been more than a couple of months since my last update!
Amazing how much work can impact your free time! I was even considering actively helping out Mike with painting some models! It all started out on a couple of design projects, then I've ended up being flung about Australia and into Europe (USA next) as lead for rebranding and marketing a new visual tech. which is making big waves. So, after a week back from 2 months away, I finally got to look at some new Twilight models I ordered and photograph my current work to date!
First up, using my new camera, a Delgon Priest I've been painting up - next in the booth and fully lit :
And 'Swooping' Kosok I've been working on dynamically posing :
Soon to be followed by a swathe of characterful pieces I picked up:
Particularly happy about acquiring a Skerrat
So much to catch up on, cards to finish and my artwork to merely post process to showcase here. The amount of times I put a couple hours aside to finish it.. jeez!
Look forward to posting some finished work before my holiday, so overall bring on 2013 and perhaps, an opporunity to paint more than three Twilight models in a year!