Title: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Kryptovidicus on April 19, 2014, 02:48:49 pm (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-KynYD9HWzFs/U1JaOLyLy6I/AAAAAAAABEY/gzULISEQmlQ/s1600/2014-04-06+09.50.40+(2).jpg)
(http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-7hjGwzc9sF4/U1JaOPI2xVI/AAAAAAAABEU/imStDFVDkIQ/s1600/2014-04-06+09.52.19+(2).jpg) (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jlD9JH1zvQo/U1JaOABqRYI/AAAAAAAABEQ/7TT4beuJQxY/s1600/2014-04-06+09.51.34+(2).jpg) My first WoT miniatures, I ordered these at Hasslefree during the kickstarter, just to see the quality and size of the miniatures. The paintjob is a bit bobbly sometimes as I used these to try out paintschemes. The Enuk Nobilis is the first of a herd and I plan to do some small conversions to bring some variety. Hope you like them. Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Carcharoth on April 19, 2014, 03:38:07 pm Looking good! I particularly like your colours on the Enuk :)
Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Kryptovidicus on April 19, 2014, 04:05:13 pm Looking good! I particularly like your colours on the Enuk :) Thanks, glad you like them.For the Enuk I tried a lot of different schemes on paper. Since I will play most games in my upcoming forest terrain I tried some more natural colours at first (greens, browns and soft orange/yellow). But that way all my animals would look the same. So I thought by myself: "it's a nobilis"! So he is probably bred for attractive colours to make it stand out. Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: hithero on April 19, 2014, 04:55:40 pm Very nice colour schemes, something I was struggling with, everything was ending up as some kind of brown shade.
Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Carcharoth on April 19, 2014, 06:08:40 pm My next colouring challenge is for the Kelahn... I've assembled myself a copy to have a play, but I'm open to suggestions!
Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: joek on April 19, 2014, 09:02:48 pm And considering I have to paint 'em, any thoughts will be appreciated by me also!!!
Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Geckilian on April 19, 2014, 09:42:03 pm Dirty khaki mottled with a darker brown at the end of the limbs, head and back I'd reckon.
Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Lost Egg on April 20, 2014, 08:19:28 am Looking good, love the colours on the enuk.
For the Khalan, its a predator so perhaps again it could have some brighter, stronger colours for display and what not. What about yellows & reds? Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: hithero on April 20, 2014, 08:21:34 am I've not seen any striped creatures yet, so as the Kelahan is different to any other in look, how about a soft brown with deep red Tiger stripes?
Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Kryptovidicus on April 20, 2014, 09:43:32 am When looking for colours to put on my animals I find myself often looking at pokemon.
It is a bit silly perhaps, but there are some excellent combinations there. So I think I would go for one of these: (http://geeksincebirth.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/rayquaza1.jpg) (http://0-media-cdn.foolz.us/ffuuka/board/vp/image/1370/43/1370431487915.jpg) Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Carcharoth on April 20, 2014, 10:17:12 am Interesting approach with the Pokemon! Would you like a Kelahn to test out a paintscheme on? Send me a message if you would.
Chris has summed up the sort of thing I was thinking of. The whip-tailed Kelahn lives in the argoran wastes, so that will guide the colours. The stub-tailed (hendreek) Kelahn lives in the forests, so might be more brightly coloured... Title: Predator on the prowl Post by: Kryptovidicus on April 23, 2014, 08:58:53 am Finished this Devanu Sempa last night.
I went for a green skin as I like my miniatures to be forest-based. So it seems only natural for a predator to change skin-colour a bit over a large period of time. (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-UqD70Cs-N6w/U1dv5WxKoiI/AAAAAAAABFI/u5F5ran2eyE/s1600/2014-04-23+09.03.39+(2).jpg) (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-8TQMwnHXhNQ/U1d8ADA0_II/AAAAAAAABF0/cZUrUIWmBFQ/s1600/2014-04-23+10.32.05+(2).jpg) (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-sc7K1gDl3AE/U1d7__y_wMI/AAAAAAAABFw/3FRWk-YTLtg/s1600/2014-04-23+10.31.41+(2).jpg) The base is a bit crowded as I wanted her to look as if she just sprung from the forest to assail her prey. I'm not entirely happy with her, but I can't put my finger on it. Time will probably tell. The pictures aren't as sharp as they should be, I should try a different setting on my camera next time. Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Carcharoth on April 23, 2014, 09:21:06 am That's a lovely model! I like the crowded base and the darker skin tone (there's a tend towards darker devanu this week!).
I think it works great as it is. It's possible you could try to add a bright contrasting colour somehow - flowers or even some body paint on the devanu herself. Have you got more devanu to paint after this one? Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Kryptovidicus on April 23, 2014, 09:47:42 am Thanks!
I've still got a kopa to go :), but first I'll do some Grishak and then perhaps some Delgon so I have a basic to start playing with. The idea of the flowers is a nice one, I'll try that out. I played with the idea of tattoos or bodypaint. But since she already has clothing and scales in different hues and colours I fear it may be a bit too much. Title: With claw and beak Post by: Kryptovidicus on May 02, 2014, 03:14:39 pm Finished the first of my grishak horde, two more to go for now.
I did a rather simple and quick paintjob one it as I am going to paint a lot of them when my KS pledge arrives. The colour scheme isn't really mine, as I adapted Laughing Ferret's schem to suit my force better (his are far better painted anyway ;)) What I liked so much about them is how he painted them as crocodiles on two legs :). (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-yvd9u8itOVc/U2Of1XsgYRI/AAAAAAAABGQ/grHCqPfzvlI/s1600/2014-04-23+14.58.48+(2).jpg) Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Carcharoth on May 03, 2014, 10:39:48 pm Excellent! I love laughing ferret's paintjobs, so glad to see them providing inspiration :)
Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Kryptovidicus on May 04, 2014, 12:20:25 pm My painting rate really is going up last month, as here are my two other painted grishak.
These were really fun to paint, and I did them in just a few hours, another quick paint job. I like the sculpt, they have so much character and it is easy to make them look good. Perfect for a lazy Sunday. The one standing with his mouth open looked as if he was defending his food against other predators or perhaps others of his pack. So I added a piece of meat on his base. As there are only two sets of legs and two bodies I tried to add some variety already, otherwise they are all going to look the same. (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-znCLIXuVRTw/U2Ygr1p3YGI/AAAAAAAABHs/vR2QyQbaJKc/s1600/2014-05-04+13.01.13.jpg) Excellent! I love laughing ferret's paintjobs, so glad to see them providing inspiration :) His painted Devanu look just amazing, there is no way I can copy it, but they certainly are inspiring ;).Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Kryptovidicus on January 14, 2015, 04:22:10 pm When I started painting and assembling mini's from my KS pledge, a devanu kopa from the basic set was still sitting on my desk ... unpainted.
After I had finally finished Arak Katain, I felt a bit guilty I hadn't finished him first. While he can't compete in the challenge, I painted him up anyway, so my starter is finished at last. Here's my painted devanu starter set. (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-mRrU3BFGoAU/VLaAO0oXheI/AAAAAAAABNo/aEIde-hmq60/s1600/World%2Bof%2BTwilight%2BDevanu1.jpg) (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JMVA_ic0c9s/VLaAPH-uvgI/AAAAAAAABNw/ok0IiqEUSJU/s1600/World%2Bof%2BTwilight%2BDevanu2.jpg) It seems I also have some unfinished delgon from before the KS ... :-\. Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: TuffSkull on January 14, 2015, 07:40:11 pm Not sure how I've missed this thread up until now, but great work all round. Particularly like the devanu Kopa - the muted but colourful choices you've made on all the figures are inspired, but him in particular!
Mike will have to give an official answer, but I don't think the painting challenge has to be models obtained through the K.S., it's just a motivational tool and most people will have got their models that way! Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Carcharoth on January 15, 2015, 01:04:33 pm I really do like the look of your devanu and their grishak! There's something very satisfying when you see a different approach or colour scheme that really adds a bit to the world :)
The rules for the painting challenge are fairly flexible - the aim is to get people to paint up playable forces (or display pieces). They don't have to be new models, although the kickstarter sets are a good indication of what constitutes a large (starter) or small (expansion) force. Also, any paintjobs since the kickstarter began are also valid as long as you take a nice group shot of them. If in doubt, post what you are planning to paint and I'll tell you if it'll count :) For the record, I certainly consider that little force to be valid as a small entry. Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Kryptovidicus on January 15, 2015, 07:40:53 pm :) Thanks!
Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Kryptovidicus on April 26, 2018, 06:13:51 am With the competition underway I finally have something to work forward to again.
After the big move to Australia I found out the hobby scene over here in Adelaide unfortunately isn't what I hoped it would be. The stores I visited either had a large focus on card and boardgames or GW. So a lot of hobbytime was spend in Skyrim instead of at the hobby table (which is just our dinnertable though since our move ;D). While the timing for the competition could be better (a school holiday is smack in the middle of it and I'm only just back from a trip to Tasmania) I certainly am most happy I have an excuse to paint and convert again. I am a bit rusty though and the fact I have to rush through isn't helping either, but then I don't ecpect to win anything anyway and at least I have some painted models to play with against my sons :). Anyway, here's some WIP: (https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-yZf8Ls9WPPM/WuFVwEFsIbI/AAAAAAAAGlQ/ICg1VGjpvJ4qs2i74UrVlStQ3xvo-yl7ACEwYBhgL/s1600/World%2Bof%2BTwilight%2BTrebarnii%2BWIP.jpg) With the ribbon I did a quick conversion on the Draxu, while the Trebarnii got some added pouches, skins and jewelry. Just to make them look more individual. One of the brutes got his pose changed to make him look different, this wasn't so easily to do on the other Trebarnii though as they are all holding their spear with both hands. I do have some things planned for the boss, but he's still in the greenstuff phase and I'm going to repaint my Kelahn once more. The Kelahn will be repainted for the 3th time to be honest, as I still am not happy about the colourscheme. He was way too green. I blatantly stole the colourscheme Joe did, as this is just briljant, but made it a bit more yellow so they look a bit more like poisoned frogs. Again, not my best work I know, I really should take more time painting things or try an airbrush. I also got these girls ready for some paint. Soon my hearties, soon ... ;) The one on the front left is my brave Jon'aa. (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e8/83/42/e88342bc2f9e59c294fc18b3071930d7.jpg) Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Carcharoth on April 26, 2018, 10:32:11 pm Fantastic to see you painting again! Those are coming along wonderfully :)
Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Kryptovidicus on April 27, 2018, 04:47:04 am Thanks Mike, it feels good to do some hobby related things again.
Earlier this year I started doing Taekwondo again after not doing any sport for many years, this felt the same. When you try it again you start to realise how much you missed doing it. Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Mordecae on May 01, 2018, 08:25:47 pm Really nice work here, will be taking inspiration from this when doing my own for sure :)
Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Kryptovidicus on June 15, 2019, 07:26:54 am Some of my Legends miniatures and painted conversions.
All the small bases were added on 20mm mdf ones, medium on 25mm and so on. Probably going to convert the inches to centimeters when playing, although I know this isn't entirely accurate. (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-48AQttu60jE/XQWUB0cW_bI/AAAAAAAAJRQ/_orHsPgup-EwPKYMGlyceLDOFEeoJ_jVQCLcBGAs/s320/World%2Bof%2BTwilight%2BLegends%2BDevanu%2BKopa.JPG) (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-NAnIK8M5W4s/XQWUB8pQvaI/AAAAAAAAJRU/vOf256rSNEcbSStiMrozO3FiAm12g8ZvwCLcBGAs/s320/World%2Bof%2BTwilight%2BLegends%2BDevanu%2BSempa.JPG) (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-KCwMEYhdEEU/XQWUB1u1V_I/AAAAAAAAJRY/HItN41K4EC06F5vGvJDVlpC33qAVso9VQCLcBGAs/s320/World%2Bof%2BTwilight%2BLegends%2BMatriarch%2B2.JPG) (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-jnEOsiKOu1s/XQWUC4TY0dI/AAAAAAAAJRc/PRccApDSwqI8VInZwq4OsPZpdS97q7SnACLcBGAs/s320/World%2Bof%2BTwilight%2BLegends%2BMatriarch.JPG) (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-LQOcdW9s2dI/XQWUMsy02dI/AAAAAAAAJRk/tbYOjOmyCCQlwpxy3cNT9uyuPbdro8KtwCLcBGAs/s320/World%2Bof%2BTwilight%2BLegends%2BGrishak.JPG) (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-b2rnMKmkbPM/XQWUM_TA4MI/AAAAAAAAJRs/fOlmQWGHbn8AsYx_WN89tsjRLLUskjk1wCLcBGAs/s320/World%2Bof%2BTwilight%2BLegends%2BTower%2B2.JPG) My unfinished tower, in need of occupants. (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FqAOanZ9GmI/XQWUM42lR-I/AAAAAAAAJRo/wxzG6nDP_jAfUdItM68GQ0-G-x_GZvRvwCLcBGAs/s320/World%2Bof%2BTwilight%2BLegends%2BTower%2B1.JPG) (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IzmhePc-F58/XQWUUFUY-fI/AAAAAAAAJR8/0icnD3LnmIssuII1Tbw_Lz92wu420io1ACLcBGAs/s320/World%2Bof%2BTwilight%2BLegends%2BTrader.JPG) Trader in fancy clothing (I know he looks a bit like a hippy), the stripes on his pants are irregular on purpose as I feared his clothes would look to modern otherwise ;D. (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ot0plwYFy-I/XQWUUESnjsI/AAAAAAAAJSA/irfwfNeRFjsBfPUP0PDOC9GRlrIyJoPdACLcBGAs/s320/World%2Bof%2BTwilight%2BLegends%2BTrader%2B%25282%2529.JPG) Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Kryptovidicus on June 16, 2019, 07:13:25 am My elder on belan conversion.
Title: Re: Krypto's Wild life Post by: Kryptovidicus on June 21, 2019, 06:07:58 am To face the new Devanu threat and protect the outpost, the defenders of the Empire:
(https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_VJpd9q4HGs/XQxY18ScDlI/AAAAAAAAJao/V4P9CjYMXIwbgAmjVrvDJbt4hUSNE6rSgCEwYBhgL/s1600/World%2Bof%2BTwilight%2BLegends%2BKnights.JPG) (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cdq7Ls5-DHM/XQxY3IoiJYI/AAAAAAAAJaw/B68vXzpbKnEryA_prwKOaDhSo4b4cwcsACEwYBhgL/s1600/World%2Bof%2BTwilight%2BLegends%2BMilitia.JPG) |