Having thought about it more, I'll try and be useful rather than just enthusiastic.
I like the new layout of the stats. The previous versions fitted the aethstetic nicely but simply weren't as clear on the references.
With that in mind, I have to ask what the aim of the cards is.
I can see why you've gone this route and appreciate the benefits you forsee, but I'm not sure I agree with the result.
To my mind at least, the cards are there as a reference point for the units you have in any one particular game. As you play more, of course you will get to know the abilities of your troops. But You'll (I'll ) get to know their stats a lot faster than the careful wording of their abilities. So if the card is there for reference, its the reference of the abilities that'll be of more use than referencing the stats.
I can understand that they get cluttered and that it might mean more updating, but having the abilities on the cards would get my vote.
You grab the card, everything's there. You need nothing else beside the table, so there's less clutter.
It also makes it far easier for new players to see what they're using - its all in one place. Glancing down a list of abilities when in a combat and deciding which to use is a lot easier than glancing down a list of ALL the abilities and fathoming which ones you can use from the card at the same time. I appreciate the respect us twilight players are being given in the current design, but at the end of the day, its for reference, which means it needs to make referencing as easy as possible.
On the note of clutter, I like the idea of a marker of some kind on the card to track stamina, even if its just a locator to keep a mini dice on rather than a "gem-slider". I agree that its too fluid to use the marker pen option.
Of course, I've not played a huge amount, and an merely running my mouth on yet another great and useful product design!