Hi all,
I am slowly working my way through my WoT minis and have just finished putting together my knights and a pree pree. The knights are from the Order of the Naralon Forest and so wear trophies of Grimblar skin, for these rugged ladies & gents must slay one of these fearsome beasts before they will be fully inducted into the order.
After a bit of a chat with Mike I discovered that the Grimblar probably has knarly, perhaps even scaled skin much like a crocodile. In the end I decided to go with a rough & rugged skin with scale towards the spine and back, much like a Devanu. This way the Grimblar kinda bridges between the Fubarnii (Mike's original sculpt of the Grimblar has Fubarnii type legs) while it is obviously a predator, like the Devanu.
Anyway, heres the ladies in all their unpainted glory...
So thats 4 Knights, 1 Knight Captain & Marshal Elodin of Naralon.
Finally my cute little PreePree...
Hopefully these guys will see some paint in the next few weeks...fingers crossed.