The Kal Joran (shocktroopers) are a new troop option for the Delgon forces - wielding nasty little picks and heavy shields they are powerful both on the charge and in defence. During the recent 'Retribution' attacks that the Delgon have been carrying out against the empire small units have on several occasions broken through into the tunnels below the town, ensuring that the main attack was successful.
These are one of the new releases for Twilight that I'll have at Salute. They'll be sold as a pair of master castings for £6. As usual, Ben has done a great job with the painting.

I've been keeping the Kal Gush fairly under wraps until now, but having just received images from Ben I'm a bit too excited to wait any longer

The Delgon have recently started fielding the Kal Gush within their ranks. They deploy weapons that have been modified from devices used throughout the empire for fertilising fungal crops. The delgon have experimented with a number of different contents for the 'gushrak', generally consisting of noxious or flammable chemicals, but some more enterprising Kal Gush have experimented with converting the gushrak into a full blown flame thrower.
I really hope you like him!
As usual, it was painted by Ben, and master castings will be available at Salute.