Title: Fubarnii civilian suggestions ??? Post by: Klute on May 10, 2011, 05:56:43 pm As a side project Im going to sculpt 3 Fubarnii civilians. Most likely 2 adults and a jenta, though I may do 3 adults and throw a jenta in for good luck ;-)
These figures will be without any arms..........fear not though as I will be doing interchangable arms options for them. All going well there will be a good variety of possible outcomes with them. This is where you lot come in. I would like suggestions on what the arm options should be. I do have my own ideas and anything which tickles my fancy from you guys will be added to the list. Remember its just non-combat arm options. I will start with my own ideas and add to the list as time goes by. 1. A lute type instrument. This one may need an optional head too :-) 2. A basket of food held out in front. 3. Farming type tools. Something basic, maybe a shovel or hay fork. 4. Big bottle of grog. Think one of those big clay scrumpy things. 5. Arms full of firewood. 6............something secret involving Devanu ;-) 7. Buckets. 8. Books. 9. Lantern. 10. Map and spyglass. 11. Trade goods. 12. KFC ( Mikes crispy bugs) 13. Wierd fishies..............................what kinda wierd we talking here ? 14. Hammer and chisel...............just for Brandlin :-) Ideas please. ;D Title: Re: Fubarnii civilian suggestions ??? Post by: Brandlin on May 10, 2011, 06:03:13 pm twin buckets on a yoke...milk maid style.
making a pair of shoes a map (somebody has to finish one) Title: Re: Fubarnii civilian suggestions ??? Post by: Geckilian on May 10, 2011, 06:06:10 pm I second the idea of twin buckets on a yoke.
Pail of enuk feed could also be an option, or a large basket full of cloth/clothing. Title: Re: Fubarnii civilian suggestions ??? Post by: Lost Egg on May 10, 2011, 06:07:27 pm How about...
A lantern A book (open or closed) A broom A rolling pin ;) Title: Re: Fubarnii civilian suggestions ??? Post by: Megatron0 on May 10, 2011, 07:18:27 pm All the above ideas are great!
Title: Re: Fubarnii civilian suggestions ??? Post by: Klute on May 10, 2011, 09:29:47 pm Hmm, I like the twin bucket idea but a yoke would cause problems with the main body of the figure. Maybe just left and right bucket arms.
Lantern, book, feed baskets etc. I think a lot of suggestions would fit in generic open handed arms. If I did one pair of those arms then things like books, baskets etc would match up with those. Probably end up with a pack of 3 bodies and lots of optional stuff. Title: Re: Fubarnii civilian suggestions ??? Post by: Klute on May 10, 2011, 09:32:35 pm making a pair of shoes Better yet how about one on his Ipad :P Map is fine though. Title: Re: Fubarnii civilian suggestions ??? Post by: Megatron0 on May 10, 2011, 09:46:31 pm Rolled up map and spyglass?
Title: Re: Fubarnii civilian suggestions ??? Post by: Jubal on May 10, 2011, 09:52:08 pm A crook for rounding up them pesky enuk? A spade/shovel is definitely a good idea, a pick of some sort for digging those deep tunnels too perhaps.
Title: Re: Fubarnii civilian suggestions ??? Post by: Beastlord on May 10, 2011, 11:29:05 pm A set of merchants scales
Trade goods - bolts of cloth, packages, bowls, food, a saddle, sacks of veg/grain/mushrooms Maybe a bunch of money strings? Title: Re: Fubarnii civilian suggestions ??? Post by: clam on May 11, 2011, 07:56:03 am Very interesting project, Klute. Should be rather useful to us, and any additional options will only make them even more tasty.
- and other than whats already suggested I'd like to see one carrying a dead Fubarnii/parts of a dead one and one picking up a Devanu skull (http://forum-of-doom.com/Smileys/default/icon_whistling.gif) Title: Re: Fubarnii civilian suggestions ??? Post by: Carcharoth on May 11, 2011, 08:58:38 am Very interesting project, Klute. Should be rather useful to us, and any additional options will only make them even more tasty. And there Mark was going to create something so nice and friendly ;)- and other than whats already suggested I'd like to see one carrying a dead Fubarnii/parts of a dead one and one picking up a Devanu skull (http://forum-of-doom.com/Smileys/default/icon_whistling.gif) I like the idea of a pre pre. Although that might look better with a more ostentatious character. A little pet would be great though. You could do one selling crispy bug snacks, or maybe mushrooms? With some of the fishing clans it might be cool to do a weird fish type creature. Title: Re: Fubarnii civilian suggestions ??? Post by: clam on May 11, 2011, 11:59:39 am You see, Im willing to compromise to get what I find necessary to make some more interesting bases ;)
But yes, Furbanii are meant to be cute little creatures, but they do die, don't they? And asking for a undertaker seemed inappropriate :) On a side note - how would Furbanii be fishing? Do the use nets? - or a Rod, a spears or .... ? Would certainly like to see a Fisherman Furbanii, Klute ;D Very interesting project, Klute. Should be rather useful to us, and any additional options will only make them even more tasty. And there Mark was going to create something so nice and friendly ;)- and other than whats already suggested I'd like to see one carrying a dead Fubarnii/parts of a dead one and one picking up a Devanu skull (http://forum-of-doom.com/Smileys/default/icon_whistling.gif) I like the idea of a pre pre. Although that might look better with a more ostentatious character. A little pet would be great though. You could do one selling crispy bug snacks, or maybe mushrooms? With some of the fishing clans it might be cool to do a weird fish type creature. Title: Re: Fubarnii civilian suggestions ??? Post by: Carcharoth on May 11, 2011, 12:11:37 pm The Fubarnii are cute little critters. But on occasion they do share humanity's penchant for finding inventive and/or brutal ways to kill each other. They certainly have undertakers (specialising in cremation) and I expect there are torturers behind the scenes somewhere. Not an aspect of Twilight I'll investigate too deeply, but it isn't all mushroom pies and candied garkrid. :)
But yes, cute little fishermen sound good. They'll use rods and nets and spears, much as we do. It'll depend on the type of 'fish' and the location. Title: Re: Fubarnii civilian suggestions ??? Post by: Lord Fubarnii on May 11, 2011, 04:15:14 pm what about stroking a pet of some kind?
Title: Re: Fubarnii civilian suggestions ??? Post by: Megatron0 on May 11, 2011, 05:02:49 pm what about stroking a pet of some kind? (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_lpiDRDaH-mU/R4GHfnDqIPI/AAAAAAAAEN4/xLphx00UOMQ/s400/blofeld_cat.jpg)Super-villain Fubarnii? Title: Re: Fubarnii civilian suggestions ??? Post by: Klute on May 11, 2011, 10:25:43 pm Hah thats exactly the pose I would go for with the Pre-pre. Maybe a sitting noble would be more fitting though with it, sitting on a covered howdah on a belan 8)
More cool ideas too. Im not toooo keen on venturing into battlefield corpse figures for these, after all they are just a bit of a whimsy. Best to keep them on the light hearted side me thinks. A crook I had already sculpted for the hunter but was passed over for the spear. It was more like a large bull hook. Didnt really fit. Im not keen on adding more stuff that could act as weaponry either. Likely do a few things along farming tool items. |