Title: Fubarnii by Ben Post by: Ben Brownlie on July 21, 2010, 09:59:07 pm The longest post left til last :) . This is the thread for the Fubarnii. Hope it helps with some inspiration for colour schemes, and if there are any questions about techniques or what have you please feel free to ask :D
Militia Captain (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/militiacaptain.jpg) Militia (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/militiagroup1.jpg) Knight Commander (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/commanderright.jpg) Knight Captain (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/knightcapt1.jpg) Knights (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/knight1-1.jpg) (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/knight2-1.jpg) Jenta (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/jenta1.jpg) Jenta's Pet (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/pet2.jpg) Herders (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/herder2-1.jpg) (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/herder1-1.jpg) Armoured Enuk (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/enuk-blondie-2.jpg) Enuk (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/enukbare2.jpg) Enuk Nobilis (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/nobilis1.jpg) Blue Enuk (http://www.madmcgobbo.com//phpgallery/phpwebgallery-1.4.0/galleries/upload5/enuk-bubbles-1.jpg) Title: Re: Fubarnii by Ben Post by: Klute on July 21, 2010, 11:04:00 pm Excellent mate. Like the Jenta shirt an the fur on the pet.
Title: Re: Fubarnii by Ben Post by: artman on August 12, 2010, 07:09:56 am Lovely work and great photos Ben. Got any good tips on taking photos of minis? ;D I have a sneaking feeling my macro work is a bit distorted - how do you avoid that? ???
Title: Re: Fubarnii by Ben Post by: Ben Brownlie on August 12, 2010, 12:00:21 pm Cheers
To be honest I am not the best at taking pics at all. What I do is I have two angle poised lamps with strong daylight bulbs pointing from left and right (but each slightly above and in front) using a background of white paper. The camera is just put on macro mode and held on a flat surface at or just above the level of the mini. The pics go into photo shop so I can auto adjust the balance and crop and that's it. Trial and error is the best way to go, though there should be better tutorials on the web if you search for them (CMoN is a good place to start) Title: Re: Fubarnii by Ben Post by: Klute on August 12, 2010, 06:06:07 pm Hmm
TBH Ben using that method you should get better pics than you do. What resolution is your camera and what compression do you save the finished image ? Title: Re: Fubarnii by Ben Post by: Ben Brownlie on August 13, 2010, 08:54:06 am What resolution is your camera and what compression do you save the finished image ? No idea and no idea. In that order But it's safe to say I could probably do with a new camera at some stage :D Title: Re: Fubarnii by Ben Post by: Klute on August 13, 2010, 12:21:01 pm Assuming your camera is at least 2 megapixels, then its likely the jpeg compression when you save your cropped image. When you "save as" you should get an option button where you can set the quality of the saved image. Set that to 100% or near as. If the original image is grainy then run a smooth filter over it. Just enough to get it looking like it does for real though or its cheating lol. Think you could up the gamma levels too a little.
If you want to send me an original unedited pic I will have a better look. |