My Devanu are now finished and pictures have been posted in the Competion area. it doesn't show up well in the pictures, I copied someone elses idea (apologies I can't remember who) of the the Devanu getting darker as they got older. The Jenta are all the same colour, the Kopa another and the Sempa a mix of the two.
Likewise the scales on the Kopa and Sempa are darker than those on the Jenta.
Again, it doesn't show up well in the pictures, but they all have the same shade of paler underbelly.
I had two attempts at painting the Kosok, the first attempt was using several shades of red.
It turned out quite well, but looked far too bright and out of place in a desert setting.
Also it just didn't look right when placed next to the other Devanu figures.
I settled for a Vulture inspired paint scheme and just couldn't resist keeping the red head when I saw pictures of the Turkey Vulture.
The painting has (just about) gone to schedule this month and hopefully I will also be able to finish Gohral, Obal and their Bodyguards before the competition ends.