Title: Danomar Preview Post by: Carcharoth on October 03, 2010, 06:59:38 pm It's been a while since I've shared a preview, so I'm hoping to remedy that over the coming week.
This is Danomar. He's a knight captain currently serving close to the Delgon borders. He has been honoured with an Enuk Nobilis for outstanding service for the Emperor, but he is still somewhat unimpressed with being stationed so far in the North when he could be hunting Devanu in warmer Southern climes. He has heard rumours of Delgon troops, but has thus far dismissed them as he has heard nothing official from the Emperor. (http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh269/Xrgut/Danomar1.jpg) I hope you like him. I think I've positioned his lance pointing a bit too far down, but that can be easily repositioned. I have no idea when he will be released, but I expect it'll be a while. For the moment I've got a few masters that I'm going to give away as prizes for the scenario competition. I've got a couple more previews that I'll try to share later this week. Title: Re: Danomar Preview Post by: clam on October 03, 2010, 07:27:53 pm He is absolutely stunning. I love everything about it - except the 'no idea when he will be released, but I expect it'll be a while'-thing :( What are you waiting for? - bodyguards :D
Will Ben get one for painting, too? Really hope so - can't wait seeing a painted one. Title: Re: Danomar Preview Post by: Carcharoth on October 03, 2010, 07:56:04 pm I'll see if I can get it out reasonably quickly, it's just that I've been a bit useless recently and don't want to promise anything too early!
I'm glad you like it, and I'm also looking forward to seeing it painted :) Title: Re: Danomar Preview Post by: Jubal on October 04, 2010, 04:56:53 pm He's a special character, right?
Title: Re: Danomar Preview Post by: Carcharoth on October 04, 2010, 05:16:10 pm Yup. But as with Brenar you could use him as a generic Commander/Captain if you wanted to.
I'm considering converting him into a more generic pose or two to give some very elite heavy cavalry. Title: Re: Danomar Preview Post by: Ben Brownlie on October 04, 2010, 05:39:22 pm Nice looking fella there Mike
it's just that I've been a bit useless recently and don't want to promise anything too early! You're not the only one ::) Tho I am back in the office today so should be able to get the hairy sticks out later on Cheers Clam :D Title: Re: Danomar Preview Post by: TheGremlin on October 04, 2010, 09:29:06 pm Looks ready to take on a Devanu Kopa all by himself!
Awesome work. Title: Re: Danomar Preview Post by: clam on October 06, 2010, 07:19:37 pm I'm considering converting him into a more generic pose or two to give some very elite heavy cavalry. What a splendid idea :D Shold definitely have a unit to lead. @Ben You're welcome ;) Title: Re: Danomar Preview Post by: Brandlin on October 07, 2010, 09:08:13 am I've been fixed that for you Mike ! :D Model looks superb though - i've always thought the fubarnii knights are the epitome of twilight |