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Author Topic: Salute 2012  (Read 13936 times)
Merchant of Enipel
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 621

« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2012, 09:39:59 pm »

I got Rincewind Cheesy

Mrs Carcharoth
Blue Penguin of Doom!
Development Team
Posts: 28

« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2012, 09:42:38 pm »

Mike tries to check the forum after salute..... Smiley

Lost Egg
Lord of Engu
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 989

« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2012, 10:03:13 pm »

Ahh Cathy went for the Death sorry DEATH with the egg timer. They do a fair few cool Discworld minis but damn pricy if you want a few. Maybe one day I may treat myself to Duck Man...what duck?

Hunter of Orelan
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 509


« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2012, 10:04:17 pm »

I really wanted Ponder Stibbons to convert with a head swap for an rp character - blast them, the models are closer to 40mm scale...

Quite disappointed with that.

Twilight Creator
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 2640

« Reply #19 on: April 22, 2012, 10:13:18 pm »

@ Jules  Tongue

I was always sad the discworld models were done in the wrong scale... I would have bought lots if they were 28mm and could have been snuck into other projects, but as they are they are just collectors items  that I wouldn't get around to painting Sad
Posts: 45

An untold story, known by all.

« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2012, 02:18:49 am »

I saw the discworld figures and was tempted, but I got distracted by so much shiny stuff, that I didn't go back. Are they large (or larger than 28mm) figures?

My "haul" was pretty poor compared to others.

Twilight (2-player Starter with four herders, two additional grishak, the 2nd Chapter rulebook and the cutest little thing in the world, not sure what it's name is, but it is a small creature on a very small resin base, with a plume and a tail.)
Some grey Army Painter undercoat and a bottle of same colour paint, so I can finally start my Eldar
Two new brushes
Couple of Micro-Art packs of bases
A pack of Hordes Swamp Gobbers
3 old Salute T-shirts (£3 each!), six Salute dice (in rather fetching purple) and a cloth bag

If I'm really honest (don't tell the people I went with!) up until hitting the Twilight stand, it wasn't that amazing. It just felt like a giant warehouse market. Too scared of getting lost/split up from the others, I didn't get to look around as much as I would have wanted to, and their hatred of GW meant I didn't get to dig into stuff like the bring-n-buy, or even get a book/signing from Black Library. Hell I didn't even pick up a Hasslefree Alice figure either! However, it was a day out, I got some bits that I have been putting off for a while, and the game of Twilight made it all worth the £10 fee for me!
Twilight Creator
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 2640

« Reply #21 on: April 23, 2012, 09:34:12 am »

Ahh, that was you! Sorry for the confusing sales spiel, but you seemed happy in the end once I'd finished telling you what to buy Smiley
The critter is a Pree Pree. Check out the creature design competition in the world section of the forum if you want to know more about it!
Posts: 45

An untold story, known by all.

« Reply #22 on: April 23, 2012, 02:20:32 pm »

Ahh, that was you! Sorry for the confusing sales spiel, but you seemed happy in the end once I'd finished telling you what to buy Smiley
The critter is a Pree Pree. Check out the creature design competition in the world section of the forum if you want to know more about it!

Yar, I was the overweight guy with the stripy shirt and the colourful backpack!

I needed you to tell me what to buy, so that I didn't end up with two un-even forces! I've just finished the first rulebook, and once the figures are made/painted, my partner has agreed to try the game out (which is a pretty big event in all, she's not a gamer, past Words with Friends!) too.

 I'll check out the design competition, I need to know what it is and how many combat stones it casts! I'm guessing six. It's like, a cute little critter that is actually horrendously dangerous (like the platypus, a tree frog, or a killer rabbit) and leaps between it's victims, before just sitting on a pile of corpses, looking wide eyed and cute at the survivors.
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