Title: Delgon Shocktroopers Preview Post by: Carcharoth on October 15, 2010, 06:45:04 pm I've shown you these guys before, but thought you would like to see them finished and assembled. They are currently being dubbed as Shocktroopers, but that may well change!
So, without further ado, let me present the Delgon Shocktroopers - brave Delgon who get the honour of being on the front line. Their shields protect these soldiers from ranged attacks while their weapons are designed to break through Fubarnii armour and dismount the Empire's knights. (http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh269/Xrgut/Shocktroopers.jpg) There are only two different versions, but I seem to have got carried away with the images... I'm considering modifying the originals on these to give a couple more slightly different poses, but we shall see! :) Title: Re: Delgon Shocktroopers Preview Post by: clam on October 15, 2010, 09:22:02 pm Looking good Mike :) The shield/small hand weapon combo is great - but can help thinking of them as some kind of Police in Riot gear :D
I'm still hoping for a second weapon hand variant - can't hardly see a pick axe is much of a use. Title: Re: Delgon Shocktroopers Preview Post by: Jubal on October 16, 2010, 11:23:44 am I'd give them an "in-world" name, a sort of special rank title. Shocktroopers just seems really bland somehow for such awesome-looking models.
Title: Re: Delgon Shocktroopers Preview Post by: Geckilian on October 17, 2010, 11:36:47 pm Lovely stuff, I'll need to get quite a few of those to fend off the Grishak horde.
Title: Re: Delgon Shocktroopers Preview Post by: Carcharoth on October 19, 2010, 06:27:23 pm Don't worry, I'll figure out a suitable in-world name for these guys, but for the moment shocktroopers will have to do!
They'll stick with picks for the moment - they may not be the most flexible of weapons, but they are equipped as has been decreed by their gods, and it isn't a good plan to grumble too loudly even if some of them would actually prefer glaives... |