Title: Twilight Points - militia spears Post by: Carcharoth on November 28, 2011, 05:49:54 pm I've got a few master casts of the new spear sprue for the militia and I'd love for somebody to try them out for me. In light of this I'm going to run my first special points offer. For the princely sum of 1 Twilight point I will send you two sprues of militia spears (6 spears in total). If you assemble and paint a unit using the spears then I'll award you two Twilight Points.
I've only got a limited number, so it's pretty much a case of first come first served (although I might give preference to somebody whose painted stuff and shown it on the forum before). You've all got at least one point and I'm sure there are plenty of unpainted militia out there, so now's a good time to get organised. Post your name here if you would like to join in! Any questions? Title: Re: Twilight Points - militia spears Post by: Lost Egg on November 28, 2011, 07:09:28 pm I'm game.
The only problem is I can't guarantee how long they should take me. Hopefully a couple of weeks and they would be done. HN Title: Re: Twilight Points - militia spears Post by: Scalifano on December 02, 2011, 05:54:10 am Do you have a pic of the new spear sprue? I would love to see what the new spears look like. I have 6 militia put together with their original spears, but I have 12 militia not put together. Although the original spears look nice, I always prefer a thicker spear for durability.
Title: Re: Twilight Points - militia spears Post by: Carcharoth on December 02, 2011, 01:49:40 pm Here you go, a quick shot of the sprue next to an old spear.
(http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh269/Xrgut/MilitiaSpears2.jpg) The spears have a slightly more rustic feel to them than the originals as they are a lot more sturdy. I would like to do an alternate weapon at some point. Any suggestions what would work well? It'll have to be a polearm of some sort. Title: Re: Twilight Points - militia spears Post by: Scalifano on December 02, 2011, 02:49:34 pm Nice, I like the thicker spears.
Probably the good old Halberd would make a good second weapon, to give the militia a little heavier hitting power. Or even a fork type weapon . I would also love to see a standard bearer type upgrade too. One hand holding a standard and a second hand holding a shield or some other type of melee weapon. Title: Re: Twilight Points - militia spears Post by: Lost Egg on December 02, 2011, 06:12:43 pm I like them.
With the pole arm, how about something like this. http://hellinahandbasket.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/guisarme.jpg I like the idea of the hook. I could see militia using them to try and drag hiding Devanu Jenta out from a hiding place or to pull down Striders. They could even be crossed with a bill hook to give them that slight farm impliment crossed with a weapon look. HN Title: Re: Twilight Points - militia spears Post by: Brandlin on December 02, 2011, 11:41:34 pm Glaives and billhooks
Title: Re: Twilight Points - militia spears Post by: Jubal on December 08, 2011, 01:48:00 am Several of the Rakka militia have converted halberds anyway, and I think they look fairly good with halberds (though the conversions, being mine, aren't top notch) if that helps at all. (there's also one guy with a double-ended spear. He thinks he's a lot cooler than he is.)
Title: Re: Twilight Points - militia spears Post by: haukr on December 15, 2011, 08:26:39 am I second the halberd/glaive/bill ideas, seeing as how I've converted the few militia I've painted (http://www.worldoftwilight.com/forum/index.php?topic=1169.msg6611#msg6611) so far as such already (nothing like a bit of self-referencing, eh?... :P ).
And I must say that I like the new, chunkier spears, as well. Title: Re: Twilight Points - militia spears Post by: Carcharoth on December 15, 2011, 04:43:08 pm Yup, going to have to do some halberds. I like almost oriental look of yours, which is a bit of a different feel.
Next question is what impact that should have in game terms... I would like to do some foot troops with swords/shields, but that would be more than a weapon swap. Title: Re: Twilight Points - militia spears Post by: Megatron0 on December 15, 2011, 10:55:00 pm Yup, going to have to do some halberds. I like almost oriental look of yours, which is a bit of a different feel. Next question is what impact that should have in game terms... A decreased save for the model being attacked would probably be the easiest and least broken. and perhaps a higher save for the model using it. These two are just off the top of my head Title: Re: Twilight Points - militia spears Post by: TuffSkull on December 16, 2011, 12:14:36 am For simplicity, a -1 modifier to the targets tough roll for using a Halberd to represent the extra impact weight of the two handed swing, and a +1 to the tough roll for using a sword & Buckler for the increased Parry ability might be easiest.
I'd like to say alway add an extra Erac For the Halberd and an extra Oran for the S&B, but that might complicate and become a hinderence since the militia are best used in a mob & there's a limit on the stones you can throw. At that stage I guess it becomes a point for testing & figuring out the points cost either way - anything can work with a balanced point break ;) P.S. - skipped the point where I meant to say love the idea for the halberds, and always like S&B troops too... I'll be needing more militia soon... ;D Title: Re: Twilight Points - militia spears Post by: haukr on December 16, 2011, 08:28:07 am I would also suggest a -1 modifier to the save of the unfortunate sap being hit. Possibly a variation of the Savage rule from the Grishak:
Savage [C]: If all successful casts are Erac then any blows landed on the enemy must be saved with a -1 modifier. On the subject of sword and shield, I agree with Tuffskull, it should be a +1 to the save of the model, for troop models. A Captain armed with sword and shield could get variations of the Feint and Dodge rule from the Devanu Sempa and Kopa, to represent his/her deft swordsmanship (swordsfubarniiship?...): Dodge* [C]: Force your opponent to turn over one successful Erac. Feint* [C]: Force your opponent to recast all their Combat Stones. |