Thanks for bringing that over here Halcyon. It is a growing obsession
Thanks also for all the kind words. Was great to see so many people interested in both the minis and the games at the show. I'm really sorry to those whom I am sure I was meant to recognise or tie to a forum name and failed to do so- we were busy, and I was running on very little sleep which didn't help things!
On the point of being busy, I only took one photo all day.
It's not the best pic for the game, as many pieces have just been removed from the table, but It does prove something rather unique. We had 7 players, plus the herd being operated by another person, and two extras who were cooperating with friends. So, we ran out of colours of initiative stones and resorted to doodling on the to identify ever greater numbers of forces involved. Chaos. But oh so much goodness in chaos!
Hope everyone enjoyed it
On another note :-
It has been pointed out that since my website has been down since September '15, a lot of the pics that were available through this thread can no longer be seen. Sorry for this!
I'll see about uploading some of my better photos so they can be seen here again (if people would be interested?) - proper studio pics rather than my dodgey iPad / workbench shots which have made up the majority of the last 6months contributions from me!
And finally, my one picture from the show is refusing to upload....... I'll edit it in here later. Sorry once again! Shouldn't try to be clever after salute and then 12hours sailing!