Title: Mounted Herders - painted by Ben Post by: Carcharoth on March 24, 2011, 08:38:32 pm Today I have yet more Salute releases for you! You've seen the greens of these a while back, but you've never seen them assembled, let alone painted. These were sculpted by Mark and finally give the Empire some light cavalry options. They fit in very nicely with Mark's herders, and you can expect some more additions to that little subrange in the near future (Mark sent me a pic of the armature for his new herder captain, which I am now very excited about!).
These guys will be sold as a pair. I'm not sure quite how interchangeable the heads on the enuk are, but the spear arms can be posed very freely. I hope you like them - both in terms of the figures and the paintjob. Tomorrow I'll show you the specialists that accompany these! ;D (http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh269/Xrgut/LightCavSpears.jpg) (http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh269/Xrgut/LightCav4a.jpg)(http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh269/Xrgut/LightCav4b.jpg) (http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh269/Xrgut/LightCav3.jpg)(http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh269/Xrgut/LightCav3b.jpg) Title: Re: Mounted Herders - painted by Ben Post by: Brandlin on March 24, 2011, 11:09:59 pm ooooooooooooooooo me likey!
the riders are the epitome of twilight to me (other than cool buildings of course!) Title: Re: Mounted Herders - painted by Ben Post by: Klute on March 25, 2011, 09:49:57 am Nice clean painting as usual. The enuk heads should be interchangeable with each other and the heads from the other enuk in the range.
Title: Re: Mounted Herders - painted by Ben Post by: Emberbreeze on March 25, 2011, 01:49:05 pm You should start posting these as news on TTGN before it gets lost in the 100s of news posts on the run up to Salute.
Title: Re: Mounted Herders - painted by Ben Post by: Carcharoth on March 25, 2011, 09:49:43 pm Good point on ttgn - I've been meaning to post there and a few other places, but was starting here. I'll post something in the next day or two.
For today I'm going to share the other new cavalry from Mark. These have alternative weapon options, with a bolas and a sling stave. I'll probably sell these two as a pair unless anybody suggests otherwise! I haven't really worked out rules for these guys yet, although I've got ideas. :) (http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh269/Xrgut/LightCavGroup.jpg) (http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh269/Xrgut/LightCavMissile.jpg) (http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh269/Xrgut/LightCav1c.jpg)(http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh269/Xrgut/LightCav2b.jpg) Title: Re: Mounted Herders - painted by Ben Post by: TheGremlin on March 25, 2011, 11:09:19 pm Awesome, though you do realise that I wanted to spend at least a little money on things other thany twilight ;)
Really, though, I will have to pick these up. However, I am looking forward to the Devanu jenta the most XD Did you decide on a price for the Belan? Though i know nothing about miniature production (well, only a little), and I don't know the exact size, I'd pick one up for £15-£21. I'd pick it up for more, but only grudgingly :) Title: Re: Mounted Herders - painted by Ben Post by: Brandlin on March 25, 2011, 11:46:09 pm more great cavalry!
Must haveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Title: Re: Mounted Herders - painted by Ben Post by: Carcharoth on March 26, 2011, 09:09:12 am @ Alan, I'm sure we could come up with a suitable deal - I'm sure my cavalry could so with some towers to live in :)
@theGremlin, spending money on other things? Why would you want to do that? ;) I'm hoping everything goes smoothly with the jenta! He's still with the caster, so it's cutting things fine... The same is true for the belan, and I've still got to convert/paint one or two for the big game! I won't know final costs on the belan until i get him back, but he will almost certainly be in the price bracket you've described. All going well he might even be towards the bottom end of that bracket (but don't get hopes up too much just yet!). Title: Re: Mounted Herders - painted by Ben Post by: Jubal on March 26, 2011, 10:35:43 am ;D
All I have to say. Title: Re: Mounted Herders - painted by Ben Post by: Brandlin on March 26, 2011, 11:40:12 am @ mike - I'm sure I should actually pay for something in twilight? Oh, ok, if you insist. :)
Title: Re: Mounted Herders - painted by Ben Post by: TheGremlin on March 26, 2011, 11:51:07 am Awesome.
Are you casting the belan as seen in your blog, ie. sans baggage? ps; I want to buy a lot of things. Actually, I'm going to buy a few Eureka frogs (http://www.fighting15sshop.co.uk/warrior-frogs-120-c.asp) from fighting15s to act as allies/enemies to the Empire. but I'll spend more on twilight. Title: Re: Mounted Herders - painted by Ben Post by: Carcharoth on March 26, 2011, 07:29:48 pm Yup, I'm getting the belan cast as is. I'm planning to add baggage and get him cast again in the future, but for the moment he'll be 'au naturale'.
I like the sound of you wanting to be a lot of things. There will even be deals in place to encourage such behaviour :) Title: Re: Mounted Herders - painted by Ben Post by: TheGremlin on March 26, 2011, 10:12:52 pm Well, I'll get the new releases at least... ;)
Title: Re: Mounted Herders - painted by Ben Post by: Laughing Ferret on March 27, 2011, 11:51:37 pm Woo-hoo! these are *awesome*!
I love light cav.. hard for me to make an army without light cav: love the concept & its great fun to play, and these are great, they are cool & cute. yep, i'll be getting some of these for sure. |