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Author Topic: [Alpha Test Rules] Broken Tower Smuggling Cartel  (Read 7516 times)
Caravan Master
Development Team
Senior Apprentice
Posts: 207

« on: September 30, 2013, 09:33:48 am »

Hi folks,

Here is the 3rd draft of the games rules for the Fubarnii smuggling cartel, the Broken Tower. It is very much an alpha set of rules and I'm looking for a group to playtest it. Any takers?

NOTE: This is not an official list. None of the models mentioned in this article are either in production of planned for production. This is a "house" list based on an idea I had while developing another Twilight project. Mike kindly approved it for This Rambling and the list detailed below is posted here under Mike's sufferance.

Concept: Smugglers and/or mercenary raiders. This is an ambush style force designed to be fast and disruptive rather than strong and invulnerable. They have a lot of weapons which do not do any real damage but entangle or otherwise confound their opponents. While they prefer to hold off or immobilise opponents they do have spears, axes and slings etc… if opposition is more than expected. They also have access to a number of engineers.

A themed force: By mixing Slingers, traditional Light Cavalry and Hunters into the force with those listed below you will arrive at force that accurately represents the force and abilities of the Broken Tower Cartel.

Raiders: The raiders are the basic troops of the cartels and are by far the most common. They are of a similar strength and skill as militia but far from the disciplined ranks of Knights or Delgon. Raider units are more like mobs and are kept in line by the raid leader and its enforcers.

Raiders (Troop) (10pts)
Move: 6    Tough: 5+
Combat: 2    Stamina: 0
Support: 1   Size: Small
Command range 2”
Armed with axes, nets and shields.
Abilities: Net

Raider Enforcers (Troop) (12pts)
Move: 6    Tough: 5+
Combat: 2    Stamina: 0
Support: 1   Size: Small
Command range 2”
Armed with large axe or beast catcher.
Abilities: Large Axe or Beast Catcher, Strong Arm

Raid Leader (Elite) (60pts)
Move: 6    Tough: 5+
Combat: 3    Stamina: 1
Support: 2   Size: Small
Size: Small.
Command Range 3”
Armed with axe, shield and smoke bombs.
Abilities: Ambush, Captain, Combat Discipline, Combat Trained, Throw Bombs

Raider Cavalry:  The swift arm of the smuggling cartels the raider cavalry are a mixture to traditional light cavalry and specialist riders trained to lasso beasts and troops.  The Raider cavalry is made up almost exclusively of ex-enforcers. They have the drive and strength to endure long periods of time on the move evading imperial forces and other enemies.

Cavalry (Troop) 24pts)
Move: 10    Tough: 5+
Combat: 2    Stamina: 0
Support: 1   Size: Small
Command Range 6”
Armed with lasso staff
Abilities: Lasso Staff

Cavalry Leader (Elite) (55pts)
Move: 10    Tough: 5+
Combat: 3    Stamina: 1
Support: 2   Size: Small
Armed with spear, Smoke Bombs
Command Range 6”
Abilities: Ambush, Captain, Combat Trained, Spear [R),Throw Bombs

Wreckers: On the instructions of the raid leaders the wreckers seed the areas of ambushes with Frugin bombs to disrupt the forces of their hapless victims. Once the trap has been sprung they rush in and support their comrades with further bombs and their not inconsiderable combat prowess.

Wrecker (Elite) (50pts)
Move: 6    Tough: 5+
Combat: 3    Stamina: 1
Support: 2   Size: Small
Command range 6”,
Weapons: Axe, Smoke and Frugin bombs
Booby trap, Combat trained, Scout, Throw Bombs (6”)

Galodin is the ruthless mind behind the increase in caravan raids and smuggling operations in the western empire. A native of the west he knows the landscape like the back of his hand, much to the regret of the traders he preys upon.

Galodin (Elite-Unique) (110pts)
Move: 10    Tough: 4+
Combat: 3    Stamina: 2
Support: 2   Size: Small
Command range 6”
Armed with axe, net, smoke & Frugin bombs
Abilities: Ambush, Commander, Captain, Cavalry Trainer (5, Ranger), Combat Discipline, Combat Trained, Ranger, Throw Bombs

A Delgon deserter taken in by a raiding group Sohdal has brutally risen to a position of leadership. Regarded as a reliable leader for raids in the northern empire she has started to raid against Delgon patrols and supply caravans.

Sohdal (Elite-Unique) (95pts)
Move: 6    Tough: 5+
Combat: 3    Stamina: 2
Support: 2   Size: Small
Command range 6”,
Armed with large axe, net, smoke bombs
Abilities: Captain, Ambush, Evasive, Combat Discipline, Combat Trained, Large axe, Net, Throw Bombs

Engineer Saru
Saru first came to the attention of the Broken Tower when she modified a Derak to fire balls for the amusement of the children in her district. After several disastrous attempts to use the device as a smoke or Frugin bomb launcher it was further modified to launch nets.

Engineer Saru (Unique) (35pts)
Move: 6    Tough: 5+
Combat: 1    Stamina: 0
Support: 0   Size: Small
Command range 6”,
Net launcher[R]: As per the net ability but uses a 50mm template. Range 6”. 1 turn to load.

Engineer Taelen

A mysterious Fubarnii from parts unknown, inventor of the famed Frugin Flinger. For whatever reason he has contracted himself to the Broken Tower.

Engineer Taelan (Unique) (45pts)
Move: 6    Tough: 5+
Combat: 1    Stamina: 0
Support: 0   Size: Small
Command range 6”
Bomb launcher [R]: Ranged attack with Smoke or Frugin bombs. Range 10”

Engineer Galimar
Raised within the Cartel itself Galimar is fanatically loyal to his comrades. Showing early signs of engineering skill he had several apprenticeships  sponsored by the council. He is matter of fact about his station and value as an “asset” of the Broken Tower. 

Engineer Galimar (Unique) (50pts)
Move: 6    Tough: 5+
Combat: 1    Stamina: 0
Support: 0   Size: Small
Command range 6”
Harpoon [R]:  A 1CS Ranged attack 6”. If the target that is hit but passes its tough test and has the same or smaller base size then it may be reeled in to 3” from the engineer.  A peg counter is placed next to the engineer and the target must remain within 3” of the peg until cut free.

Ambush [T]:
Use only at the start of the game, roll a D6 for each model with Ambush ability. On a roll of 5 or 6 that model up to 7 other troop or elite models may be placed within any piece of terrain on the table. Until they move they count as obstructed.
(This may or may not be interchangeable with Scout)

Booby trap: At the end of the first turn place a single Frugin bomb template anywhere within 12” of each model with the Booby trap ability. (Possibly add cannot be placed within 3” of an opposing model.)

Strong Arm [T]: Each Enforcer within 3” of a Raid leader adds 1” the leaders command range
   OR if activated may active any troops models within 2”

Beast Catcher[S or A]: This weapon holds a model with the same size or smaller base with it in place. The target may not move but may attack. The target frees itself If it forces the model with the beast catcher to make a tough test, though the beast catcher is not removed as a casualty. 2 or more may do the same to a model with a larger base.

Lasso Staff [S or A]: May drag an infantry model with the same size or smaller base with it when it moves. Models caught must pass a tough test to free themselves. 2 or more may do the same to a model with a larger base. Causes no damage

Net [C or A]: A model struck by a net must make an immediate tough test or is trapped until its next activation.

Large Axe [T]: The model gains Powerful charge

Throw bombs: Ranged attack with Smoke or Frugin bombs. The models profile will state which bombs it may use. Range 6”

Smoke Bombs [R]: Place a 40mm template. This blocks LOS and any model moving through it must Move Cautiously

Frugin Bombs [R]: Place a 40mm template. Anything struck by a Frugin bomb has a command range of 1” and may not be use or be affected by leadership skills. Beasts will never move within 2” of a Frugin bomb template and if struck must be moved immediately to be so.


Development Team
Qualified Engineer
Posts: 375

« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2013, 01:04:48 pm »

Ive pondered sculpting a bomb launcher to go on the back of a belan or other similar beast. Kind of like a mini trebuchet. Thats maybe too much for the engineer there as 10" range isnt much more than the 6" hand thrown range. Something more portable like a converted derak.

Les medecins choisissent aide aux malades
Caravan Master
Development Team
Senior Apprentice
Posts: 207

« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2013, 04:06:27 pm »

My idea would be that most of these would not be sculpted from scratch. They would be conversions kits. i.e. the Engineers would use the Beru mini and swap out the weapon and the head.

Lost Egg
Lord of Engu
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 989

« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2013, 04:24:40 pm »

I'm not very experienced on the gaming side but the overall theme sounds good. Cool idea Smiley
Twilight Creator
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 2640

« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2013, 06:51:14 am »

Some fun ideas there!
Entangling weapons are a bit of a challenge to get right - the herder reyad with his bolas is the only one I've done so far. I would look for a standard set of rules for Entangling then apply variants to that.
I would suggest you have the standard raiders (with axes, spears etc), then include the net one as a special type.
The enforcers could simply have captain (2), but would need to be more expensive. Possibly they should be slightly better trained as well?

A spare set of arms to convert a force would be nice to do, much like we did with Clan Orelan. Maybe somewhen...
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