Title: Twilight miniatures in a new fantasy setting? Post by: Inso on June 24, 2013, 10:11:09 pm Has anyone tried to use the rather unique Twilight miniatures outside of the game they were made for?
I am simply curious and would like to hear a bit of the fluff behind it (if indeed anyone has done it). Title: Re: Twilight miniatures in a new fantasy setting? Post by: Carcharoth on June 25, 2013, 08:16:29 am A few players have talked about it on the forum with some quite nice ideas, but can't remember where the posts were...
Title: Re: Twilight miniatures in a new fantasy setting? Post by: Inso on June 25, 2013, 10:23:27 am I've got some ideas in mind for some fluff (not game related) about a number of tribes that live in a land beset by dragons. Two of the tribes are from the Twilight miniatures range. The others are Dwarfs, Goblins and Humans.
It is likely to end up as a bit of a story with a few miniatures for illustrative purposes (eventually) but it would also work as a background for rules and a game (not something I'd sort out... but it could work). Title: Re: Twilight miniatures in a new fantasy setting? Post by: Carcharoth on June 25, 2013, 07:59:28 pm Hopefully you will share your ideas here - I expect it'll be a lot of fun to see if you can keep the muse on target :)
Title: Re: Twilight miniatures in a new fantasy setting? Post by: Inso on June 26, 2013, 03:38:59 pm It is very early days yet... and it is a first proper foray into a fantasy setting for me... but at least it will prevent me from converting all of my beautiful WoT miniatures into sci-fi troops :) .
I am going to use the Dhogu as a nomadic huntic tribe that lives in the cold north (perfect for the task) and standard Fubaarni as a shamanistic tribe of healers with alchemists that convert 'silver-stone' into 'power-stone' (something special ;) ). The Fubaarni are great for this because there are plenty of un-armed miniatures to act as shaman, healers and traders. There are also a few who will be perfect for a small defence force. Maybe I have been subconsciously collecting them for this very project :D! The idea is that all of the tribes are interlinked in some way so that they all have to 'get along' in order to survive in a land over-run with dragons of all shapes and sizes. The dragons are pretty standard except that they aren't magical and don't have human speech. Also, the only dragon that breathes fire is the White Dragon who is the largest and most powerful of all the dragons. Obviously, in a land of dragons, there will always be slayers :) Title: Re: Twilight miniatures in a new fantasy setting? Post by: Inso on July 04, 2013, 10:22:00 pm This is what I have started:
http://reptiliad.blogspot.co.uk/ I'm just setting the scene at the moment and hopefully, I 'll start to get some miniatures painted soon. The Dhurni and Mhurni may well end up looking quite familiar :) Title: Re: Twilight miniatures in a new fantasy setting? Post by: Carcharoth on July 05, 2013, 08:46:59 am That's looking good! I like how you are using the fubarnii and dhogu :)
Title: Re: Twilight miniatures in a new fantasy setting? Post by: Inso on July 13, 2013, 09:02:07 pm I have a Fubaarni trader on the table in the process of paint, I've just primed a Dragon so I can see where it needs to be filled/fettled and I have recently finished a few Dragon Slayers:
(http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d161/Inso/Reptiliad/Reptiliad3_zps494604d0.jpg) Title: Re: Twilight miniatures in a new fantasy setting? Post by: Carcharoth on July 14, 2013, 10:07:28 pm Looking good so far!
Title: Re: Twilight miniatures in a new fantasy setting? Post by: Inso on July 30, 2013, 10:45:17 am Sorry about the poor pix, there will be better ones at a later date but here is the first of the Mhurni:
(http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d161/Inso/Reptiliad/Reptiliad7_zps31595be2.jpg) He is an Alchemist who is on his way to find the Dwarfs. You can tell he's an alchemist because he has a staff with a power-stone on it. He'll be joined a bit later by a couple of knights to look after him on his travels and a pack animal. This is my very first completed Twilight miniature and I already have the second one on the table :) Title: Re: Twilight miniatures in a new fantasy setting? Post by: Carcharoth on July 31, 2013, 06:53:33 pm Looking good!
Is the pack animal a baruk (metal) or a belan (resin)? Title: Re: Twilight miniatures in a new fantasy setting? Post by: Inso on August 01, 2013, 06:19:31 pm I expect it will be a trader's enuk (with baggage on it's back) for no other reason than the fact I have a couple in my cupboard, ready to go (I do have a baruk but I can't remember where it is... it was one of two that I have collected for my Grymn cavalry unit).
I have a couple of the original cavalry knights to go along with the Alchemist as a guard and a captain on foot that will have an enuk nobilis as a mount (once I've added a saddle and bridle etc). The little band will look quite motley when it is finished :)... especially when I add the Dwarfs :) |