Title: Steve's knights for Salute Post by: Carcharoth on April 10, 2011, 10:11:16 am Steve's been doing a fantastic job painting up the forces for next week's big game at Salute.
These are his new knights that will join the few he's painted for me previously to give a rather nice little force (about 500pts of knights). The new 'normal' knights have the new heavier spears and the new shields. I think I'm going to provide the new spears as standard, but feel free to ask for the thinner ones if you prefer them. All the models will get properly based before the game. (http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh269/Xrgut/Knights.jpg) (http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh269/Xrgut/KnightsOfRelan1.jpg) (http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh269/Xrgut/KnightsOfRelan2.jpg) Title: Re: Steve's knights for Salute Post by: Lost Egg on April 10, 2011, 10:35:57 am That's a mean looking force. I think I'd soil myself if I was a Devanu and came across these chaps...unless if I was Arak Katain then I'd probably rub my hands together and charge.
HN Title: Re: Steve's knights for Salute Post by: Brandlin on April 10, 2011, 10:36:13 am Looking cool.
Did you get the second set of flock I sent you? Title: Re: Steve's knights for Salute Post by: clam on April 10, 2011, 04:45:04 pm Awesome force, will certainly look impressive in the game.
And the difference between Danomar and the Knights of Relan - and glad I went for both. Been painting the awesome Brenar today (first Fubarnii since I striped them to start over) - and see a lot of resemblance of him in Danomar, so he'll definitely be a joy painting. Fantastic, how the heavies came out - and keep fingers crossed, that you will do at least one armoured Nobilis head variant - because I'm pretty sure, that I'll be needing two more knights, soon :) Title: Re: Steve's knights for Salute Post by: Geckilian on April 10, 2011, 04:50:56 pm Very nice knights there! Gives me more motivation to finish my own. Certainly interesting to see the metallics on there, as I opted for a 'low metal' approach.
Title: Re: Steve's knights for Salute Post by: darth tater on April 17, 2011, 09:58:24 pm awesome! :)