The World Of Twilight

Artwork => Painted Models and Scenery => Topic started by: Weeksg on April 15, 2019, 11:03:40 pm

Title: My fully painted Grishak!!!
Post by: Weeksg on April 15, 2019, 11:03:40 pm
Hello, I am a long time member who was all but non existent till now, I picked up some Devanu models back in Salute 2016 and ever since I built them and sprayed they just got locked away and almost forgotten.

Till recently after going to salute 2019 I introduced my Fiance to the game and she loved it and with renewed vigour I picked up a few more Devanu models and she got the Casanii (on top of the little free critters).

I have over the last week been working non stop in my free time working on all the models up to being undercoated and now I am happy to say I have completed models in my collection.

I've always loved the Grishak and they were the first models I so wanted to paint and with 9 in my collection I had plenty to work on.

Here is my completed Grishak pack (8 Grishak and 1 Kopa) and I must say I am so happy with the result, the models look amazing and seeing them now just fuels my dedication to completing the collection (and will add to it gradually) and look forward to playing some scenarios.

I hope you all enjoy seeing my work and I can assure there are many more to come (the devanu Sempa is currently under the brush).

Title: Re: My fully painted Grishak!!!
Post by: Carcharoth on April 17, 2019, 01:57:32 pm
Brilliant work! Very different colours, which look great  :)
Glad you finally got around to it  ;D

Title: Re: My fully painted Grishak!!!
Post by: Weeksg on April 17, 2019, 02:18:41 pm
Thank you, it was worth the effort (the models are just amazing and fun to paint) and just yesterday I finished painting my Sempa, at this rate both the Devanu and the Casanii will be fully painted in no time!!!

To save posting so many pictures I'll just finish off what I have and do a picture of it all together.

Title: Re: My fully painted Grishak!!!
Post by: Kryptovidicus on April 28, 2019, 07:42:01 am
They really rock.
I'm curious though why some were painted differently from others?
The one with the purple and orange is not only bold
 but also the one I like best so I was just wondering why the rest didn't get the same treatment.

Title: Re: My fully painted Grishak!!!
Post by: Weeksg on May 01, 2019, 01:26:54 am
Thank you, the way I see it not all creatures are born equal and through age (from Jenta to Sempa/Kopa) do they eventually show their colours.

I've also finished off the Devanu (Kopa, Sempa & Jenta Spear) and now working on my Fiance's Casanii (I'll post pics soon).