Can tell how many times I've started painting my Empire's - but never ever finished a single one, yet. Always ended up in a bucket of crystal soap before actually finishing it.
I'm have some degree of colour blindness, so cant visualise, how colours go together - so do it quite mathematically. Some of my test scheme was simply boring painting even if the worked visually - other tests fail under the critical eyes of my wife. But this one got her approval - and as it was fun painting, too - I might actually have found myself a colour scheme
I started with Brenar, because I love painting characters, but also because I needed an entry for a Danish online painting challenge, with the theme: "do a 'general'".
Commander BrenarAnd yes, he hasn't got his shields - but I'm awaiting the new supplement shields Mike has done - so hopefully it will show up before long.
So what do you think? Not 100% true to fluff, but that's me (for those familiar with my previous works). I hardly ever paint things (apart from historian's) as they where described. I see this tribe here - as coming from a desert world. It's probably the caravan/trader approach that makes me see them more as nomads/arabs.