Title: The Twilight Traveller Post by: Carcharoth on November 21, 2011, 01:40:05 pm The Twilight Traveller is an occasional journal for the world of Twilight and includes new rules and stories that should be of interest! Pyre Studios currently host the Twilight Traveller. I thought it would be useful to summarise the contents here.
Twilight Traveller 1 Danakan sets off on her travels and tells a bit about her homelands of Teral. New rules for the Belan and Enuk herdbeasts as well as the Herder Reyad and the Skerrats. Protect the Herd!: Medium scenario where a Reyad and his mounted herders try to protect their beasts from a pack of young devanu. Available here (http://www.worldoftwilight.com/Twilight%20Traveller%201.pdf). Twilight Traveller 2 Danakan's travels take her close to the Agoran waste and visits the lands of the Oreli. Muri provides more insight into the eggs of the Devanu. More details on the KalJoran and the Delgon heirarchies. New rules for the Elder Engineer, the Fubarnii Hunter and his Graku. Egg Hunters: A small scenario pitching the new Hunter and some militia against some Devanu. Available here (http://www.worldoftwilight.com/Twilight%20Traveller%202.pdf). Twilight Traveller 3 Danakan suffers the heat of the desert and there is troubling news from the North. Muri tales the tale of the Fate of Genera. New Rules for the KalGush and the Herder Captain. KalGush: A medium scenario where the Delgon's new KalGush are tested out on a party of traders. Available here (http://www.worldoftwilight.com/Twilight%20Traveller%203.pdf). Tent template for 'KalGush' available here (http://www.worldoftwilight.com/DelgonTents.pdf). Twilight Traveller 4 Special issue for Salute 2012, introducing the Dhogu! New rules for using Dhogu as a force or as allies. Also, new rules for the Grishak Kopa and the Empire nobility Nobility: A scenario in which a careless Noble finds himself ambushed by a group of hungry Devanu Available here (http://www.worldoftwilight.com/Twilight%20Traveller%204.pdf). Twilight Traveller 5 A preview of the contents of Book 3 for Salute 2013. From the south come the Devanu outcasts of the Argoran wastes. Danakan’s Caravan makes an appearance on the tabletop as do the forces of Orelan, Noble guards and the powerful Eragu from the north. In the icy realm of the Delgon the Mechanical genius, Plutom and his new bodyguards venture forth. Available here (http://www.worldoftwilight.com/Twilight%20Traveller%205.pdf). Title: Re: The Twilight Traveller Post by: Lost Egg on November 24, 2011, 09:43:51 am Ahh very sensible. Once the new traveller is up here I will create a new thread on Warseer and link across. I will probably put a little intro as well to try and draw some peeps in.
HN Title: Re: The Twilight Traveller Post by: Carcharoth on November 25, 2011, 05:12:51 pm The Twilight Traveller #3 is now available. I've just sent a slightly updated version to Pyre to host, along with some Delgon tents. I need to do some Empire styled tents, but these should do for the moment if you would like to try out the KalGush scenario. I'll add a link to the tents as soon as they are up.
Emberbreeze has just posted a quick report (http://www.worldoftwilight.com/forum/index.php?topic=1245.0) on a game we played of Kalgush. Following on from that game we have been investigating the possibility of reducing the Herder Captain's 'Captain' ability to only activate 4 models (rather than 6 currently). I've not updated that in the magazine, but it may be adjusted for the final stats. I'd like to thank Hairy Norseman and Guppug for their help with this issue. It's a small thing, but you can both have a few Twilight Points as a thank you. :) As always, please feel free to discuss any of the magazine here, and I'd love to hear any feedback. Title: Re: The Twilight Traveller Post by: TuffSkull on November 25, 2011, 07:36:50 pm I cant see any links to the tents - they're not hard to find ::) , but direct links are always a safer bet ;D
Title: Re: The Twilight Traveller Post by: Carcharoth on November 25, 2011, 07:59:17 pm Darren has sorted that now, and presumably updated the Traveller itself :)
Title: Re: The Twilight Traveller Post by: Pyre on November 25, 2011, 08:09:09 pm ... and like that *whuh*... he's gone ... to eat pasta...
Title: Re: The Twilight Traveller Post by: Lost Egg on November 25, 2011, 09:24:49 pm Have made a thread on Warseer for the Traveller and will try to keep it updated with new releases etc. I couldn't find any posh pics of the Dhogu so had to steal some from Clam's thread, hope that's OK.
HN Title: Re: The Twilight Traveller Post by: Carcharoth on November 26, 2011, 04:46:12 pm Thank you - of course it is okay (especially as you provide half the content!).
Except of course you are probably actually checking with Clam rather than me... They aren't painted, but just in case these are useful: (http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh269/Xrgut/DhoguCavalry2.jpg) (http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh269/Xrgut/DhoguInfantry2.jpg) Title: Re: The Twilight Traveller Post by: Lost Egg on November 26, 2011, 06:57:02 pm Cheers for that Mike have put it up as well.
HN Title: Re: The Twilight Traveller Post by: Pyre on April 22, 2013, 01:04:47 pm Twilight Traveller issue 5 is now available from the Rules page on the website. There's also a direct link at the beginning of this topic.
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