the only thing that strikes me when I'm painting is the skin tones of the models. especially for the Devanu as so much of their bodies are uncovered compared to the other factions. I think it's very cool with these models as the Devanu are somewhat big models which gives a large area for painting designs and styles.
I have seen some models that used shading which I particularly liked on the Devanu, although others have used bright colors and patterns which look awesome, the shading is what drew me. I had not painted that way before so I had to experiment a little and paint cautiously until I was happy with the result. here is a link to the Devanu I have painted.... they're at the bottom: started with a light vibrant color and kept going over certain parts of the model with a soft colored dark wash until I got the look I wanted. then i would use the original light vibrant color on the most raised areas to give contrast. but as i wanted the Devanu to have a very earthy skintone, i usually would give that contrasted area one light wash to keep the color subdued rather than vibrant.
i think the nice thing about this range of models is that they are a lot of fun to paint and there's a lot of room for experimentation.... creatively they lend themselves to trying techniques with which one might not be familiar and the results can often be quite pleasing.