Title: Fubarnii skin - GW Paints? Post by: Ritualnet on August 25, 2013, 09:17:35 pm Hi, I'm about to (after 2 years!) paint the Fubarnii from the starter set, and I have armour/cloth colours set, but not sure what to pick for the colours.
What colours do people use, for the skin? Thanks! I've had the figures on my desk for freaking ages, and being sick of other figure games, and hoping to goad a friend into playing, decided it's time to paint the fubarnii. I wouldn't mind, but I actually enjoyed playing the Grishak too! Title: Re: Fubarnii skin - GW Paints? Post by: Megatron0 on August 26, 2013, 10:21:17 am Well it depends where your fubarnii are from as their skin colour varies slightly from region to region for instance my guys skin is a ornage/ yellow colour ( from the great lakes region) and that is GW vomit brown but for the traditional browns I would use a base of Scorched brown and highlight up with bestial brown.
There are no rules for skin here so you can really paint whatever you want :) Title: Re: Fubarnii skin - GW Paints? Post by: Carcharoth on August 26, 2013, 12:33:39 pm No rules as such, but I might scowl at pink or purple ;)
Pale browns are good, possibly with a lighter underbelly. Joe might be able to share what colours he uses on the studio paint jobs... Title: Re: Fubarnii skin - GW Paints? Post by: Carcharoth on August 26, 2013, 06:27:34 pm From Joe:
Quote I use a base of the GW colour Baneblade Brown, and then a nice brown wash. I then highlight up with an increasingly lighter mix of baneblade, plus whatever the equivalent of bestial brown is to give a little more warmth. Final spot highlight of very near white and a few very light glazes of purple in the recesses and job done really :) Hopefully that might help. Although I might have to retract my comment about scowling at purple! Title: Re: Fubarnii skin - GW Paints? Post by: joek on August 26, 2013, 07:28:32 pm Mike doesn't realise that the next batch of figures I'm doing for him are going to be drybrush pink ;)
As for the purple - I use it an awful lot with all sorts of colours. As long as it thinned to a glaze, it really does help pull things together. I use it a load on human flesh tones too. Whether or not it's particularly realistic is another matter, but it seems to work out well on minis ;) Title: Re: Fubarnii skin - GW Paints? Post by: guppug on August 30, 2013, 09:36:12 pm I use tausept ochre, astronomican grey & codex grey for the skin on most of my figures