As I see right now the current sprues are mainly for conversions. And who (other than GecKilian) would want to chop their wonderful WoTs into pieces. If they where natural mulitpart miniatures with separate hands, heads etc I could see a market, but I would never consider doing a general head swap on my WoTs - or weapon swarp. And then the additional weapon sprue is not 'new' weapons - but 'just' existing weapons - and more or less just for creating a bit of variety like a Delgon Derak Character or...?
I think the new knight lance arms, the Herder upgrade pack and especially the empire shield sprue has much more potential. But I'll soon find out, wont I?
Actually rather like the idea of upgrade packs with completely new weapon arms - could be nice replacing the bodyguards spear arms with a ... a halberd or ... something else, without chopping the miniature apart.
And a basing/accessories sprue is completely different to that. Everybody love skulls
And, I'm rather sure it will be a success.
And for price .. I'd happily pay £3 for a shield pack and would also easily pay for other accessories. And start small. I'll bet you, that now and then there will be room in a master mould for a small sprue - and if it's popular one it can go into a production mould, and if not ... well .. Mike will probably be needing some freebies next year
And would someone else bring a camera, please? We all knew what happened last year - and if Mike did remember, he'll probably be to busy taking pictures anyway. The 'slackers' want to see the show first thing Sunday
and then back to you Klute