Title: Delgon by Ben Post by: Ben Brownlie on July 21, 2010, 09:58:21 pm In the same vein as the Devanu thread, this is the thread for the Delgon. Hope it helps with some inspiration for colour schemes, and if there are any questions about techniques or what have you please feel free to ask :D
Priest and Acolyte (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/delgonpriest2.jpg) (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/priestb.jpg) Bodyguard (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/delgonbodyguard23.jpg) Strider (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/stalker2.jpg) Roban (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/roban2.jpg) Soldiers (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/soldiers1and2.jpg) Deraks (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/derakpair.jpg) Yirnak (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/yirnak4.jpg) Title: Re: Delgon by Ben Post by: Rick on July 22, 2010, 11:34:28 am Ooh, so thats what its like.
Title: Re: Delgon by Ben Post by: Rick on July 22, 2010, 11:56:21 am Oops, meant the Yirnak, lol. Will the gallery page on the main page be updated with some of these?
Title: Re: Delgon by Ben Post by: Carcharoth on July 22, 2010, 03:37:02 pm I see Ben has snuck his new paintjobs into the empire, delgon and devanu threads :)
I need to do a few updates to the site with painted models... These ones are at the casters at the moment, so will hopefully be on full release reasonably soon! Title: Re: Delgon by Ben Post by: Ben Brownlie on July 23, 2010, 02:51:01 pm I see Ben has snuck his new paintjobs into the empire, delgon and devanu threads :) Oops - I meant to check about that and forgot in the heat of the moment :-[ Don't add the Kosok pic to the gallery as I might be doing a touch up job on that (sent you email in that regard) Quote I need to do a few updates to the site with painted models... You most certainly do! :D |