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Author Topic: Klute's Blog  (Read 83188 times)
Development Team
Senior Apprentice
Posts: 200

« Reply #75 on: April 11, 2011, 09:06:02 pm »

Well done! That's you best sculpt yet. Great pose.

Twilight Creator
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 2640

« Reply #76 on: April 11, 2011, 10:05:16 pm »

I like this guy a lot  Grin
(Thanks for doing the tweaks Mark, they make him even better)

I'm hoping to have him to show at Salute, but it'll be a fair while before he's released (as there's going to be a huge backlog after salute!).
@Geckilian: You aren't getting him confused with the hunter are you? Also a very nice model  Smiley
Hunter of Orelan
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 509


« Reply #77 on: April 11, 2011, 10:11:11 pm »

Oh I have a separate list for utterly unreleased stuff that stuff gets added to - this guy was added after I saw the armature. Other items on the list are Belan with bags, howdah, etc etc.

Twilight Creator
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 2640

« Reply #78 on: April 11, 2011, 10:19:31 pm »

That's cool then - just checking I wasn't being confusing  Wink

Did I mention I'm going to have a WIP Enarii with me on Saturday?
Development Team
Qualified Engineer
Posts: 375

« Reply #79 on: April 12, 2011, 01:12:59 am »

Hey my blog sod off back to your own. Angry


Les medecins choisissent aide aux malades
Twilight Creator
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 2640

« Reply #80 on: April 12, 2011, 08:03:45 am »

I was feeling outshone by your new sculpt so thought I'd play the 'god' card  Wink
Development Team
Senior Apprentice
Posts: 200

« Reply #81 on: April 12, 2011, 10:15:28 am »

Did I mention I'm going to have a WIP Enarii with me on Saturday?

And it looks very exciting!!!

Senior Apprentice
Posts: 117

« Reply #82 on: April 12, 2011, 12:08:49 pm »

Feel free to replace the rock with a Devanu or Delgon corpse  Grin

Actually, that's the one thing I'm really missing here - corpses, wounded/dead Fubarnii, even skeletons or skeleton parts etc. Like to add these small thinks to my bases. So Mike or Mark, one of you should definitely look into the autonomy here - and make us a small skull, bones sprue maybe a complete skeleton of a Fubarnii.

Did I mention I'm going to have a WIP Enarii with me on Saturday?

No you didn't, and if you do, make sure it's posted here on Monday - or else .... Wink And should there be a Dhogu, too - don't hold back Smiley
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 12:12:24 pm by clam » Logged

My painting-blog: Clamshells and Sea Horses
Development Team
Qualified Engineer
Posts: 375

« Reply #83 on: April 12, 2011, 01:32:26 pm »

Im a big fan of having extras for basing etc. The problem I guess is costing, especially with todays metal prices, and I believe extras such as animal skulls etc etc would have to be cross genre/range to be financially viable.
What you will find is that as the ranges grow then more sprues of extras will appear. Stuff brought together from different figures that Mike deems suitable for a sprue of their own. We already have spears, shields to name a couple. Something like a skull would have to be sculpted specifically for that purpose and not just nicked from an existing figure.
My thoughts anyway.  Smiley

Les medecins choisissent aide aux malades
Twilight Creator
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 2640

« Reply #84 on: April 12, 2011, 05:47:56 pm »

Good idea on bits. There are a few 'bits' sprues already, but they don't tend to sell terribly well. I'll keep making them 'cos I like them though, and just sell off the spare masters if anybody wants them.
I did do a Delgon armature and loose heads when I did the soldiers and deraks, but I'm not sure if they all got used. I'll have a look at some point.

That is a good point on the dhogu. There's one dhogu that is almost finished. I'll bring him along (and take photos for those slackers who can't be bothered coming to Salute).
Hunter of Orelan
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 509


« Reply #85 on: April 12, 2011, 05:53:22 pm »

I would certainly appreciate a Grishak corpse, should anyone be taking suggestions.

Lost Egg
Lord of Engu
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 989

« Reply #86 on: April 12, 2011, 06:04:16 pm »

Is that for bases or are you feeling a bit peckish Geckilian?

Hunter of Orelan
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 509


« Reply #87 on: April 12, 2011, 06:09:26 pm »

Oh, I'd be severely tempted to buy enough to represent all the Grishak I own, for each time I kill one. I do loathe Grishak charges.

Senior Apprentice
Posts: 117

« Reply #88 on: April 12, 2011, 10:49:53 pm »

As I see right now the current sprues are mainly for conversions. And who  (other than GecKilian) would want to chop their wonderful WoTs into pieces. If they where natural mulitpart miniatures with separate hands, heads etc I could see a market, but I would never consider doing a general head swap on my WoTs - or weapon swarp. And then the additional weapon sprue is not 'new' weapons - but 'just' existing weapons - and more or less just for creating a bit of variety like a Delgon Derak Character or...?
I think the new knight lance arms, the Herder upgrade pack and especially the empire shield sprue has much more potential. But I'll soon find out, wont I?  Grin Actually rather like the idea of upgrade packs with completely new weapon arms - could be nice replacing the bodyguards spear arms with a ... a halberd or ... something else, without chopping the miniature apart.

And a basing/accessories sprue is completely different to that. Everybody love skulls Cheesy And, I'm rather sure it will be a success.

And for price .. I'd happily pay £3 for a shield pack and would also easily pay for other accessories. And start small. I'll bet you, that now and then there will be room in a master mould for a small sprue - and if it's popular one it can go into a production mould, and if not ... well .. Mike will probably be needing some freebies next year Wink

And would someone else bring a camera, please? We all knew what happened last year - and if Mike did remember, he'll probably be to busy taking pictures anyway. The 'slackers' want to see the show first thing Sunday   Tongue

and then back to you Klute Wink

My painting-blog: Clamshells and Sea Horses
Lost Egg
Lord of Engu
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 989

« Reply #89 on: April 13, 2011, 06:59:11 am »

I don't know if you guys are familiar with Crocodile Games but something they do which is quite cool is include small objects with characters models; on their sprues. So you can get a set of Coptic Jars with an Anubi Embalmer for example. Perhaps that's one way around it.

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