With the competition underway I finally have something to work forward to again.
After the big move to Australia I found out the hobby scene over here in Adelaide unfortunately isn't what I hoped it would be. The stores I visited either had a large focus on card and boardgames or GW.
So a lot of hobbytime was spend in Skyrim instead of at the hobby table (which is just our dinnertable though since our move
While the timing for the competition could be better (a school holiday is smack in the middle of it and I'm only just back from a trip to Tasmania) I certainly am most happy I have an excuse to paint and convert again.
I am a bit rusty though and the fact I have to rush through isn't helping either, but then I don't ecpect to win anything anyway and at least I have some painted models to play with against my sons
Anyway, here's some WIP:
With the ribbon I did a quick conversion on the Draxu, while the Trebarnii got some added pouches, skins and jewelry.
Just to make them look more individual. One of the brutes got his pose changed to make him look different, this wasn't so easily to do on the other Trebarnii though as they are all holding their spear with both hands.
I do have some things planned for the boss, but he's still in the greenstuff phase and I'm going to repaint my Kelahn once more.
The Kelahn will be repainted for the 3th time to be honest, as I still am not happy about the colourscheme. He was way too green.
I blatantly stole the colourscheme Joe did, as this is just briljant, but made it a bit more yellow so they look a bit more like poisoned frogs.
Again, not my best work I know, I really should take more time painting things or try an airbrush.
I also got these girls ready for some paint. Soon my hearties, soon ...
The one on the front left is my brave Jon'aa.