Title: Odds and Ends... Post by: benmoor on January 02, 2016, 01:08:49 pm Hi all,
Managed to paint up a few WoT odds and ends a while ago, but have only just got around to photographing them recently. Some really nice results with the new photo set-up - I've had a few tips on how to improve my pics and they're obviously paying off! Here are the photos below: (http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w640/benmoor80/Gill%201%20of%201_zps4gzfmrei.jpg) (http://s1333.photobucket.com/user/benmoor80/media/Gill%201%20of%201_zps4gzfmrei.jpg.html) Gill resin model from the kickstarter - this is a lovely model with plenty of character! (http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w640/benmoor80/Baby%20Gill%201%20of%201_zpshmwiach1.jpg) (http://s1333.photobucket.com/user/benmoor80/media/Baby%20Gill%201%20of%201_zpshmwiach1.jpg.html) Baby Gill and critters from Salute 2015. (http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w640/benmoor80/Trophy%201%20of%201_zpsvagd8r9z.jpg) (http://s1333.photobucket.com/user/benmoor80/media/Trophy%201%20of%201_zpsvagd8r9z.jpg.html) My Pree-Pree throphy from the Jan Painting competition - I've tried to paint it 'peacock' style. (http://i1333.photobucket.com/albums/w640/benmoor80/Matriarch%201%20of%201_zpsmxit81el.jpg) (http://s1333.photobucket.com/user/benmoor80/media/Matriarch%201%20of%201_zpsmxit81el.jpg.html) Finally the Matriarch crew, this is a repaint as I went a bit overboard with the green the first time round plus over did the varnish and ended up with a milky finish on the model, much better now. That's all! I've only got on more model left to do then I'm out of WoT figures. Hope you enjoy my photo efforts! Title: Re: Odds and Ends... Post by: Halcyon on January 02, 2016, 04:37:55 pm Some lovely paint jobs, I especially like the critters and the photos are excellent.
Quote from: benmoor That's all! I've only got on more model left to do then I'm out of WoT figures. In which case, it must almost be time to buy a new faction ! ;D Title: Re: Odds and Ends... Post by: serin on January 02, 2016, 11:03:04 pm They are simply stunning.
Excellent work. Title: Re: Odds and Ends... Post by: GrimSnik on January 03, 2016, 03:40:40 am great job. I especially like Gil and the preepree. I haven't panted mine yet as I can't settle on a paint scheme so it's always nice to see what others have done to get some inspiration. :) :D ;)
Title: Re: Odds and Ends... Post by: Carcharoth on January 03, 2016, 11:39:14 am More lovely paintjobs, and good use of your new set-up! It's great how you've tied the old and young Gils together.
Well done painting the preepree trophy as well :) Have 5 more twilight points - hopefully that'll encourage you to get some more to paint ;) Title: Re: Odds and Ends... Post by: benmoor on January 03, 2016, 06:11:25 pm Thanks for all the great comments guys! Looking forward to seeing what World of Twilight has in store for us in 2016. I'm going to be at Salute again this year so hope to see some of you there!
Title: Re: Odds and Ends... Post by: Lost Egg on January 03, 2016, 07:38:53 pm These look great, I especially like the colours of the PreePree.
Title: Re: Odds and Ends... Post by: The Slann on January 04, 2016, 02:50:24 pm Really lovely indeed. I need to paint more of my stuff too soon, but I'm on somewhat of a painting down atm. But your minis are truly inspiring again!
Title: Re: Odds and Ends... Post by: Crucium Giger on January 29, 2016, 11:33:53 am Some splendid painting on show here, I particularly like the Pree-Pree.
Title: Re: Odds and Ends... Post by: Kryptovidicus on March 03, 2016, 09:42:42 pm I like these a lot. Your style of painting really suits the miniatures.