The World Of Twilight

Artwork => Painted Models and Scenery => Topic started by: Gantoris on August 24, 2016, 12:14:55 am

Title: Finally starting on my twilight collection!
Post by: Gantoris on August 24, 2016, 12:14:55 am
Been a slacker even by my own very impressive standards but am finally gonna get these Twilight minis painted so i can buy more at Salute 2017! Before i get stuck in i was inspired when watching some painting Buddha to try a whole new technique that i found very impressive, wondering what folks think before i soldier on and start em proper. The gist of it is that u paint it grayscale then glaze red over the top and you get a nice deep polished look, sadly i cant effortlessly wet blend the grayscale in seconds like the total boss on painting Buddha can but i seem to have been getting better at achieving the effect.

Heres the first 4 trial runs and a closeup of the best of em...

Heres the 5th one with a nice before and after the glaze...

They aint perfect especially the shoulders/helm on last one but deffo see some potential in this, any opinions? I worry it might have a kinda "evil dark lords armor" sorta feel to it so not 100% sure.

Title: Re: Finally starting on my twilight collection!
Post by: Crucium Giger on August 24, 2016, 11:54:17 am
Looks like polished beetle shell to me, very effective.

Title: Re: Finally starting on my twilight collection!
Post by: Carcharoth on August 24, 2016, 03:03:46 pm
Looks like a clever technique! Makes for very shiny reds.

Title: Re: Finally starting on my twilight collection!
Post by: Gantoris on August 24, 2016, 05:21:46 pm
Thanks, it really does have a sort of beetle shell look to it. In the video he was painting a chaos dudes armor with it, it looked outstanding. It seems to make it much easier to get a smooth looking transition from very dark to bright and only using black, white and one shade of red.

Title: Re: Finally starting on my twilight collection!
Post by: TuffSkull on August 24, 2016, 08:03:31 pm
Nice result with the glazing there - works particularly well on those figures I think. Great to see another completely different style applied to the figures of this world &  I look forward to seeing more!

Title: Re: Finally starting on my twilight collection!
Post by: Gantoris on August 24, 2016, 09:30:23 pm
Thanks, gonna reset em to black and start properly tomorrow so watch this space for some battle fragg... urmm i mean fubarnii warriors!

Title: Re: Finally starting on my twilight collection!
Post by: Lost Egg on August 25, 2016, 07:53:16 am
Wow dude he looks cool!

I think it will work well as a Fubarnii armour colour though if you are concerned they look a little dark you can always lift them up a bit with the skin tone.

Title: Re: Finally starting on my twilight collection!
Post by: Gantoris on August 25, 2016, 09:35:55 pm
Yeh i think it will look great, especially with gold detailing on the commander when i do him. All the rest of the minis will be bright, colorful and cartooney.

Title: Re: Finally starting on my twilight collection!
Post by: Jase on September 03, 2016, 07:38:44 am
That looks really good!

Do you have a link to this tutorial perhaps?

Title: Re: Finally starting on my twilight collection!
Post by: Gantoris on September 08, 2016, 01:20:53 pm
Hey man, here is a link to the exact tutorial... (

I hadnt really watched much of their stuff before and was just browsing around for some tips for Red Armor, watching a bit of this tutorial impressed me a lot so ill deffo be looking at more of his stuff.

Got started on my Beta Fubarnii! Just hope i dont screw it up doing the armor now, am pretty happy with how the flesh has come out...

Title: Re: Finally starting on my twilight collection!
Post by: Lost Egg on September 08, 2016, 06:17:46 pm
I like the natural looking green. Great stuff! :D

Title: Re: Finally starting on my twilight collection!
Post by: Crucium Giger on September 09, 2016, 10:47:23 am
Looking very promising so far.

Title: Re: Finally starting on my twilight collection!
Post by: GrimSnik on September 09, 2016, 12:53:22 pm
that looks great. can't wait to see more.   :)

Title: Re: Finally starting on my twilight collection!
Post by: Carcharoth on September 09, 2016, 04:40:09 pm
I like the skin tone a lot - feels very natural.

Title: Re: Finally starting on my twilight collection!
Post by: Gantoris on September 10, 2016, 02:26:55 am
Thanks for the kind words, the slow motion paint job has made a little progress!..

Added more grey to make the end result a bit more red...

Think it came out pretty nicely after the glaze...

These are the colors i used for the skin tone in case anyone's interested...

Just need to do the little tassles on his shoulders and all the bags he is carrying and were done with the first of my little horde!

Title: Re: Finally starting on my twilight collection!
Post by: TuffSkull on September 11, 2016, 12:00:31 am
He looks superb, and the skin contrasts really nicely with the armour, both in colour and in texture. Great stuff!

Title: Re: Finally starting on my twilight collection!
Post by: Kryptovidicus on April 13, 2017, 01:53:28 pm
A very effective and brilliant technique.
I agree with TuffSkull, the contrasts between skin and armour are very, very nice.