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Painted Models and Scenery
Fubarnii & Devanu project
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Topic: Fubarnii & Devanu project (Read 13881 times)
Laughing Ferret
Posts: 64
Fubarnii & Devanu project
December 11, 2010, 08:27:02 am »
I can't believe how long it took for me to find time to start these miniatures!
I couldn't wait to get them when the first images hit the internet before their release, yet always something got in my way when wanting to start them.
But no more! I've finally begun. Motivated by the 'unfinished project' challenge on TGN, which this definitely qualified for me.
I figured I couldn't post them there and not here, so I'll put pictures of my finished minis here.
So far, I've only finished the Grishaks, but I've done the bases for a lot more Devanu & my Fubarnii & Trader & beasts... waiting for the release of the shield & pick armed Delgon, and then I'll surely add a 3rd faction to the collection. But for now: the Grishaks:
Twilight Creator
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 2640
Re: Fubarnii & Devanu project
Reply #1 on:
December 11, 2010, 11:05:11 am »
Those are gorgeous.
Great to see a slightly different take on them, but it really works. The basing is also very nicely done.
I've been having a bit of a rubbish morning so far, but those have cheered me up a lot! I can't wait to see some more stuff from you!
Official Fubarnii Architect
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Re: Fubarnii & Devanu project
Reply #2 on:
December 11, 2010, 09:26:27 pm »
Brandlin - Home of Laser cut styrene building kits - NOW OPEN!
"Engineers are too precious a resource to let go wandering the open countryside" - Emberbreeze 9/11/11
Twilight Creator
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Re: Fubarnii & Devanu project
Reply #3 on:
December 12, 2010, 11:00:39 am »
I had a quick look for your posts on TGN (
), and I can't wait to see how everything turns out! Good luck with the project.
I'll get myself in gear and get those pick troops all sorted and off to the casters over the next couple of weeks - I've been a bit useless over the last couple of months...
Senior Apprentice
Posts: 141
Re: Fubarnii & Devanu project
Reply #4 on:
December 12, 2010, 01:34:31 pm »
Ridonkulously good looking. How did you paint the bases? White undercoat and then merely green and red washes? They look very nice.
Laughing Ferret
Posts: 64
Re: Fubarnii & Devanu project
Reply #5 on:
December 13, 2010, 09:16:40 am »
thanks everyone
Bases: can see their progress in the TGN old project that was linked by Carcharoth before.
I'm sure there is a simpler way to do them than I did, but I changed my mind with them mid-progress. I was going to go with more standard colors, so yes, started with a white undercoat, and used thin colors of paint: a moss green/grey/brown mix, then dappled with grey & a washed out green, but it wasn't as bright as I had thought and the more I thought about the colors I started thinking about coral reefs, and how I'd like a terrestrial base with coral reef feeling.. but they'd be not quite that bright because of shadows from trees, indirect light, etc. so then I went in and did washes of green & a rose/burgundy color, highlighted with a pale green/blue and then more of the color washes. And a bit more of green moss dappling after that.
I was trying to create something different than the usual earth-clone base setting of most fantasy minis, since these creatures are so unique. So I am imagining my Fubarnii & Devanu to be from the northern edge of the Naralon forest, so that I could have some bases with a lot of plants, rocks, fallen logs, etc, and to have a setting that would more easily accommodate adding Delgon to my collection
Took some creative liberties in imagining what the plants are like, soil & rock formation colors, etc. Really enjoyed it and looking forward to painting more.
I really like the Delgon in another post recently, and has me wondering if I will do the same basing as I have done for Delgon too, or to go with the snow bases for their own look. Hard to decide, but very much looking forward to the pick & shield troops.. I can wait a bit, it will give me a chance to paint more & maybe I won't feel so guilty buying more once I've painted more of what I already have, but hope won't have to wait too long
Twilight Creator
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Posts: 2640
Re: Fubarnii & Devanu project
Reply #6 on:
December 13, 2010, 10:02:23 am »
I like the approach you've taken with the bases - similar to earth, but with a bit of a twist.
I spent yesterday evening cleaning up pick troops and their shields, so I'm making progress! I just need to sprue up the shields now and they'll be ready for the production mould.
Thanks for the kick to get on with them...
Ben Brownlie
Colouring In Bloke
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Posts: 167
Re: Fubarnii & Devanu project
Reply #7 on:
December 14, 2010, 04:39:50 pm »
The beaks are a touch bright but very well painted
The colouration on the hide is absolutely brill! Really well done
Laughing Ferret
Posts: 64
Re: Fubarnii & Devanu project
Reply #8 on:
December 17, 2010, 10:12:25 am »
Great news about the Delgon pick & shield soldiers: I really do like those and looking forward to them.
Blue beaks: the photobox really brightens them up, they're bright, I was going for a near tropic feel for them, but they don't appear nearly as bright as they appear in a gaming setting.
If I get the chance to play them soon I'll take some pictures.
I started on the rest of the Devanu tonight: small progress, but enjoying them.
Laughing Ferret
Posts: 64
Re: Fubarnii & Devanu project
Reply #9 on:
December 20, 2010, 06:37:45 am »
Got my Devanu all finished now
Twilight Creator
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 2640
Re: Fubarnii & Devanu project
Reply #10 on:
December 20, 2010, 11:17:36 am »
That's a very nice force! I love the colour tone you've used on the Devanu.
Ben Brownlie
Colouring In Bloke
Development Team
Senior Apprentice
Posts: 167
Re: Fubarnii & Devanu project
Reply #11 on:
December 20, 2010, 12:19:53 pm »
They all look a bit good!
Excellent work. I like the subtle conversions to make the second Jenta and Sempa look different
Senior Apprentice
Posts: 141
Re: Fubarnii & Devanu project
Reply #12 on:
December 20, 2010, 04:47:14 pm »
They look fab and the predatory forms help tie the force together. The colours really pop. How did you paint them?
Laughing Ferret
Posts: 64
Re: Fubarnii & Devanu project
Reply #13 on:
December 20, 2010, 08:02:17 pm »
Thanks everyone!
The conversions for the 2nd sempa & jenta weren't too tough, just pin & fill-sculpt, though the sempa's neck I needed to cut off a lot of it, to re-angle the direction.
For colors, I started with white primer, so they'd be bright.
The Grishaks I wanted a reptilian feel to the colors, can't tell you a simple explanation since there isn't one, but I started with a very light green, working down the shading in several stages, mostly using reaper master series moss triad, adding a bit of browns & darker green for the splotch-striping.
The Devanu I was inspired by lions. I had at first thought of doing some spinal-patterns in a ruddy color, but after the very first light color coat I had the image of them colored like lions, and I liked it, so I threw out the pattern color idea. I started with thin coats of P3 Jackbone over white, worked up the shade adding Reaper master series chestnut gold and later adding vallejo game color charred brown (same as GW skorched brown) for blending up the highlights, added P3 menoth white highlight to the jack bone.
I had still thought to add a 2nd color to the nodules, & blue to the Kopa's eyes, but I liked the results of the lion-like color and decided I didn't want anything else, just liked it simple.
Now I have to decide about my Fubarnii
Laughing Ferret
Posts: 64
Re: Fubarnii & Devanu project
Reply #14 on:
February 26, 2011, 07:15:15 am »
It's been far too long since I've had a chance to make any more progress on my minis, but I squeezed in a bit of time enough to paint up the devanu airforce
The unfinished project challenge over at TGN ends this month, and I couldn't let it close without some more done. I fell far short of my intended goal of finishing both the Devanu & Fubarnii, but with the 2 flyers done I at least finished the Devanu. TWF is having a 3 month long spring challenge, and I'm bringing my Fubarnii over there to work on- though I'm still swamped with commissions on the calendar, I'll hopefully make some progress on the Fubarnii. I've also started a hobby blog, so maybe I'll have updates there and it will motivate me to make more time for my own minis. Well, enough blathering, here's the minis:
I've gone with brighter colors in the patterns here, kind of inspired by a mix of tropical fish and imagining the flash of color through the trees of a very dangerous parot
Colors are ones found in the bases, so while bright & with threatening patterns, it is supposed to also function as distracting camouflage.
These were a lot of fun to paint.
I also painted the tree fungus the same color that I painted the devanu's (stolen) armor plates... I'm imagining the Fubarnii use these fungi to make the dye & cure for their cuirboilli .. painting gives you a lot of time to think
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