Title: Empire WiP Post by: benmoor on March 12, 2015, 05:47:03 pm Hi All,
Thought I'd post some work in progress photos of my efforts with my Empire starter force from the kickstarter. Haven't quite decided how I'm going to paint them all yet so I'm hoping some decent inspiration will come my way as I slowly get through them all. Here's my starting point, based and undercoated. I usually do black but apparently white brings out the colours better so I thought I'd start with that on these models. (http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w640/benmoor80/World%20of%20Twight/1%20All%20Undercoated_zpszgl9buix.jpg) (http://s1333.photobucket.com/user/benmoor80/media/World%20of%20Twight/1%20All%20Undercoated_zpszgl9buix.jpg.html) Plan is to do all the messy stuff first which for me means all the dry brushing bits which tend to go all over the place when I do them! Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: GrimSnik on March 12, 2015, 06:23:42 pm good start. :) I also just primed my empire models yesterday as well. and I almost always prime white partly because I do seem to get more vibrant color, but I also find it much easier to pick out the details better as I can see them more clearly than when I prime black.
Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: Kryptovidicus on March 12, 2015, 07:48:59 pm I like the bases already! Did you make the mushrooms yourself?
Good start! Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: Halcyon on March 12, 2015, 08:35:30 pm Haven't quite decided how I'm going to paint them all yet so I'm hoping some decent inspiration will come my way... I can highly recommend the Electric Blue by The Army Painter for the armour. ;D http://www.worldoftwilight.com/forum/index.php?topic=1892.0 (http://www.worldoftwilight.com/forum/index.php?topic=1892.0) Joking aside, having seen your Jenta Outcasts, I am really looking forward to seeing how you paint up your Empire forces. 8) Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: benmoor on March 12, 2015, 11:44:43 pm Quote I like the bases already! Did you make the mushrooms yourself? I over did it on the green stuff when I mixed some to fill the gaps when assembling the miniatures so thought I'd use it to make something interesting for the bases. I'll have to try to paint them some funky colours so they stand out well. Quote I also just primed my empire models yesterday as well. and I almost always prime white partly because I do seem to get more vibrant color, but I also find it much easier to pick out the details better as I can see them more clearly than when I prime black. I agree, I think white's the way ahead although I tend to start with a dark colour and work lighter. I think you're supposed to start light, shade with a wash then highlight but it never quite works for me - more practice is obviously required! Hopefully this isn't too controversial but I think I'm actually going to do the armour in plain old metallic gunmetal grey to give them a realistic edge (or as realistic as man-sized talking dinosaur people can be...) and also to give them a good dark/bright contrast. We'll see how they turn out. I've also been looking through more dinosaur pictures on the internet and so have got some good ideas of where to start. I'll post some more pics tomorrow... Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: Halcyon on March 13, 2015, 02:07:28 am Hopefully this isn't too controversial but I think I'm actually going to do the armour in plain old metallic gunmetal grey to give them a realistic edge... That could be very controversial, as from what I have inferred from the background... that is what the Delgon wear !But there again, I could always be wrong and also what is a forum without a little controversy. :) I can't wait to see them. 8) Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: Kryptovidicus on March 13, 2015, 06:20:13 am Controversial or not, I can't wait to see what they are going to look like.
And also what dinosaurs you picked as inspiration ;). Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: Carcharoth on March 13, 2015, 11:09:15 am Sounds like a good alternative take on the fubarnii to me!
Will the fubarnii themselves be brightly coloured or more restrained? Looking forward to seeing how they turn out :) Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: benmoor on March 13, 2015, 03:10:57 pm Ok, so after a bit of effort last night I've done the armour and the bases to get the drybrushing out of the way then gone over the skin bits to tidy it all up. Doesn't look much at at the moment at least its the boring bit out of the way!
(http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w640/benmoor80/World%20of%20Twight/3%20All%20Tidied_zpsg8cul2sa.jpg) (http://s1333.photobucket.com/user/benmoor80/media/World%20of%20Twight/3%20All%20Tidied_zpsg8cul2sa.jpg.html) Next up is the Grakus and the Enuks I think I've found these two pics for the Grakus. They have a bumpy finish to their tops so I like the idea of a speckled pattern on them over a brown colour which might look good. Basically a cross between these: (http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w640/benmoor80/World%20of%20Twight/Dinosaur%201_zpslvwocf6t.png) (http://s1333.photobucket.com/user/benmoor80/media/World%20of%20Twight/Dinosaur%201_zpslvwocf6t.png.html) (http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w640/benmoor80/World%20of%20Twight/Dinosaur%202_zpsqbybdcsx.png) (http://s1333.photobucket.com/user/benmoor80/media/World%20of%20Twight/Dinosaur%202_zpsqbybdcsx.png.html) As for the Enuk mounts I might, taking more dinosaur inspiration. I'm thinking something like this for the normal knights: (http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w640/benmoor80/World%20of%20Twight/Dinosaur%203_zpsbgjtbxpf.png) (http://s1333.photobucket.com/user/benmoor80/media/World%20of%20Twight/Dinosaur%203_zpsbgjtbxpf.png.html) and maybe more of an older/greyer version for the knight captain's mount: (http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w640/benmoor80/World%20of%20Twight/Dinosaur%204_zpso0jydtv5.png) (http://s1333.photobucket.com/user/benmoor80/media/World%20of%20Twight/Dinosaur%204_zpso0jydtv5.png.html) The fubarnii themselves I think are too covered by armour and clothes to bother with a pattern which would be really difficult to paint so I might just leave them as a plain all over colour, we'll see... Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: Kryptovidicus on March 13, 2015, 06:23:34 pm What a great start! Your metals look very good, very clean, you can hardly notice they are drybrushed.
I also like your choice of dinosaurs. They certainly will look different from your Devanu. Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: benmoor on March 15, 2015, 09:20:59 pm Have had quite a bit of time to spare recently so these are progressing quickly. Here's the update from the weekend. Mounts and Graku almost finished now. Graku still need their eyes, claws and bases finishing but look pretty good, maybe a bit subdued but I quite like the final effect. The knight's mounts have turned out well also, I've done the captain on a grey one but have actually painted over the red you can see on the belly since the photo was taken as I thought it was a bit much and looked out of place. Next step is the fubarnii themselves, still not sure what colour to do so may do a few options and see what I like the look of best.
(http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w640/benmoor80/World%20of%20Twight/7%20Beasts%20Skin_zpstowijehx.jpg) (http://s1333.photobucket.com/user/benmoor80/media/World%20of%20Twight/7%20Beasts%20Skin_zpstowijehx.jpg.html) (http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w640/benmoor80/World%20of%20Twight/5%20Knights%20Mounts%20Skin_zpsjc982xoo.jpg) (http://s1333.photobucket.com/user/benmoor80/media/World%20of%20Twight/5%20Knights%20Mounts%20Skin_zpsjc982xoo.jpg.html) Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: Kryptovidicus on March 15, 2015, 09:37:03 pm Woot, what a nice paintjob on the beasts, again very colourful.
Perhaps a tanned flesh colour on the Fubarnii would look good in combination with the beast. It might give a bit of a contrast. Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: serin on March 15, 2015, 10:36:06 pm Good to see the progress. Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: Carcharoth on March 16, 2015, 12:54:41 pm The beasts are certainly coming along well! The contrast with the more functional armour on the fubarnii should look good.
Did you get the frenu playtest kit from the kickstarter? I'd love to see you have a go at them at some point as there are lots of beasties to play with. Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: Crucium Giger on March 16, 2015, 01:16:22 pm These are coming along nicely and it's nice to see someone doing something a little different with the armour, looking really good.
Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: Halcyon on March 16, 2015, 04:44:39 pm I really like the paint scheme you have chosen for your Enuks and I am intersted in seeing how your Knights turn out. :)
Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: TuffSkull on March 19, 2015, 11:59:50 am Wow, these are great. Such a different approach and such a great result.
Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: benmoor on March 22, 2015, 10:00:03 pm Bit more progress. I wasn't sure what colour to paint the Fubarnii. I didn't think they showed enough skin to do a dinosaur pattern and I wanted them to be brighter to contrast well with the dark armour. As a test I painted them all different colours to see what looked best, then got carried away and painted the rest also. Blue, Green and Tan work really well which is unsurprising. I'm not so sure about the red or purple - maybe a step too far! I might paint over them. Undecided as yet. Please ignore my dogs nose in the background!
(http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w640/benmoor80/World%20of%20Twight/IMG_20150313_193144760_HDR_zpsvukm40y1.jpg) (http://s1333.photobucket.com/user/benmoor80/media/World%20of%20Twight/IMG_20150313_193144760_HDR_zpsvukm40y1.jpg.html) Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: GrimSnik on March 23, 2015, 01:17:55 am they're definitely vibrant. ;D I do like the color interaction of the mounted purple knight and the Enuk, but I think your instincts are sound to stay with a more neutral choice for the skin tone. having seen how the purple comes out though, I might experiment with using a little splash on some of my own critters or beasts when I get to them. ;)
Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: TuffSkull on March 23, 2015, 08:03:31 am Have to agree, if it were down to me to cut a couple of tones, it would be the purple and red I'd drop, but the vibrant look is nice to see as it's completely different. Personal preference - the blue comes through as a surprise winner for me. Keep it up - great work!
Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: Crucium Giger on March 23, 2015, 01:37:05 pm I'm with the others i that I don't think the purple works as well as the other but I'm loving how the red and blue looks.
Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: The Slann on March 23, 2015, 05:52:49 pm Really nice work there :)
Now I don't need to try too much, because first is already taken ;) Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: Kryptovidicus on March 23, 2015, 07:41:02 pm These are very well painted. But I have to agree about the red and purple as well.
While wonderful executed, the red and purple don't seem to match with your enuks. The blue looks great on the leader and looks more like a natural lizard colour. Overall an amazing job, I'm in awe. Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: Carcharoth on March 24, 2015, 01:09:22 pm Those look great!
I should complain about the fubarnii skin tones, but I'll just assume they've been using body paint :) Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: benmoor on March 25, 2015, 07:36:48 pm Thanks for the comments. I agree though - I think I've been a bit over the top with the red and purple! Looks like a re paint might be in order this weekend... I'll probably re-do the stronger colours and paint them beige/brown. Red could work if it was pale but everytime I try to paint pale red things just end up looking very pink!
As a side question do people paint the combat stones or initiate stones at all? Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: Kryptovidicus on March 25, 2015, 09:00:57 pm I've seen some painted combat stones here on the forum (black and gold if I remember well).
But I'm not planning to paint my resin copies. Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: Carcharoth on March 26, 2015, 03:53:22 pm It's always a shame to see models painted over, especially when they look good! If you would like me to send you a couple of (free) replacement militia instead then let me know :)
Are you using resin or metal initiative stones? I certainly wouldn't paint the metal stones, except for the symbols. What I would do is trim the stones off their sprues and paint the symbols (green for defence, red for attack). Then put the stones into a small pot (I used an icecream container) and shake them really violently for a few minutes. That gives the stones a burnished finished that I like! I'm not sure about resin stones and initiative counters. You could paint them, but it isn't too necessary, except for the symbols on the stones. If you paint the initiative stones then you need to make sure they won't feel too different from unpainted stones (or paint all your different sets in the same manner). Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: benmoor on March 27, 2015, 10:27:36 am It's always a shame to see models painted over, especially when they look good! If you would like me to send you a couple of (free) replacement militia instead then let me know :) I know - I'm not sure if I can make myself paint over them! Although I've just had a look at Tuffskull's Clan Orel from the Jan Challenge and they look really good as a unit with similar skin tones. On the other hand free miniatures are always welcome!!! I'm off to salute next month and will have to put a pre-order in anyway for more World of Twilight goodness... Almost finished these guys now, just need to get some grass on the bases and take a proper photo. I tired painting Engineer Beru's trousers in a tartan pattern, didn't take a photo, but it was a bit beyond my painting skill, so I settled with putting some stripy trousers on the Militia Captain instead. (http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w640/benmoor80/World%20of%20Twight/IMG_20150327_090333965_zpszdiioodr.jpg) (http://s1333.photobucket.com/user/benmoor80/media/World%20of%20Twight/IMG_20150327_090333965_zpszdiioodr.jpg.html) Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: GrimSnik on March 27, 2015, 12:03:13 pm looking good! this is one of my favorite models in the range and I like seeing the different paint schemes for it.
I have painted my combat stones to look as actual stone for the Devanu and as wood for the Empire ( hope to have some pictures up by next week ). when I get a breather I will also paint the Delgon stones to look as metal. the initiative stones I will also paint but to a lesser extent. I will wash the faction stones to give them some pop, and see if I can duplicate the Twilight logo on the combat ones. but I will varnish them so they all have the same feel. Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: Kryptovidicus on March 27, 2015, 06:13:39 pm Your militia captain just looks outright amazing. Very dark and realistic, with the striped trousers he reminds me a bit of 'the Witcher' game.
Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: benmoor on April 10, 2015, 09:16:37 pm As a follow up just thought I'd post a quick pic of my initiative counters. Decided to paint them in the end along with my combat stones which I did in black and white with some bright red and green symbols so they stand out a bit. I've kept the original resin colours but just highlighted the text and scenery. They needed a decent varnish afterwards as the paint seemed to wipe off the resin a little too readily!
(http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w640/benmoor80/World%20of%20Twight/IMG_20150409_190600672_zpsb0xa4yym.jpg) (http://s1333.photobucket.com/user/benmoor80/media/World%20of%20Twight/IMG_20150409_190600672_zpsb0xa4yym.jpg.html) Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: Kryptovidicus on April 11, 2015, 08:50:10 am Another group of great looking painted initiative stones.
They look very colourful and well painted. Makes me think I should do mine. Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: GrimSnik on April 11, 2015, 01:43:21 pm I'm glad you posted these as I had originally thought to paint mine the same way but was concerned with the paint not adhering well without doing a full priming first to create a basic seal over the resin. I really like the black and white for the combat stones. they look very sharp. and having seen the blue stones makes me wish I'd done one of mine in blue as well. hah! ;D
Title: Re: Empire WiP Post by: Carcharoth on April 12, 2015, 07:48:32 am I shouldn't have gone to so much effort getting all the different colours of resin ;)
Those look really nice! I never expected the counters (or combat stones) to get painted, but it's looks to work out really well. I do wonder if the combat stones should have been more distinctive, but I'm sure they work in the game :) |