Title: Paints: GW, Reaper or P3? Post by: Lord of Wormwood on May 09, 2010, 09:55:20 pm As I sit here on Sunday early evening waiting for my first wave of Twilight goodness to arrive from the Old Country, I am trying to get my painting area tidy.
Now I have only just started painting once again after a break of about 7 odd years - I was a GW paint user then that had dabbled in/with Vallejo but found the Vallejo a tad too "special" for me. Of course after 7 year most of the GW has gone to Paint Heaven and the Vallejo is still...Vallejo. So I am looking at Reaper or P3 - any ideas? What are the key colours that I "just have to have?". Also blending/layering tips. Please place this topic in the "right" area if found wandering the forums. Lord Abaddon of Wormwood Title: Re: Paints: GW, Reaper or P3? Post by: varagon on May 27, 2010, 11:24:31 pm Reaper makes a lot of colors compared to the P3 range of paints. I believe that PP has stopped production of their metallic colors (or some of them maybe???) as they had issues. I have all the P3 paints and enjoy using them.
RMS paints are great as they come in triads if you like that. In my opinion, the P3 are a little more smooth in use. The RMS are a little thinner and mixing is easier due to the dropper bottles. However, I own a ton of the RMS and all othe P3s and use them both on and off. I'd suggest buying a few of each and doing some testing (or borrow if you can). They both mix together well. Title: Re: Paints: GW, Reaper or P3? Post by: Brandlin on May 28, 2010, 12:07:19 am sorry Lord Wormwood - didn't see your question until now.
However I only use the Foundry paints (following a very generous christmas present from my wife a couple of years ago)... i admit i love the triad systems - i never mix paint unless i'm doing something fancy-schmancy and trying to get mix a tone between two of the triad colours. The foundry colours are good with strong pigment - except the reds which are horrid. Their yellows rock though! |