The World Of Twilight

Updates => Previews and Updates => Topic started by: Carcharoth on April 17, 2011, 10:24:33 pm

Title: The Dhogu
Post by: Carcharoth on April 17, 2011, 10:24:33 pm
There's still a lot to do, but here's a first look at the Dhogu. These hardy Fubarnii live within the Setir mountains and often work with the Delgon (although they'll also sell their services to some of the Northern clans of the Empire). I'm also working on a yirnak rider, but he's very early in the process...


Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: Geckilian on April 17, 2011, 10:26:34 pm
When I saw the dual wielder in person it was very impressive. If you're able to do a back shot that'd be grat, as the furs are excellent and you can't quite see them in that pic.

Very much looking forward to seeing this guy completed.

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: Mrs Carcharoth on April 17, 2011, 10:29:18 pm
How do I not remember ever having seen this guy.? Mike were you hiding him from me too or was I just too busy bagging up models to notice him?

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: Brandlin on April 17, 2011, 10:29:26 pm
Yirnak fur I presume?

Not seen any other furry residents af anyaral....

Cool sculpts mike. I think I prefer the spear carrier to the right.

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: Mrs Carcharoth on April 17, 2011, 10:31:27 pm
Brandlin, stop posting on this forum and post the instructions to the Benan Watchtower! I wanted to start making it tonight and couldn't!  :'(

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: clam on April 17, 2011, 10:34:10 pm
Yes, Mike - exactly what we need. Really like the feral/hunting aspects here. And can see how their service could/would be acquired.

Any plans of introducing Bows for these? Think it would really add to them.

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: Carcharoth on April 17, 2011, 10:43:03 pm
Not seen any other furry residents af anyaral....

Unsure on bows so far. Maybe, but I'll have to think.

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: clam on April 17, 2011, 10:49:51 pm
I know, you ain't much for it. But in my opinion these here would really work as silent warriors - and be a very useful as a skirmish troop choice. The assassin fits that theme well - but don't really see spear as a weapon for a skirmish unit. So a silent range weapon like a bow (or like GecKilian said Blowpipes), would work rather well, if you ask me. 

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: Brandlin on April 17, 2011, 10:53:05 pm
Brandlin, stop posting on this forum and post the instructions to the Benan Watchtower! I wanted to start making it tonight and couldn't!  :'(

hmmmm where did they go???

damnit... i can't find the file...

(insert suitable blushing icon here)

there may be a slight delay of a day or so while i them...

so so so sorry.... :(

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: Mrs Carcharoth on April 17, 2011, 11:08:47 pm
Brandlin - shocking, almost as bad as printing a new rule book for all the new model releases and not including rules for sone weird looking anteater dude.....  ;)

Now what am I going to do tomorrow evening. I might have to go back to knitting!

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: Major_Gilbear on April 17, 2011, 11:29:18 pm
I know, you ain't much for it. But in my opinion these here would really work as silent warriors - and be a very useful as a skirmish troop choice. The assassin fits that theme well - but don't really see spear as a weapon for a skirmish unit. So a silent range weapon like a bow (or like GecKilian said Blowpipes), would work rather well, if you ask me.  

I realise that I'm new here, and I therefore may be missing something crucial that's in the background, but aren't these little creatures beaked? If so, that'd make using blowpipes pretty hard!

If you wanted some assassin/stealthy hunter types, and you don't want to use bows and the like, you could always try throwing knives or shuriken of some sort instead?

Another alternative might be a variation of the old toy spud guns, but bigger and made with two long-ish tubes, and with some wadding/sabot that is used to fire darts. I can perhaps make a little sketch to better explain what I mean if it isn't clear. Effectively low-tech dart guns. I don't know how hard hides would be to pierce generally though, so such weapons might not be powerful enough... Unless:

Both of these (knives/darts) could be poisoned/paralyzing - perhaps using a fungal venom or such?

Anyway, I've gotten a bit sidetracked there; I originally just popped into the thread to comment on the rather nice furry Dhogu! :P

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: Brandlin on April 17, 2011, 11:49:50 pm
Now what am I going to do tomorrow evening. I might have to go back to knitting!

dont make me answer that, mike will ban me.

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: Carcharoth on April 18, 2011, 08:38:20 am
I realise that I'm new here, and I therefore may be missing something crucial that's in the background, but aren't these little creatures beaked? If so, that'd make using blowpipes pretty hard!

They kinda have beaks, but with fleshy muzzle over them, so they would theoretically be able to use blowpipes. I guess that depends if there are any suitable long, hollow reed-type plants in the north. I don't really see them having blowpipes though. Shurikens could work, but I think it's more likely to be throwing knives or short bows.

The spud gun idea sounds fun. Probably not for Dhogu, but it's a neat idea.

Jules has been nagging me about the lack of rules for the KalGush and the Hunter, so I'll be putting playtest rules up soon. I think the Hunter may well add a useful defence against the grishak charges...

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: clam on April 18, 2011, 10:34:48 am
I realise that I'm new here, and I therefore may be missing something crucial that's in the background, but aren't these little creatures beaked? If so, that'd make using blowpipes pretty hard!

They kinda have beaks, but with fleshy muzzle over them, so they would theoretically be able to use blowpipes. I guess that depends if there are any suitable long, hollow reed-type plants in the north. I don't really see them having blowpipes though. Shurikens could work, but I think it's more likely to be throwing knives or short bows.

The spud gun idea sounds fun. Probably not for Dhogu, but it's a neat idea

Surely you meant: "... it's more likely to be throwing knives and short bows." I could really see these sneak around, picking up tracks and maybe even cause a silent kill to their prey - so I definitely think that short bows should be an optional/weapon upgrade for them.

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: maccioniath on April 18, 2011, 06:31:17 pm
I dunno, I've always liked the no bows aspect of twilight. If they have all the stereotypical fantasy stuff then it boils down to just another same-old-same-old using fubarnii instead of humans. I like that twilight is more than that, that the setting is more divergent than just straight tolkien with racial substitutions. Of course thats just my opinion.

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: clam on April 18, 2011, 10:25:03 pm
I disagree. I fancy playing Twilight because it's so different - and lay distance to all the classic fantasy, but a theme skirmish unit with appropriated weaponry, don't suddenly chance that feel. And the current weaponry:  spears, lances and swords are probably as much classic fantasy - as a short hunting bow.
And should I make a reference for bows here it would not be to any classic fantasy setting (other than Robin Hood perhaps) - but much more to ancient armies in Greece or of the middle east. So see absolutely no reason for not give them an appropriated missile weapon choice. And I'm pretty sure that it wont turn the game in any unwanted direction.

And to me, it's not the weaponry that makes Twilight different - it's the distance to the classic good vs. evil with humans in between representing both sides. Twilight is much more civilization vs. nature with much more realistic conflicts due to trading, politics and even religion.

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: Geckilian on April 18, 2011, 10:38:37 pm
I mainly suggested blowpipes to avoid bows. While they would probably work aesthetically, I'm not really sold on them having the Twilight vibe. They could always use normal slings, rather than sling-staves, as the level of noise generated by a throwing stone and arrow is, I'd expect, similar.

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: clam on April 18, 2011, 10:49:43 pm
Well, a matter of taste really. I see absolutely no problems here. Don't think it will have game changing effects - and won't suddenly change it into a game of big fire lines.
We have a game with a Devenu Kopa with a master crafted sword and engineers with Deraks  :) - so rather obvious that Fubarnii have the technology to produce a bow. And after all humans have had them for 6,000 years ;) Make the short ranged, and not much better than slings. I would like the short bow to finish off the 'hunter - look'.

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: matthewk on April 18, 2011, 11:27:42 pm
How do I not remember ever having seen this guy.? Mike were you hiding him from me too or was I just too busy bagging up models to notice him?

yeah i think the same here i totally missed him as i was trying to find space in my salute bag  for the shiny new precious's!...wounded missed the dhogu!

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: Carcharoth on April 19, 2011, 11:27:40 am
The WIP figures were hidden at the bottom of the big case - I should have put them somewhere slightly more visible!

It seems somehow unlikely that the Fubarnii would never have thought to use a bow - I do want to keep the main look and feel as 'Twilight' (and not just fuibarnii-shaped humans), but I don't always want to be different just for the sake of being different! Fubarnii eyesight is somewhat poor and, coupled with their limited binocular vision, this does mean that long ranged weapons don't really work for them. Slings are great for allowing a Fubarnii to loose of lots of shots in the right general direction, but I imagine bows would require a tad more finess.
Short stumpy bows could maybe work for the dhogu in limited numbers, and I don't think that would dilute the aesthetic of the world. For whatever reason, the bow is a relatively unusual and exotic weapon for the Fubarnii and as an aside, this means that the natural progression to crossbows hasn't really happened.

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: maccioniath on April 19, 2011, 06:31:19 pm
Makes plenty of sense to me. Even spears would be hard to throw with any precision. That makes the dhogu even more badass, if you ask me. Having to kill all those mountain animals with short spears or swords.

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: Major_Gilbear on April 20, 2011, 01:14:37 am
What about something like bolas? I think they could look/work very well...

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: Carcharoth on April 20, 2011, 07:17:58 am
Did you see the herder's bolas? Neat weapon but it would need to be much smaller for the Dhogu.

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: Major_Gilbear on April 20, 2011, 09:14:51 am
I didn't, no! Whoops...

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: Laughing Ferret on April 24, 2011, 08:29:49 pm
Love the look of these!

I was thinking of unique missile weapons, and remembered the old 'trac-ba;;' when I was a kid- seems it still exists, just a newer, more 'tron' looking version now.

I could picture these guys having a carved wood scoop that attaches to an arm, that they use to hurl balls at high speed, to kill or stun their prey.

I can also picture net teams.

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: Brandlin on April 24, 2011, 09:08:28 pm
Sounds like you mean Jai Alai?


Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: Geckilian on April 24, 2011, 10:14:04 pm
Those are used by the Mantis Orphans from Zenit Miniatures - they do look good.

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: Klute on April 24, 2011, 11:32:40 pm
I do like the Atlatl. Cant remember if I mentioned it to Mike before.

There are certain things that, no matter what the setting, will surely excist. The wheel, fire, etc.  I would assume any kind of creature with the knowledge to create and build would also posess the ability to create and use bows and other basic tools.
Fubarnii anatomy dictates that they might not be very accurate with ranged weapons but arrows fired in large amounts would still be effective.
I say give them bows but make it so you would need a group of around 5 firing at once to make it worth while.

EDIT forgot to say that the atlatl would be terrible to cast unless it was redesigned to be thicker etc.

Title: Re: The Dhogu
Post by: Lost Egg on April 26, 2011, 10:52:15 am
These guys look cool. I'm loving the furry feet and the chap with the twin blades looks hard core.