Title: The old Twilight website Post by: Carcharoth on January 05, 2014, 01:32:12 pm Yesterday evening a bit of random browsing has revealed that an old Twilight website is still up and running... It was superseded when the games was released and a lot of stuff has changed since this was written, but it's a fun glimpse of where we've come from! There are also some hints for the future in there if you look carefully enough...
Old Twilight Site (http://worldoftwilight.com/OldSite/index.html) It made me smile anyway! ;D Title: Re: The old Twilight website Post by: Lost Egg on January 06, 2014, 07:32:15 am I've found it quite useful in the past, it does have a real charm. As someone whose (slowly) developing their own game it's interesting to see WoT in its early days :D
Title: Re: The old Twilight website Post by: Taelan on January 15, 2014, 11:03:20 am That was a real trip into your early concepts and thoughts, very cool link. Definitely download for the archive :D
Curious to see how your art style has evolved since! :) |