Title: What brand and color for the orange skin? Post by: Erik on October 18, 2017, 12:07:31 am Just wondering what people are using for that orange color on the skin of the Empire guys and their mounts, sometimes.
For example: (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-OYl4is74Be8/VGKSeC4VjeI/AAAAAAAAAlE/xMRnjS_XxRA/s640/blogger-image-1210223427.jpg) (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Ig4uJbzANrc/VGKSdLsGnPI/AAAAAAAAAk8/im8wnnKbWbA/s640/blogger-image--1979548183.jpg) (http://photobucket.com/gallery/user/LaughingFerretStudio/media/bWVkaWFJZDo0NzIxNjQ0Mw==/?ref=) (http://hobbybrush.com/pictures/medium/2322/) (http://worldoftwilight.com/shop/images/culture/Knight.png) (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-CdWgYgZ51zw/VF6jx38uhuI/AAAAAAAAAkU/U6aGQzMEZ78/s640/blogger-image-590612298.jpg) (http://worldoftwilight.com/shop/images/11-Mounted-Trader.png) (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-pTut-dCoRa0/VFtcaSPvEfI/AAAAAAAAAjU/9rA-8Ey8_Yo/s640/blogger-image-518530023.jpg) Thanks! What brand? What color? Title: Re: What brand and color for the orange skin? Post by: Kryptovidicus on October 18, 2017, 08:35:30 am My skintones are a bit darker, but I guess any orange-brown (usually a leather Brown) will do. Snakebite Leather from the old citadel range looks like a great candidate, no idea what it's called today. With a muddy wash and a bone colour added to the base colour as a highlight you are probably good to go.
Title: Re: What brand and color for the orange skin? Post by: TuffSkull on January 09, 2018, 11:16:56 am Mine (many of those pictures above) are done using GW/citadel vermin brown as a base colour. It’s then washed with Windsor & newton peat brown ink, highlighted with vermin brown & white.
Hope that helps and sorry for the delay in replying! Title: Re: What brand and color for the orange skin? Post by: jambo1 on January 13, 2018, 06:30:46 pm Some lovely work there and some good tips on colours to use. :)