That's a kind offer Brandlin, thanks! Especially since there's about zero chance I may ever get to attend a salute show, at least in the foreseeable future.
Feel free to PM me with your prices- that part of your site seems to be offline now.
I loved the sound of the Homesteads- but those didn't happen, or still in design process? I'm sure I'd like at least a stables & a tower, not sure what else my budget will allow for.
Glad people liked the little chinese stone building. One of the last times I was in the pet store they had 2 of those and my first thought was "oooh, Twilight". I always walk through that isle at any pet store. I've found some real gems.
btw I mentioned I started a Hobby Blog, finally got around to that idea, and I have an entry up for my Devanu.. but don't think I put up the link.. here it is: nothing really that I haven't shown here, and more of a bent toward also giving intro info since maybe people will see it that haven't run across this range & game before, but might be of interest to people here too, I'll put some process & reviews there when I get around to starting minis that I'm not already in mid-process on, like the Delgon. Fubarnii will get some entries like the Devanu one.