The World Of Twilight

World Building => The World => Topic started by: serin on October 01, 2013, 05:19:46 pm

Title: Protofubarnii
Post by: serin on October 01, 2013, 05:19:46 pm
I have (rather belatedly) just read The Twilight Spotlight: #7 Protofubarnii on the Pyre Studios website.

Very interesting. I presume that there will be further developments as implied in the article. My main comment is that I like this little character and would hope that future developments in the model would not deviate too much from the current figure, to allow him to be fielded with the new moulds.

I am excited about further 'Protofubarnii' if that is what they are still to be called.


Title: Re: Protofubarnii
Post by: Carcharoth on October 03, 2013, 06:41:22 am
Cheers Serin!
They will get renamed at some point, but a name hasn't quite stuck yet... The new sculpts will be done to fit with the current one but might evolve slightly in the process. He should fit in though  :)

It's an exciting project and I may well start sharing more in the not too distant future... I'm also going to be looking for playtesters!

Title: Re: Protofubarnii
Post by: matthewk on November 07, 2014, 09:26:28 pm
Got to be honest I love the idea of the "proto fuburnii" theres a ring to the name that just fits the model, im still hoping that the "proto" range will be expanded I think theres so much scope and depth in the idea!