Hi All,
So begins my Fubarnii painting adventure. My Hasslefree order arrived a while ago but as expected Life(TM) had other plans.
Last Sunday I got a couple of hours to sit down, clean and set up the models for painting (Engineer and Trader). First up, the Trader at 80% work in progress and non-setup photos:
Trader with Casani Origins (olive tones) I'm tempted to remove the orb and use something else there instead, but may end up painting it as a glass sphere. The eyes are set up to be coloured with gold irises, so the pupils are overly large, besides that a few other details to go. Mounted on the classic Twilight base and a few finishing touches, then he will be complete. This and use a better camera! hah.
Overall, fun model to paint, responded well to washes and the surface was very smooth with little fuss cleaning mold lines. Enjoyed painting this little guy so far, my partner thinks they're just adorable. One question though, is there an article on the forum about Fubarnii fashions?
I'm still modifying the Engineer, so more on him soon.
At this point I think I'll work on models based around the Great Lakes, themed to suit.