Ahh, that was you! Sorry for the confusing sales spiel, but you seemed happy in the end once I'd finished telling you what to buy

The critter is a Pree Pree. Check out the creature design competition in the world section of the forum if you want to know more about it!
Yar, I was the overweight guy with the stripy shirt and the colourful backpack!
I needed you to tell me what to buy, so that I didn't end up with two un-even forces! I've just finished the first rulebook, and once the figures are made/painted, my partner has agreed to try the game out (which is a pretty big event in all, she's not a gamer, past Words with Friends!) too.
I'll check out the design competition, I need to know what it is and how many combat stones it casts! I'm guessing six. It's like, a cute little critter that is actually horrendously dangerous (like the platypus, a tree frog, or a killer rabbit) and leaps between it's victims, before just sitting on a pile of corpses, looking wide eyed and cute at the survivors.