Title: Devanu by Ben Post by: Ben Brownlie on July 21, 2010, 09:41:16 pm After talking to Mike (ages ago, apologies for the delay) the consensus was that having all the official paint jobs in one place for each faction would be better than loads of different threads all over the shop for each model. This is the thread for the Devanu. Hope it helps with some inspiration for colour schemes, and if there are any questions about techniques or what have you please feel free to ask :D
Kopa (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/kopa5.jpg) Sempa (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/devanu1.jpg) Jenta (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/devanu-jenta6.jpg) Grishak (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/grishakpack.jpg) Kosok (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/kosok1.jpg) Title: Re: Devanu by Ben Post by: MrBigLizardusek on August 14, 2010, 09:13:39 pm I like Grishak paint job.All your paint jobs are awsome and im far away from this level but i like Grishak most.Its cute litlle beast;P
Title: Re: Devanu by Ben Post by: Ben Brownlie on August 30, 2010, 02:42:57 pm Thanks :D
I have to say that they are probably my favourites too. They took a long time to get to that stage tho... several paint schemes came and went before I was happy with them Title: Re: Devanu by Ben Post by: Ben Brownlie on October 07, 2010, 01:34:11 am The latest addition to the ranks of the Devanu (and apologies for the delay in getting this wee beastie coloured in nice)
Arak (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/arak2.jpg) 8) Title: Re: Devanu by Ben Post by: Brandlin on October 07, 2010, 09:17:00 am good colouring in ben!
you managed to stay inside the lines this time ;) Title: Re: Devanu by Ben Post by: Ben Brownlie on October 07, 2010, 02:56:21 pm :D
Been practicing ;) Thanks Title: Re: Devanu by Ben Post by: Carcharoth on October 07, 2010, 07:20:00 pm Looking good! Now I've got painted pics I just need to get on and send the pics to Sally so she can release him and the little kiddies...
Title: Re: Devanu by Ben Post by: Bethar on October 10, 2010, 02:16:53 pm Oh, that devanu is a character. I like the eye.