There are a surprising number of new releases this year - a lot of them are from the Kickstarter campaign, but there a few other newbies as well.
First up we have the Kedashi (aka The Frenu)! All the new flying models are a nice flexible lightweight resin so you can convert them and choose how to assemble the individual pieces to give a nice varied overall swarm.
These are the leaders of the force - guiding the swarms of primitive frenu into combat

Frenu Swarms
The little frenu can be guided by the kaopi to form small swarms, which can then be grown into larger, more powerful swarms.

The Bagrun is a larger beast that the Trebarnii (previously referred to as protofubarnii) capture and lash baskets of 'garkrid bombs' onto. These bombs can be carried short distances by the frenu and dropped onto their enemies.

Finally, a big group shot!