year.
Twilight volunteers Should try and demo the game as much as possible to new players and advertise the product to games retailers and stores.
Perhaps running tournaments as well. Regional/national/World?
Twilight volunteers will strive to increase the profile of the game at all times. They should show new players the beautiful world and its inhabitants and demonstrate the unique and strategic game design.
These are just what I think would make a great volunteer workforce. :D

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Carcharoth on April 21, 2011, 08:45:56 pm
If anybody does all of megatron's suggestions then I'll create a role just for them  :D

Anybody who would like to demo the game should drop me a line if they want support - same goes for tourneys. If I get a few volunteers then I'll put something more formal in place   :)

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Brandlin on April 21, 2011, 09:13:14 pm
I just read my post above and realise that I probably sound far too negative. Sorry about that.

I applaud megatrons suggestion, and I'm sure mike would welcome such help in promoting the game.

Mike already has a willin band of "minions" that turn up the day, and their help is invaluable, and the fact they have pitched in to help me too was awesome and I owe them a huge thank you.

However the really big issue with the shows for me will be getting help bEfore the events to build and paint kits and boards and pack stuff.  I have a pretty demanding job, and it's time I need.

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Megatron0 on April 21, 2011, 11:41:12 pm
Well sign me up for the Twilight recruitment system!
I shall strive to ensure that everyone I know plays this game! and I shall be happy to volunteer in anyway I can!
Is there anyway I could get a T-shirt that your demo-guys had? :D

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Carcharoth on April 21, 2011, 11:44:31 pm
Is there anyway I could get a T-shirt that your demo-guys had? :D
Would you fit in a girl's skinny-fit small top (the only spare we have...)? If not, then maybe I can get one printed once you've started fulfilling those criteria you set  ;)

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Megatron0 on April 21, 2011, 11:46:43 pm
You know I might be able to...I have a lean physique :P but i'll wait
But consider the challenge accepted on my criteria! Looks like I now have a summer action plan :D

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Klute on April 22, 2011, 01:25:30 am
Hmmm Fiasco at Leeds is do-able for me.........possibly.    ;)

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Jubal on April 22, 2011, 06:58:34 am
Anything I can do I will as ever, though being rather a Jenta still myself getting places is always the difficulty.

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Brandlin on April 22, 2011, 09:09:55 am
Is there anyway I could get a T-shirt that your demo-guys had? :D
Would you fit in a girl's skinny-fit small top (the only spare we have...)? If not, then maybe I can get one printed once you've started fulfilling those criteria you set  ;)

Don't you still have a shirt you had printed for me last year that I never picked up?

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Brandlin on April 22, 2011, 09:12:05 am
Is there anyway I could get a T-shirt that your demo-guys had? :D

Wonder if it's worth mike putting t shirts on sale? One of those print your own image on demand places?

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Mrs Carcharoth on April 22, 2011, 09:19:33 am


Don't you still have a shirt you had printed for me last year that I never picked up?


We did have, but I think either ben (emberbreeze) or Martin nabbed it for this year.?

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Megatron0 on April 22, 2011, 11:35:58 am
Is there anyway I could get a T-shirt that your demo-guys had? :D

Wonder if it's worth mike putting t shirts on sale? One of those print your own image on demand places?

I would buy one :D

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Brandlin on April 22, 2011, 04:43:06 pm

Don't you still have a shirt you had printed for me last year that I never picked up?


We did have, but I think either ben (emberbreeze) or Martin nabbed it for this year.?

Ah no problems :)

Title: Re: next show
Post by: TheGremlin on April 22, 2011, 06:45:32 pm
The UK Games Expo might not be the best place to go, IIRC. I've never been, but I recall reading a miniature company's review of their experience there (It might well have been a FOD company). Because the audience is not primarily in the miniature game market (is that correct?), when they are confronted with miniature games, it's a hard sell. "Why are pieces unpainted" "Why do I need to make my own board" "Why do the rules come seperately" etc. They are used to buying out of the box games...

Ah, found it:
Quote from: keeper40k
I've only just noticed that UK Games Expo isn't on the list this year.  Was it not quite what you expected?

Quote from: Mirlo
Well triples is a great show so it's worth it but it's the furthest we like to go really.

As for Expo, it's a boardgame convention which attracts a different crowd. I felt the organisers were a little misleading in the way they described the show to us as 'USA style convention', maybe I just expected something different. They're trying to get in the figure manufacturers too to get more through the door. You cant have it all ways. The different type of customers lead to some very rude comments (people who aren't familiar with our industry). people asking to buy a figure and being shocked saying 'oh it doesn't come painted for £3 then? Oh forget it".
Not knowing the specifics of the industry is one thing but basic manners is another. The amount of rude people that day was shocking, you compare it to the recent Crusade show in Wales where the people couldn't be nicer. (don't get me wrong, there were nice people at Expo but the idiots stick in your head!).
If it wasn't for the FOD'ers cheering me up I would have gone insane!

From here. (

But that's by the by. I'm content because I got to see everyone at Salute  ;)

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Megatron0 on April 22, 2011, 07:17:29 pm
Though i can understand the reservations, there are some miniature tournaments held there including the WM and Hordes UK masters as well as malifaux, fields of glory and Flames of war (pinched from the attendees list on the website) and then on top of that Mantic games will be there and it looks like PP will have a stand as well as tournament running. So There is definitely a miniature presence.
It might be harder for a new-er company to try and crack but at the same time it could be an open market. If there are DnD players there (which there will be) They will snap up twilight. I feel convinced by it! Well i think this year its out of the question anyway but When i attend this year I will have a look round and try and see if there might be a market for twilight there :)

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Brandlin on April 22, 2011, 07:24:30 pm
Games expo 2011 for traders is sold out - so it's a mute subject this year.

I 've emailed askn for prices... More when I get a reply.

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Megatron0 on April 22, 2011, 08:33:01 pm
Looking forward to hearing that whats what for 2012 though the real question is...
When is Twilight going to GENCON!

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Brandlin on April 23, 2011, 09:12:22 am
Games expo uk 2011, held in hotel in centre of Birmingham, appears to be several conference rooms and spaces over 2 floors rather than a big Hall. This seems to severly limit the space for big games. My demo board would be considered a very big display by the organisers.

Cheapest prices (top floor furthest from entrance) is £75 for a six foot frontage. Plus £55 for a 3'x4 display table. So for the same space as at salute this year, that's £480.

I cannot speak for mike, but that's more than my total income at salute 2011.Plus there is no physical way they can get my board up to the cheap areas. It would have to be carried into the building ( no vehicle access inside. ) the table costs on the ground floor are up to 50% more than the cheapest.

Expo is simply not set up for companies of this size or in this Market.

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Megatron0 on April 23, 2011, 12:08:19 pm
Aww thats Harsh! I could imagine the costs would be quite high :'(
at least we still got salute :D

Title: Re: next show
Post by: Grimmtooth on May 05, 2011, 03:02:45 pm

      Salute is the best day in gaming London has ever had, the independant designers who pay for the privallige of bringing us new and

exciting ideas will forever loose out if they sell their faveourite hobby to entrepreneurs.

     Mikes world is growing in a big way its a plesure for things to be so accessable and plus it reminds me of the Dark Crystal so keep chatty.

     Dragonmeet in kensington

     Colours in Reading

     Two other shows may be worth a look ?  ;)