well, you should all know by now that time is rather flexible for me, so a little later than planned, but the first battle pics are finally here!
These were the first games in a couple of years, so tactics were, well, questionable at best but all good fun none the less and memories were certainly tripped into action for better games since then!
The table is set for the Journey Home scenario. I used some old 15mm fantasy buildings I made for the settlement - not ideal, but they worked!
With much sprinting and leaping, The Devanu Kopa and Sempa went to head off the knights before they get to the trader caravan. Knight captain falls fast enough, and the devanu decide to mop up here before moving their attentions on to the main group.
Who can only watch from the distance, as their support appears to disintegrate ahead of them.
Then, back with the Kopa, last seen squaring up against a lowly Fubarni knight, this happened.
And even After using all my remaining stamina points, the end result was this....
I'd failed 11 50/50 casts on the trott! And then failed the tough save. End game in turn 2. Ouch.
My Kopa had clearly tripped, skidded off his claws and straight into the lance of the befuddled knight! Luckily there were more Devanu in the area, and another caravan expected shortly, so we re-set and headed for combat again, this time heading north to intercept the caravan itself and avoid the slippery Mud nearer the settlement where the knights were approaching from....
The devanu made the most of the defensive opeings and got amongst the caravan quickly, cutting down the first pack animal in short order.
This time it was the knights who were having a hard time of it, and failed to activate - clearly stuck in the mud themselves!
Things were getting messy at the caravan as the militia rushed to the aid of their civilian charges. And they did pretty well too, repeatedly getting the edge on the Devanu in the combats and holding their attentions away from the Baruk.
But this time the luck was with the Devanu and they got to their targets before the knights made it to the fight. Far more enjoyable game - it lasted more than two turns and a good return to making every plausible mistake in this beautifully simple game
We've since played 3 more times, and I will be playing again on monday - Finally getting Guildford Games club to join me and dive into WoT!