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Author Topic: Create your own Empire clan!  (Read 47718 times)
Twilight Creator
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 2640

« on: May 27, 2010, 12:47:48 pm »

It seems odd to post this so close after starting the creature contest, but it is something I've been thinking about for a while, and isn't really a contest as such. Basically, the Empire is far too big for me to fully explore in any reasonable timescale! I've got vague ideas, but there is a lot of the Empire that is ripe for exploration...

If you fancy being the governor of your own clan then here is your opportunity. You can basically pick a point on the map and start describing what you think the residents are like. What's the name of their capital? What do they specialise in? What colour armour do they wear? What's the name of the current governor? What interesting characters are there within the clan? What stories do they have in their history? You can basically go to town describing all the little details that make your clan interesting (from their perspective).

You could also tie the clan into the game by suggesting an interesting character or unit for it. Another way to make your clan unique would be to suggest a slightly different version of the Militia Captain. My view of the current one is that he trains his militia to have the Defender ability. If you've got a different captain then I expect his militia would be a bit different and you could simply swap the Defender ability out for something else. Try to keep things nice and balanced with any units you suggest - if you want all your militia get Combat Trained then that would be a bit excessive!

It's very likely I'll suggest some major changes to your ideas (Jubal's clan got moved all the way across the continent...), but if I like the ideas then they'll probably make their way into fleshing out the history of Twilight in some form or other. Smiley

Hopefully Jubal might pull together his clan ideas and post a new thread to get things going...
Development Team
Senior Apprentice
Posts: 200

« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2010, 02:21:48 pm »

About 200km to the east of Gar Loren, where the road from Gethlir crosses the river Gar lies the town of Mish Lan Gar, home to the Mish Clan.

Mish Lan Gar is a small town with a population of 50,000 Fubarnii and is a bustling trade town. Being deep in the Central Empire the Devanu were driven from this region generations ago and the town quickly sprung up to cater to river travellers and support the large farming communities which were making use of the fertile land to feed the growing Capital.

The local militia are an amateur bunch, not having had any Devanu trouble (save for a small pack 50km west on the road to Gar Loren who, despite huge effort from all neighbouring clans, have successfully avoided death or capture in the woods), and as such are poorly equipped and sloppy in their tactics. No uniform exists, although armour is stained blue using dye made from local roots.  Those that are focused enough to become captains of the guard are dedicated and stubborn, often having to lead by example and shrug off wounds that would drop another.

Mish Militia
Remove Defender

Mish Militia Captain
Add Stubborn – The Captain ignores the first failed saving throw of the game

Recently black clad emissaries from the Delgon have passed through Mish Lan Gar on their way to Gar Loren and spoke of the Enarii taking physical form. This has had an unsettling effect on the community and a small cult has sprung up.

Delgon Cultists      5pts
CS 1
Tough 6+
Support 1
Move 5”

Delgon Cultists maybe added to a Delgon force attacking Mish Lan Gar. Can be represented by suitably painted Empire militia models

As a trading point for the eastern Empire many trader caravans and herders can be found in Mish Lan Gar. They often herd large numbers of enuk and baruk through the middle of town to the central square where auctions take place on the full moon of every month.

More to follow....

Enasa Merchant Lord
Senior Apprentice
Posts: 123

« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2010, 02:55:56 pm »

Ooh, I'm in. Ok, this is more by way of staking a claim than anything else - I'll flesh it out in a later post. Here goes:

On the edge of the Argoran wastes, about 500m south of Orel is a small town. It's built on a trading road between the central empire and the casani territories, on a small river called the Talan (not shown on the main map), which flows eastwards through hills into the great river that splits the Casani territories in two. The town is called Eglim-Tal, to the north-west is the open expanse of the Argoran wastes and it is surrounded on it's other sides by the forest known locally as the forest of Ar-Tal.

More to follow.....
Engineer of Larigal
Qualified Engineer
Posts: 331

« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2010, 03:13:55 pm »

Well, I guess I'll post mine...

Moerasi Clan
Capital: Larigal
Where: On the north coasts of Etarl's lakes; most of the clan - 60% of the population - lives in Larigal, with several small marshland villages hosting the remainder of the populace.
Clan Leader: Iual, Mayor of Larigal. He's pompous, highly annoying, corpulently fat (he rides around in a small howdah-type contraption on top of a Baruk). He doesn't have a lot of influence within the clan (who tend to listen to Olanore and Julkaer more, with Mearl acting as a mediator if needed), but is good at inter-clan politics and dealing with the Emperor's representatives.
Info: The Moerasi essentially specialise in the inventive side of Fubarnii culture; they are mostly famed for their engineers, who (unlike in most clans, which don't tend to consider being utterly absent minded and not having any interest other than academia good job qualifications for leadership) essentially run the clan. In Larigal itself the Engineers are divided into eight "colleges", between them forming one of the Empire's greatest centres of learning. The colleges each contribute their own militia; some tend tofield large militias, some small ones - Peygarl college, mostly famed for priests and stargazers, doesn't even have a militia but bankrolls that of Oran college. The non-collegiate Fubarnii form a separate group, mostly to do with servicing the colleges. Being close to the Casani lands, some Casani traders as well as Imperial ones join to create an artistic fusion that the Larigalese are intensely proud of and everyone else thinks of as totally wierd.
Dress: The engineers tend to like cloaks and robes, and each college has its engineers and academics dressed differently. Gehran college is green, Rakka russet brown, Peygarl midnight blue, Terarl light blue, Dimor white, Oran grey, Haerahl crimson, and Karuk brown.
Gaming: I guess my contraptions rules probably describe a Moerasi variant; Engineers will really quite often be found with militia forces either collecting something or trying to test some new device, so for the Moerasi having them as a seperate and non-unique unit would make most sense. If one wanted a rather smaller clan addition then basically any engineer-based bonus would make sense, though. The militia are certainly nothing to scream about by comparison.

And there's a ton more info here;

WoT Reporter and editor of A Call To Arms.

Official Fubarnii Architect
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 762

« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2010, 03:14:32 pm »

It is a tiny village - just a handful of families... the kind of place that hardly warrants the spot of ink the cartographers use to mark it on the map, and they certainly would not of hear of marking in its name - even if they knew it. Strangely untouched by Devanu, its fields are lush and its jenta plump and happy. Its people worked hard but their lives were good and long. The ramshackle collection of buildings let against each other in a slow explosion of wood framed chaos from the turf, the only place of merit an incongrous dome topped engineers tower reaching column over column several storey's into the peaceful sky, a single eyelike lens protruding to watch the skies....

to be continued...

Brandlin - Home of Laser cut styrene building kits - NOW OPEN!

"Engineers are too precious a resource to let go wandering the open countryside" - Emberbreeze 9/11/11
Enasa Merchant Lord
Senior Apprentice
Posts: 123

« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2010, 03:44:10 pm »

I borrowed some of Brandlin's map - just thought I'd put my town on a map and before I knew it, I'd got an entire region.

Hope you can see it ok. The stars on there are surviving ruins of Devanu towers (there may be more, but these are the best-preserved and most well-known).
Official Fubarnii Architect
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 762

« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2010, 05:24:45 pm »

well its not *my* map per se... i just did the grunt work the mojo is from Mike. i'm happy for you to use it.

I see what mike is doing here, he's getting poeple to do all the town names!!

erm I wouldn't be too sure of the scae on that map. we spent a lot of time sdiscussing the physical size of the continent, and i'm not sure we ever got anything agreed.

maybe once mike has been through the suggestiions here we could update the map with them...

as an aside your river Talan you added seems to flow up hill!

Brandlin - Home of Laser cut styrene building kits - NOW OPEN!

"Engineers are too precious a resource to let go wandering the open countryside" - Emberbreeze 9/11/11
Enasa Merchant Lord
Senior Apprentice
Posts: 123

« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2010, 07:14:35 pm »

Umm. See what you mean about that. OK - here goes (you'd better see how much plausium I use in this, lol!). The whole area is very hilly, extending right out into the argoran wastes. Eglim-Tal is actually built at the head of the Talan river valley, near it's highest point, before it slopes away towards Cas-Sumas and the great Casani river valley. The town has quite good natural defences facing towards the Argoran wastes, steep rocky slopes with few trees, and the trade road follows the high ground past the forest then up to Eglim-Tal.

I'm sure they'll be quite a lot of changes eventually - see how things go!

Still working out the tribes in the area, I think the Adyur have settled Embryl, the Enasa are the main tribe at Eglim-Tal, while Cas-Sumas, being a big city have the Galas and Ortar tribes there. Still got to work out a few more details - I see Embryl having a lot of fine glass-making skills, from the especially fine sands around their town, while Eglim-Tal has more to do with herding and trapping. Eglim-Tal also hosts the Great Market - a major week-long festival each year where some of the nomadic tribes, as well as some of the feral bands, meet up to trade, buy animals and have a good time. The Great Market is usually attended by traders from around the empire and some of the tribes from Casani, and can also be a time for military commanders to meet up, as the tribes can be a good source of information on the Devanu moving through the areas.
Twilight Creator
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 2640

« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2010, 11:15:20 pm »

Wow, lots of creativity!  Grin

Brandlin isn't entirely wrong that I'm getting you guys to help me with the town names  Smiley Beth and Tom will hopefully be along at some point to police the language (If I remember my Fubarnii linguistics, 'Gar' means great (or many) so it doesn't necessarily work as an ending in the name Mish Lan Gar).

Nice idea. I'll have a think whether you've got the location right, but sympathisers within the central empire seems like a nice idea.
'Delgon Cultists' somehow seems a little bit wrong as a title. Maybe Delgon Sympathisers? Why are they slower than normal fubarnii? They would need a leader of some variety otherwise they would be unmanageable within the Delgon military structure. Maybe:
Delgon Sympathiser Leader      20pts
CS 2
Tough 6+
Support 1
Move 6”
Leader: Activate up to 8 civilians

Sounds good. Remind me again which town was Larigal? Was it the one to the west of the lakes?

Also good stuff there. I probably wouldn't place Embryl there though - that's far too deep into the Argoran Wastes and would not be a place where they would focus on glass making. Don't lose track of scale on the map either - the forest of Ar-tal is actually rather vast.
I like the idea of the Great Market   Smiley Cas Sumas is quite remote though, so the Great Market probably isn't quite as great as they think it is, but that doesn't stop them having a great party with Fubarnii travelling hundreds of miles to attend.
Brandlin has a good point on the map scale. I'll have to check my old emails...

Nice and low key so far  Smiley

Official Fubarnii Architect
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 762

« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2010, 12:10:37 am »

Brandlin isn't entirely wrong

For future reference Mike... I never am. Wink

Nice and low key so far  Smiley

Just like me... Wink

I'm working up something like a genius "engineer" using science to protect his village and ward off problems, rather than a huge city or such.  I'm toying with calling the engineer brandlin but that seems a) too egotistical and arrogant and b) Brandlin probably means smelly fat one in fubarnii!

Brandlin - Home of Laser cut styrene building kits - NOW OPEN!

"Engineers are too precious a resource to let go wandering the open countryside" - Emberbreeze 9/11/11
Enasa Merchant Lord
Senior Apprentice
Posts: 123

« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2010, 12:16:04 am »

Heh, I only named it Embryl - the symbol was already there, lol! Somebody else plonked it down in the wastes, lol! Okies, would you be ok if I moved it to the head of the Casani gorge? (thats just up north of Cas-Sumas, sw of the caves of An-Vos), it brings it out of the wastes proper then and they'd still have access to the sand for glassmaking.

And, yes - it is a local gathering, this "Great Market"; it's a big thing for this little area, but it's the Fubarnii equivalent of Pontypridd market! (No offence to anyone from Ponty - I used to live there and I enjoyed it - it's a big market for a town that size, cos it's got a large catchment area, but few outside of the local area know about it).
Twilight Creator
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 2640

« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2010, 09:30:21 am »

Sounds good Rick. That random little settlement will stay there in the wastes though. I'm not sure of its history yet, but given its location it must be violent...
The Great Market sounds like just the sort of detail I like to see. Do they have any particular traditions for the Market?
Enasa Merchant Lord
Senior Apprentice
Posts: 123

« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2010, 03:17:45 pm »

Traditions. Hmm. Tbh, still working on the details - it's primarily a commerce-based gathering, with the social aspects mixed in. It depends on how the Casani, herder and feral tribes get on with each other - I'd imagined the different factions and alliances camping together, any 'blood-feuds' between tribes suspended for the duration; in fact it is probably a time when opposing tribal leaders can meet and set a 'blood-price' for the feuds, usually in baruk and enuk, or in other commodities. Lot of politicking going on between the tribes, high ranking sempa married off to other tribal leaders to cement alliances, that sort of thing.
Development Team
Senior Apprentice
Posts: 200

« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2010, 05:12:47 pm »

If I remember my Fubarnii linguistics, 'Gar' means great (or many) so it doesn't necessarily work as an ending in the name Mish Lan Gar

I was thinking of it more like 'on the river Gar', but I bow to the linguistic rules and am happy to change it.

Senior Apprentice
Posts: 104

« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2010, 10:19:20 pm »

Eep!  I might be having geography issues.  I've been trying to sketch out clan boundaries.  I'm not especially attached to most of them, but we do know there are 37 clans in the Empire, and 18 of them form the Central Empire which took part in the initial revolt against the Devanu.  I might just try to show where I think those are so people have a rough idea of what kind of culture occupies what area.
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