I spend so much of my time thinking about the next set of rules, planning what is going on the next mould or getting on with sculpting that it is rare that I actually find time to paint. In all the time I've been working on Twilight I only have a (very small) handful of models that I've painted, usually relying on other people to do the painting for me. So I've decided it's about time I did some painting for myself. I've assembled a small group of Dhogu and I'm now slapping paint on them. I'm not a great painter, but it'll be fun to see how they come out
Assembling: The multipart nature of the Dhogu does make them a bit fiddly to put together, but I'm pleased to say that I managed to assemble them all without too much hassle. I didn't bother pinning (which I may regret) and only used a very minimal amount of putty but they've worked out well. It's always a good bit of experience to build some of my old models so I can know how well they go together and what proves to be fiddly! I normally just assemble them to ink, but with the Dhogu it was fun to try out different options as well.
My force consists of a captain mounted on a yirnak (wielding the hook stave), three spears and a bow. I've also assembled one 'trapper' (title TBC) using the new fur-clad body, a captain head and a pair of knives.
Painting: I undercoated in grey then splashed on various browns and greys. They've then been heavily inked with Devlan mud. Plenty still to do on them, but seems only fair to share a WIP...
Rules: I'm still sorting out the details but for the moment... The Dhogu are good fighters and will be masters of ambushing - they'll all have 'Ranger' as a minimum. The captains are likely to have 'Scout' so you can effectively start the game with no models on the table and choose the very best locations to attack from. The trapper will be a very strong close combat trooper (by fubarnii standards). I need to figure out exactly what he'll be like, but he'll probably also have Scout so you can take him on his own to lead Delgon troops through difficult passes.
At a rough guess I think the models I've assembled will be worth 150pts to 200pts (15pts for infantry, 40pts for the trapper, 50-100 for the captain).