The World Of Twilight

Updates => Previews and Updates => Topic started by: Carcharoth on August 18, 2011, 04:05:18 pm

Title: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Carcharoth on August 18, 2011, 04:05:18 pm
Over the last couple of months I've been talking to the very talented Tammy at Tears of Envy ( She's a graphic artist who's done loads of work for various games (including work for Mantic, John Blanche and lots of others). I asked her if she could have a play with the existing logo and smarten it up a bit. After much discussion and various different ideas she came up with this. I'm very happy with it, so I hope you like it!


Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: KDLynch on August 18, 2011, 04:31:17 pm
very nice!  was this all done in photoshop? or by chance did she use illustrator/other vector software? 

And do you mind if I use this to make a sign for our FLGS's wall?

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Pyre on August 18, 2011, 07:21:12 pm
Seriously evocative, absolutely love it. Plaster it over everything!

edit: again with the spelling...

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Scalifano on August 18, 2011, 10:35:14 pm
This looks very nice, love it!

I've been to their website before, I downloaded their copy of Dune Express awhile go, just hadn't found time to print it out and assemble it yet.

I hope there is more art to come in the future.

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Emberbreeze on August 19, 2011, 09:36:03 am
Nice to see it in its finished state. Glad the mushrooms got added :)

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Lost Egg on August 19, 2011, 01:57:33 pm
Looks really good. I love the aqua colour.


Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Carcharoth on August 19, 2011, 10:06:30 pm
Glad it's going down well so far  :)
Looking forward to playing with packaging etc to use the new design.

I'm not sure what software she uses - she did the logo as a vector design first, then did the rendering.

@KDLynch: If you (or anybody else) would like to play with the logo then contact me and I'll send over a higher res version that will be a bit easier to work with.

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Brandlin on August 28, 2011, 04:10:49 pm
High res for me for my blog please mike.

Must say I like the older one better... But then I liked the simplicity...

Did you consider changing the name to get away from the teen vampire thing?

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Carcharoth on August 28, 2011, 06:27:44 pm
The idea is to keep a simple silhouette logo, but have the full-colour one for packaging etc.

I probably should have changed the name at the same time, but it's been called Twilight for about 12 years now and I'm rather used to it... I may do something with it at some point if I can come up with a name I'm happy with and keep the World of Twilight as a broader title.

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Geckilian on August 28, 2011, 07:21:53 pm
Anyaral - The World of Twilight

How's that?

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: KDLynch on August 29, 2011, 01:06:45 am
Just add the slugline "no sparkley vampires here" lol!  That is usually the first thing outta my mouth when I say the name to someone who's not familiar with the game yet... hehe.  Although, it does catch their attention: "twilight without sparkley vampires.... hmmmm... mebbe i should give a listen"

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Pyre on August 29, 2011, 09:31:17 am
You could capitalise on the name by sculpting up a load of Fub wigs in the style as those on the movie posters. It'd be good for the Delgon as they have the same skin tone. :D

Actually... no, it's a stupid idea.

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: ork56 on August 29, 2011, 09:43:22 pm
I like it a lot - anyone with any taste will know its nothing to do with vamps.

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: TredHed on August 30, 2011, 07:30:27 pm
LOVE the new logo. Very nice.

(by the way...looks like it is rendered out in photoshop.)

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Megatron0 on August 30, 2011, 11:47:26 pm
I really like it. It reminds me of the Disney film Atlantis, y'know all shiny and mystical but ancient and mysterious at the same time. I am very impressed.
The name thing doesn't really bother me and besides if it gets people looking, even for the wrong reason, they're still looking.

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: TheGremlin on August 31, 2011, 12:19:39 am
Wow, I missed this.

I don't know what to make of it: it's got plenty of glitz, for sure, but does it need it?

I think the answer could be yes, and I think my misgivings might be overcome if I saw it in the context of a book cover done in matchng style, similar to D ( ( ( b ( ( ( I think it would look even better then. It's certainly a different style to the more simple graphics you have been using (I think that is as much the medium as anything else) but I'm sure that they can both coexist.

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Taelan on September 01, 2011, 04:11:42 am
Wow, I get busy at work for a few weeks comeback and Twilight has an all new masthead.. :D

If you don't mind, may I view the core file and try and idea or two?

Taelan. :)

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Impactminiatures on September 01, 2011, 11:05:53 pm
Very sharp...well done.

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Carcharoth on September 02, 2011, 07:41:12 am
I understand the slight uncertainty at a new logo, but it's something I've wanted for a while - the logo I've been using does work quite well and I'm still pleased with it, but it lacks a little something when it stands alone on packaging etc. The new logo is more eyecatching and somehow feels more finished than a simple silhouette logo could.

@taelan. I'll send you some bits to have a look/play with.
Sorry to everybody I've said I'll send stuff to, I'll try to get myself organised this weekend!

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Laughing Ferret on September 07, 2011, 10:36:33 am
I like the new logo a lot. 
It both captures the mood of the setting and it's very professional. 
Not naming names, I think it's miles better than a few of the bigger game logos.  Very nicely done.

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Taelan on September 11, 2011, 02:49:14 pm
Actually Carcharoth, scratch my request. Thank you for offering all the same! :)

After dabbling with the web ready masthead, my only critique is the turquoise pool area is overly bright in the upper left space, it bleaches the colours and detracts from the floating Twilight text "yellow glow", seemingly grounding the letters on the left over a flat white field, while the right letters float nicely above the turquoise and stone elements.

After having "a play", it is definitely this component of the composition which bothers me.

Look forward to the lush boxing ideas to follow no doubt :)

- Taelan.

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Carcharoth on September 13, 2011, 10:09:14 am
Interesting thoughts on the colouring. It is very hard to know when to stop fiddling with ideas - TamTam and I went through a lot of iterations before we arrived at this version (I might check if she minds me sharing some of those as I think it was an interesting process) and I was trying very hard not to get too annoying with suggested tweaks!

It might be worth revisiting at some point, but for the moment I'm happy  :)

Do feel free to share any products of your playing if you like though.

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Taelan on September 13, 2011, 03:48:45 pm
Hi Carcharoth,

Certainly understand tweaks etc; not to worry though, we graphics folk have a tough skin. That said I do have a changes clause in my agreements :D

Here is the subtle variation I was talking about. On left is original version 5 (as per the file name) and on Right, a change to the bleached white, at 10% turquoise overlay.

(  (

As you can see, the glow is reinforced along the stem of the first "T", not grounded by a bleached background. Hope this helps, for a rough example. As I said, it's a subtle difference, mostly building up that nice turquoise, for a less stark gradient.

- Taelan. :)

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Carcharoth on September 13, 2011, 06:58:22 pm
Interesting to see the impact of such a small tweak. Thank you.
What does everybody else think? I'm unlikely to change it immediately, but might do at some point...

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Megatron0 on September 13, 2011, 08:31:43 pm
I can't even see the difference and if there is one I prefer the original.

Title: Re: New Logo for World of Twilight!
Post by: Taelan on September 14, 2011, 01:06:16 am
I did not expect this to have Carcharoth charge off and redo all his publications, mostly showing out the critique I have rather than typing about it. :)

I've cut down the examples, with just the area in question visible the difference is a bit more obvious. Other than that, I'm off to paint my Engineer! (about time)

Thanks for letting us have a chance to comment all the same Carcharoth.

- T.