Title: I'm organising a convention! (Cambridge, UK, July 11) Post by: Jubal on April 18, 2015, 02:14:32 pm So, I mentioned I was doing this and, serin (I think it was) mentioned being intrigued, so I decided to make a thread about it (not least in case anyone wants to come and challenge me to what would be the first WoT game I'll have played in years).
I am, for my sins, organising the second ever Exilian convention! It will be in the centre of Cambridge (in the halls of the central baptist church, which is a gorgeous venue) on July 11, 11am to 5pm (with optional heading to the pub afterwards!). The convention is basically one of "creative geekery", and trying to have a convention for small, independent creative and interesting projects. There will be gaming tables, rules testing and innovation will be much encouraged, there will be exhibition space and maybe a couple of workshops, there'll be some traders, and there will be talks, panels, and performances through the day as well. It won't be huge but it should be a fun place to find new people and projects you've not heard of before. The programme is still very much being knocked together in a fairly ad-hoc fashion, but the first few announcements of bits of it will be appearing in the next couple of days. :) There'll be no door charge, though donations will be gratefully accepted: we're also still looking for traders, so if you know anyone who might be prepared to pay a small (twenty quid) stand fee and come and sell things to the geeks of eastern England (or indeed further beyond, depending on who turns up!) Then do give me a shout (or point them in my direction). (And before anyone points out the obvious, I've emailed Mike already :P ) Do please ask any questions you have (and please turn up, it'd be nice to see you!) Links! Web: http://www.exilian.co.uk/con FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/966408296703240/ Title: Re: I'm organising a convention! (Cambridge, UK, July 11) Post by: Kryptovidicus on April 19, 2015, 09:29:34 am An interesting concept, something I haven't heard before.
I don't think I can make it there, but I'm certainly intrigued. You mention rule testing, are these companies trying out new games or players testing out a homebrew? Title: Re: I'm organising a convention! (Cambridge, UK, July 11) Post by: Jubal on April 21, 2015, 01:23:34 am A mixture, I hope. Anyone who's coming as a trader will be welcome to playtest at the event as well, and I'm certainly going to be inflicting some of my boardgame designs etc on people. :)
I'd definitely like to get some WoT going - there are multiple people on here from Norfolk and Lincolnshire if I remember rightly, so if people turned up we should be able to get a few games in! Title: Re: I'm organising a convention! (Cambridge, UK, July 11) Post by: TuffSkull on April 21, 2015, 08:53:02 am Good luck! Having helped host a couple of small local shows myself, I know how much work can go into them. Hope you manage to get some games in yourself, and more importantly, hope there's some WoT in there too ;)
Title: Re: I'm organising a convention! (Cambridge, UK, July 11) Post by: Jubal on April 21, 2015, 10:11:29 pm Thanks - there's three of us sharing out the work for this, it's going to be quite a solid effort needed between us to make it happen certainly (especially in scraping enough traders and donations together to cover costs). I really hope we'll get WoT happening, we'll have to see who turns up! We have tons of space for gaming tables this year, which is nice :)
Title: Re: I'm organising a convention! (Cambridge, UK, July 11) Post by: Longstrider on April 28, 2015, 08:55:30 pm I think I might be able to head there (not THAT far from where I am). If my models are painted by then I'd love to get some games in.
Title: Re: I'm organising a convention! (Cambridge, UK, July 11) Post by: Jubal on May 01, 2015, 02:56:10 pm It'd be great to see you - I'll definitely bring my long-neglected fubarnii if anyone else is planning to be there :)