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 on: July 21, 2020, 07:48:41 am 
Started by Gordon - Last post by Gordon
Nice scenic pieces Smiley
Excited to see the belan and dompak riders painted! They are some of my favourites as well Smiley


I'm working on it. I said I'll try to paint them exactly like seen on the page. Well let me say it will not be as close to the original like I wanted but I will do my very best bringing it to a decent result.

 on: July 20, 2020, 07:48:14 am 
Started by Gordon - Last post by Carcharoth
Thanks for sharing! Such a close game.
Shame the kaldru and kalgush haven’t performed well so far. They can be scary if they can get a decent shot in, but that isn’t always easy! Don’t forget that Plutom can always give them a bit of a tune up. I’m looking forward to trying out the new mechanic (she’ll work like a mini-Plutom).

 on: July 19, 2020, 10:21:21 pm 
Started by Gordon - Last post by Gordon
"Hero" of the day is the Toloran Rider Captain.

The Toloran Riders are great.

I guess the noble for which the guard is fighting for will not be pleased about that outcome.

 on: July 19, 2020, 05:50:53 pm 
Started by Gordon - Last post by Gordon
Hello everybody,  Cool

here is a detailed battle report. PreePree Protectors vs Plutom's Mechanicals.

The PreePree Protectors without a PreePree this time.

Victory conditions: last man standing

I turn

1st Activation Phase - Plutom's Mechanicals

KalMalog activates and moves his full length towards the swamps. He uses 1* to Sprint.

2nd Activation Phase - PreePree Protectors

The Captain uses the standard ability und activates all nearby troopers. Captain and his guys march 3" toward KalMalog. Crossbows march 1" toward KalMalog and want to shoot KalMalog but they are out of reach. The Knights move through the forest towards the Nura Kira guys.

1st Combat Counter -  no combat (Safety Valve of KalGush happens but no one cares at the moment)

3rd Activasion Phase - PreePree Protectors

Captain and his guys move 3" toward KalMalog. Crossbows move 1" and one Crossbow is now in reach and shoots on KalMalog. Fails to hit.

4th Activasion Phase - Plutom's Mechanicals

NuraKira activates the two Delgon shooters. KalDru shoots on the Knights but nothing hits them. KalGush uses 1* on Focus shoots on the knights but almsot misses everything too the few pebbles that hit the knights are easyily saved by their armour. (side note - and again like in all games befor these two guys do nothing. I guess these knights are not their main target in this game. I'm really excited to use the KalDruKar Heavy Gunner in future games instead. I hope he will do better.)

5th Activasion Phase - PreePree Protectors

Captain and his guys move 3" toward KalMalog. The Crossbows move 1" toward KalMalog. Both Crossbows shoot at KalMalog but don't hit that much and the few hits were saved by KalMalogs elite steampunk technology yeah!

6th Activasion Phase - Plutom's Mechanicals

NuraKira activates the two Delgon shooters again. And again the fail to do any harm on the Knights.

7th Activasion Phase - Plutom's Mechanicals

KalMalog activates and confronts the Capatin. He uses 1* to Assassinate and 1* for Overdrive to beat him into the ground. But the Captain is Combat Trained and saves one potential wound with his 5+ Toughness. (side note - and once more the KalMalog does not manage to kill the Captain in the first round of combat. What kind of assassin is he? I can't wait to boost the unit four men strong.)

2nd Combat Counter - Plutom's Mechanicals start

The battle between KalMalog and the Guard Captain struggles on. KalMalog used 1* fpr Overdrive but none could do any significant action and the battle remains.

End Phase - far from victory conditions. Guard Captain, and KalGush regain one stamina.

II turn

1st Activation Phase - Plutom's Mechanicals

KalMalog activates and uses 1* to Assassinate and 1* for Overdrive again. And guess what happened - nothing. The fight goes on.(side note - what happens here? is it the KalMalog? Is he so weak? Or is it the Guard Captain? Is he such a tough guy?)

2st Activation Phase - Plutom's Mechanicals

Plutom activates the KalJoran and they all move 6" toward the Crossbows.

1st Combat Counter - Plutom's Mechanicals start

Poor KalMalog is out of Stamina. But this time he did it. Both guys used all their skills but after a harsh fight he defeats the Captain.

3rd Activation Phase - PreePree Protectors

The three knights charge into KalDru. The Toloran Rider Captain uses 1* for Coordinated strike. KalDru doesn't stand a chance and is an easy victim for those knights.

4th Activation Phase - PreePree Protectors

The three Toloran Riders charge into KalGush. The Toloran Rider Captain uses 1* for Coordinated strike. And of course they defeat KalGush as well.

5th Activation Phase - PreePree Protectors

NuraKira sends his Bodyguards towards the knights intend to confront them.

2nd Combat Counter - no combat

End Phase - far from victory conditions. Toloran Rider Captain, and KalGush regain one stamina.

III turn

1st Activation Phase - PreePree Protectors

Those so called Bodyguards were stomped into the ground by the knights. (side note - I've never seen any good performance of the KalDromar. They are sissies. In the future I maybe go for KalDreman instead)

2st Activation Phase - Plutom's Mechanicals

Plutom and the KalJoran Shocktroopers move 6" towards the crossbows.

1st Combat Counter - no combat (Safety Valve of KalGush happens again but still no one cares about it)

3rd Activation Phase - Plutom's Mechanicals

Plutom and the KalJoran Shocktroopers move 6" towards the crossbows and almost reach them. Just a few millimetre gap.

4th Activation Phase - PreePree Protectors

The knights charge into NuraKira and make short shrift of him. Who wonders...


The PreePree's overlooking the spectacle

5th Activation Phase - Plutom's Mechanicals
KalJoran Shocktroopers charge into the crossbows. Short fight and nothing happens. (side note - The Shocktroopers couldn't defeat the crossbows?! C'mon...)

6th Activation Phase - Plutom's Mechanicals

KalMalog confronts the standard bearer.

2nd Combat Counter - Plutom's Mechanicals start

Short but intense fight and the standard bearer is no more. KalJoran Shocktroopers vs crossbows goes on.

End Phase - Toloran Rider Captain, and KalGush regain one stamina.

IV turn

1st Activation Phase - Plutom's Mechanicals

KalMalog confronts the single Guard.

1st Combat Counter - Plutom's Mechanicals start

(Safety Valve of KalGush happens again but still you know no one cares about it) KalMalog defeats the guard. KalSoren defeat one crossbow.

2st Activation Phase - PreePree Protectors

And then something dramatic happend. The single crossbow guard moves out of the combat and then shoots on his majesty glorious NuraSen Plutom.

Luckily for Plutom the crossbow guard couldn't hit him.

3rd Activation Phase - Plutom's Mechanicals

KalJoran Shocktroopers charge into the crossbow and defeat him. Also the last guard falls.

4th Activation Phase - Plutom's Mechanicals

Plutom and the KalJoran Shocktroopers move 6" towards the Toloran Riders.(side note - the movement of Plutom was adjusted that KalMalog could reach him und use his refuel ability. It really is an annoyance that the Kalalog can't regain stamina.)

5th Activation Phase - PreePree Protectors

The Toloran Riders move 10" towards the KalJoran Shocktroopers.

6th Activation Phase - PreePree Protectors

The Toloran Riders charge into the KalJoran Shocktroopers and into Plutom. Yet the unthinkable happened and Plutom died. Also one of the KalJoran. (side note - I have to take more care of Plutom. I don't want him to die. It's a cool character for the Delgon.)

7th Activation Phase - PreePree Protectors

The Toloran Rider charges into the running combat and one KalJoran kicked the bucket.

8th Activation Phase - Plutom's Mechanicals

KalMalog moves into the Toloran Rider.

9th Activation Phase - PreePree Protectors

The other Toloran Rider and the Toloran Rider Captain move out of the running combat and move into the KalMalog.

10th Activation Phase - Plutom's Mechanicals

One KalJoran charges into one Toloran Rider but nothing happens. The Toloran Rider Captain eventually kills the Kalalog.

11th Activation Phase - Plutom's Mechanicals

The other KalJoran charges into one Toloran Rider but nothing happens.

Last skirmish.
The KalJoran and the knights fight it out and the last man standig is the Toloran Rider Captain.

Game over.

 on: July 16, 2020, 12:50:49 pm 
Started by Gordon - Last post by Carcharoth
Nice scenic pieces Smiley
Excited to see the belan and dompak riders painted! They are some of my favourites as well Smiley

 on: July 13, 2020, 04:14:41 pm 
Started by Gordon - Last post by Gordon
Hello again,

I had to quickly finish the scenery pieces because the reinforcements have arrived way earlier than expected. The parcel is already here! Yesss! Cheesy Thanks Mike! So here are a piece of wood with a portable inlay for easier gameplay. A piece of difficult terrain with rocks and boulders and two swamps.

Now to the Fubarnii. My beloved Belan Rider and the Dompaku with its riders. I love those miniatures. Look at the painted ones on the shop page. Beautiful. I'll try to paint them exactly like that. So first we have some comparison shots between the Belan and the Dompaku.

More fubarnii's coming soon...

 on: July 03, 2020, 06:51:15 pm 
Started by Palmer - Last post by Gordon
Hi Palmer,

welcome aboard.

 on: July 02, 2020, 10:01:01 am 
Started by Palmer - Last post by Carcharoth
There’s a wealth of information and cool projects on the forum, but great to see a few new faces recently Smiley

 on: July 01, 2020, 11:08:16 pm 
Started by Gordon - Last post by Palmer
Thanks for the report. I’m new to the game so not much help but am interested to hear your findings as your new reinforcements come in. I have some nobleguard to paint up after the initial Fubarnii I am painting seems as if they are formidable from what your saying.

 on: July 01, 2020, 11:04:11 pm 
Started by Palmer - Last post by Palmer
I’ve been dabbling and intending to start playing Anyaral for a couple of years now and have been posting a little on the FB page and lurking here over the last couple years. Thought I would make the effort to join the forum and post stuff here as well!

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