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Author Topic: Enipel  (Read 35124 times)
Merchant of Enipel
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 621

« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2011, 04:08:48 pm »

Thanks HN! Cheesy
Glad to see the pictures help


I have the title Merchant of Enipel! awesome! thanks Mike!

« Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 11:43:32 pm by Megatron0 » Logged

Merchant of Enipel
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 621

« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2011, 11:52:06 pm »

Enipel part three.

Welcome to part three of my writings! this one is lager then the others so be aware before you start! It has been broken down into headings (bold and underlined) and sub-headings (underlined).
I really hope you enjoy my own slice of the Fubarnii and if there are any questions please dont hesitate to ask!

Grand Merchants of Enipel.

Trade and export are the main (if only) sources of revenue for the Enipel and often Fubarnii that are not traders will seek employment under the Grand merchants of Enipel as their personal source of income.
Grand merchants are the wealthiest of the traders in the Enipel clan and their business networks are vast with some of the most successful covering the entire of Anyaral or at least those are the boasts heard in Merchant court. To obtain the title Grand merchant one must be personally invited to the palace where they are given the Title by the Lanak.
When a trader receives this title (either in recognition of great wealth or a sizable ‘donation’ to the palace) they accept a personal responsibility to the great city, pledging to serve the Lanak, the people and the clan.
With this title comes the benefits: Admittance into the Merchant court and thus into the politics of the clan, complete access to the products of the engineer guild and the herbalist academy and the right to sell them along with the legal right to employ militia within the city.
With the privilege comes the responsibility: Every Grand merchant must submit a portion of his or her personal militia to defend/police the city (and the empire). This ensures that the wealthy are able to protect their own business in the city and the welfare of the people.
These Fubarnii militia are bought and sold in companies and are loyal to the merchant lord and the city.
It is often the case, though not a requirement, that a Grand merchant will also ‘adopt’ or sponsor a village in the rural districts. This usually involves the construction of a villa for the Merchant but also increased livestock, superior living conditions and a better way of living for the village. After all no Grand Merchant wants to holiday in the slums.
Expulsion from the Merchant court and the revocation of the title are extremely rare, only happening once in Enipel history (see threats from within).
Since the title of Merchant lord is for life, it has been the case where Fubarnii who have lost their wealth are still admitted into the court and treated as equals. Though these Enipel are no longer involved with politics.
The Merchant Court is kept in business by the donations of its guests. It is not owned but instead a free company like the Engineers guild of the Herbalist academy.

Fishing in the villages/towns

The Enipels main food source is fish. This is exclusively caught in the lakes surrounding the city and greater territory.
The villages over the decades have not changed their methods, though the odd engineer might offer some ‘improvements’ from time to time.
The primary method of fish catching is boat and net. Using paddles, sails (or even steam contraptions) these boats sail to the deeper waters and the Fubarnii cast their nets.
Younger Fubarnii who have not yet been fully trained in boating trawl the shallows in tall stilts and harpoons to catch the large lazy fish that swim to close to the surface.
More eccentric villages will employ the use of a sedative found in local flora (or purchased from the city). By dumping this powder into areas of the lake, the fish, sedated, will simply float to the top where they are quickly collected.

The Enarii fish.
Many Fubarnii believe that if drowned your soul will never reach Enar and will be lost forever. The Enipel who work the waters are aware what will happen to them should they drown and precautions are taken; yet this still does not stop an odd Fubarnii meeting a watery grave.
The elders of the villages speak of the Enarii Fish that appears after a villager dies in the lakes. On a clear night where Enar shines and casts its full reflection upon the still waters it is said I golden creature can be seen beneath the waves swimming and flitting around the reflection. At the end of this ‘dance’ Shimmering lights can be seen heading towards the sky and the elders believe this creature finds the lost souls of Fubarnii and leads them towards Enar.
Wether or not this is a village tale designed to take the fear away from fishers or true is debated across clan territories and a few engineers have tried to catch the creature or at least record it. None have succeeded.

Threats from outside

Devanu are an uncommon threat in clan territory and it is believed that most were persecuted mercilessly during the founding of the clan, and resentment still runs deep for the creatures that enslaved their ancestors.
Attacks to the city are non-existent while in rural areas livestock might go missing occasionally; these are attributed to wandering Grishak and it is widely believed that a true Devanu attack on clan territory will just never happen. Other Grand merchants are wearier and will employ scouts to keep an eye on suspicious movements or any serious Devanu migrations
During Trade voyages large groups of Militia protect the traders investments and often the knights are pre-warned and given the route in which the caravan is journeying. Again attacks and losses are uncommon as the Enipel go through great lengths to protect their investments.

Threats from Within

Despite the paid militia no city is truly safe from itself and the Lanak will make sure that no Grand merchant ever becomes to powerful. This is achieved in a variety of ways; firstly through a tax on all export, every merchant must pay a tax of the sum total of the products they are selling.
Secondly the Lanak controls a huge militia at his disposal allowing him to effectively control the streets of the capital. This ensures that no gathering of merchants will ever have the collective strength to oppose him and that via the merchant court he can keep all the Grand’s in a single watchable place.
Finally the Lanak is aware that all business interests cross paths and knows the value of words to help build rivalry between the wealthiest of the Grand merchants.

Anatra the despot.
The only Enipel ever to be removed from the court and have his title stripped. Anatra’s wealth knew no bounds as he sought to incorporate all into his insidious empire. Using threats, bribery, violence, and a strong highly addictive narcotic he was able to bring the clan to its knees. He was eventually stopped by collaboration between the remaining Grand Merchants and the Lanak, and stripped of his title and exiled into the wilderness. Since then the Herbalist guild has been established in order to control the flow of dangerous narcotics into Enipel territories, though for a large price it is possible for some influential and wealthy Fubarnii to bypass the legal restrictions.
Though all receipts go to the Lanak. Allowing him to keep an eye on all transactions.


The great tree was at one time the sole provider to the Enipel clan. By digging down into the earth the Fubarnii were able to take shelter from the heat and arid climate despite the living conditions they were subject to. Soon the roots of the tree were discovered and enterprising Fubarnii began to siphon of the water for a stable supply.
The conditions underground were extremely damp and humid making it impossible for permanent dwelling. The conditions are perfect for the production of moulds and Fungi, which are cultivated on the tree roots and processed into medicines, fragrances, weapons and narcotics.
The roots of the tree appear fathomless and excavation still continues though there is some concern about what is to be found deeper in the earth.
Because of the terrible conditions the Enipel choose to live above land while the cultivators of the roots only stay below the surface for short periods of time, as infection can be common in such conditions. Recently the Lanak has commissioned the engineers guild to create protective clothing suitable for sub-terrainian harvest. This equipment consists of gas masks, protective hand/feet ware and the employment of bio-luminance, open-flame being considered too dangerous as a source of lighting due to the gasses produced by the fungi.

The Shrines

The Enipel have no fixed places of worship instead across the territory wooden and stone shrines are set up to engineer Gehran, previous Lanaks and in more rural areas; village Ancestors. All are believed to be on Enar with the ear of the Enarii trying to negotiate easier travel to their spiritual home.
Young Engineers will often travel to these places to find inspiration and upon receiving it they will carve their insignia into the wood/stone of the shrine showing their gratitude and pledging that when in Enar they will help the next generation of Engineers to find their answers/

The Gateway.

Unlike other Fubarnii cities the capital of the Enipel is walled, the reason being to support the large and highly decorated gateway into the city.
Built of stone with large wooden gates the entrance to the city is designed to humble visitors, displaying the wealth of the Enipel and the strength of the Lanak. Atop the gatehouse the standards of the Grand merchants and the Lanak fly along with those of the guild and the academy. All testaments to the prowess of the Free city
The walls are not as grand and span the length of the capital. Not built for defensive purposes these are designed to stop the city growing to large! (for a city too big would be a great cost to both the Lanak and the Grand Merchants). It was also designed to encourage less wealthy Fubarnii who are not employed to move to smaller towns and villages, as there is more food and available space. This is also an ingenious method of ensuring loyalty from the towns/villages as new, patriotic Fubarnii bring new zeal back to the outer territory.
The wall is ancient and is often repaired with mud brick and timber creating a patchwork and inconsistent defence. The walls final purpose is to act as an ‘end’ to the Grand bizarre and stop the crown from spilling into the city.
The gateway is always manned in order to spot incoming trade caravans and alert the people of new produce coming in.

The Lanak

The Lanak is the head of the Enipel clan and by default is also the wealthiest. Responsible for trade in and out of the city, the guild, the academy, controlling the largest force of militia and the appointment of Grand Merchants, The Lanak bears great weight on his shoulders for the welfare of his city.
As a free city the capital essentially runs itself. Each Grand merchant looks after their own investments while supplying militia to the city and a tax to the Lanak. (No-one other then the Grand merchants is required to pay on a regular basis).
The Lanak governs by direct authority but is advised by the Merchant court. Each Lanak governs differently, some relying more on the court then others. This is particularly the case with the current leader.

The Current Lanak
 The current Lanak is considered a Bohemian by his peers for his eccentric pursuits of literature and the investment of money into the city and the guild this along with high appointments of Grand merchants during his reign has led to a rise in popularity for the Lanak by the common people and Grand merchants alike.
Currently the engineers’ guild has caught his fascination and he is determined to see all life improve under their inventions. This is definitely the case with sub-terrainian root farmers. He is also a known Wanderer and his increased presence in the villages is met with great joy as he personally sponsors over 50% of them.
Seen riding in his opulent howdah upon a great beast or in his library smoking opium through his elaborately decorated pipe he often relies on the grand merchants for political advice and support. He has created many new Grand’s and as such the city has benefited from the increased investment, making this Lanak popular throughout clan territory.


The Lanak receives ten percent of the total value of a product exported (not imported) from his city. This allows Traders from other cities free passage into the capital to sell their goods but also allows the Lanak to keep accurate tabs on what is being exported.
Besides export tax from all merchants, the Lanak takes twenty percent of the money made from the Herbalist academy and the engineers’ guild and a 10% monthly tax from all Grand Merchants, This tax can be wavered if a Grad Merchant makes a particularly profitable month as tax from the exports will be enough pay the Lanak.
The collection of wealth percentages allows the Lanak to keep a good indication of profits from around the city as well as weakening potential rivals.
The current Lanak charges nothing for the grand Bazaar as he says it as a gift to the rest of Anyaral and a wise Merchant whether Grand or not will make will be quick to capitalise on this ‘free’ trade.
By appointing Grand Merchants the Lanak is able to significantly able to reduce the threat of rebellion as all wealthy merchants swear renewed alligence to the Lanak and are then moderated by other Grand merchants.

The Military

A wise Lanak will always seek to control fifty percent of the standing militia in the territory to avoid rebellion by scheming Grand Merchants, putting caps on the amount of militia on the existing Grands also insure military dominance. Through this he is able to exert control over the city of Enipel and the Grand Merchants.
The Knights are expected to follow the Lanak completely but since there is little Devanu threat they are often disregarded (though Knights that have broken their oath are of great interest to the Lanak).


After a Lanak dies the Eldest Fubarnii (of Kin) is made Lanak. This is done at the palace surrounded by The Grand Merchants and representatives from the guild.  
The Fubarnii casts off their birth name and takes the title of Lanak while swearing an oath that he will protect the people, the clan, the city and the Grand merchants. He is then decreed the Lanak by the lords and the people, being offered tribute and then touring the clan territories.
During this time there is a great celebration and often the whole city is engaged in festivities often shutting down trade for weeks, something that the Grade merchants try to prevent (to their futility).

Religious responsibilities

Since there is no fixed church or organised religion the Lanaks only religious responsibility is in death.
When his soul reaches Enar it is up to him to negotiate, with other Lanaks, safer routes to Enar with the Enarii.
It may be noticed that  I have not included a geographical location for my area this is because I do not wish it to conflict with any prior work and I will be happy for my clan to go anywhere! (as long as its fits in the setting).
Thanks for reading!
« Last Edit: May 08, 2011, 01:03:59 pm by Megatron0 » Logged

Twilight Creator
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 2640

« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2011, 09:12:36 am »

Good stuff so far  Smiley

Here is a quick sketch inspired by the concept of the Great Tree. I imagine it to actually be a large rocky outcrop that is overgrown by trees. I was thinking the trees could be almost fig-like, with thick roots that have been teased and positioned by the Fubarnii over the years to strengthen the overall structure. Doesn't quite fit some of your ideas, but might not be too far off. 'tis but a suggestion though, so see what you think and I won't be offended if you don't think it looks right.
Posts: 54

« Reply #18 on: May 08, 2011, 10:43:48 am »

I love that!  Shocked
Merchant of Enipel
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 621

« Reply #19 on: May 08, 2011, 12:57:33 pm »

That looks so right! Really organic and natural. I love it
My only suggestion is that the city is also on ground level as well and stretches around the tree/rocky outcrop. but thats really just adding a few more houses at the base. Along with the gatehouse etc but for the concept of the great tree is is fantastic! Thank you!

Official Fubarnii Architect
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 762

« Reply #20 on: May 08, 2011, 07:26:17 pm »

I am NOT making a board for that!

(even though I soooo want to!)

Brandlin - Home of Laser cut styrene building kits - NOW OPEN!

"Engineers are too precious a resource to let go wandering the open countryside" - Emberbreeze 9/11/11
Merchant of Enipel
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 621

« Reply #21 on: May 08, 2011, 07:55:25 pm »

I am NOT making a board for that!

(even though I soooo want to!)

The Lanak compels you

Posts: 54

« Reply #22 on: May 08, 2011, 10:47:56 pm »

I love the dangling buildings!
Merchant of Enipel
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 621

« Reply #23 on: May 08, 2011, 10:58:54 pm »

I love the dangling buildings!

I actually imagine them as the Lift contraptions that i described Cheesy but they are great! i also love the Balloon!

Twilight Creator
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 2640

« Reply #24 on: May 09, 2011, 07:12:00 am »

Glad it's not too far off  Smiley

I doodled a few fubarnii nobility last night, including what could either be the Lanak or some other well-fed trader.
Merchant of Enipel
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 621

« Reply #25 on: May 09, 2011, 08:09:41 am »

including what could either be the Lanak

Give him an opium pipe and you got yourself a deal Cheesy
It'll be great to see some images of wealthier Fubarnii, looking forward to the concept

Development Team
Senior Apprentice
Posts: 200

« Reply #26 on: May 09, 2011, 11:26:32 am »

I am NOT making a board for that!

(even though I soooo want to!)

It would just about fit in a transit van ;-)

Twilight Creator
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 2640

« Reply #27 on: May 09, 2011, 02:47:45 pm »

It would just about fit in a transit van ;-)
Depends how big it actually is... I've not put much on there to give a scale reference so far!
Development Team
Senior Apprentice
Posts: 200

« Reply #28 on: May 09, 2011, 04:52:01 pm »

I was going by average building size.

Merchant of Enipel
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 621

« Reply #29 on: May 09, 2011, 05:32:00 pm »

I would just scale up Fubarnii buildings like Emberbreeze suggested. I can imagine it looking great!
Also some more pictures for reference.

Working Enipel Frescoes

Images of the Merchant court


Hope these help bring my city to life!


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