As I start to compile the pics from my old website, i'm thinking ill start a new thread for my Twilight stuff and close this one. Having gone back through this existing thread, the first 7 pages are mostly broken links and dead images! My old site contained 5900+ images across many ranges and scales, so there's a lot more i need to do as well as sort new WoT pic hosting. This means its easier to start fresh here than try to fix every picture link
This one will remain for reference however, and in the mean time, a few new bits which i snapped pics of before salute. First up, I got my hands on a couple of Noble crossbowmen and they saw use on the day!
I also got the first Alideku painted, but no pics yet.
And there were more casanii bits I havent shown before too -
Erillai Riders
And the Hadera, Hadera Rider, and Onsegar Rider were on duty as well.
They were finished for the show but in the lack of proper pics right now, the WIPs will have to do!