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Author Topic: Have I painted more than one knight yet?  (Read 72885 times)
Hunter of Orelan
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 509


« Reply #30 on: April 03, 2014, 07:27:02 pm »

Nice work, good to see the Delgon stuff painted! It doesn't seem like you have enough Striders though.

Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 631

« Reply #31 on: April 03, 2014, 07:35:30 pm »

I'm a bit disappointed in the Kelahn.
His prominent foreteeth makes him look like a stereotypical oaf (he just misses the glasses) while he should be a ferocious predator.
His tail also looks somewhat wonky, too thin and too small.

I look forward to see the painted Gil though.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2014, 07:54:23 pm by Kryptovidicus » Logged

Roleplaying games are a bit like a holiday. You visit new places and meet interesting people.
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 512

« Reply #32 on: April 03, 2014, 08:16:04 pm »

I should have pointed out that the reason I have a Kelahn in the first place is because The master model's Jaw broke in the moulding process.

Mike sent me one of the mis-casts (along with a GGC club order) to have a play around with. I re-built it with a little GS and probably got the proportions off - dont be sad about it, I am quite sure the final version which mike's now made will be another great model! Side note - they have Beaks, not Teeth!

With regards the tail, the MiM show was somewhat cursed for breakages - His tail was snapped off on the way home, hence you can see a slight mettallic shine at the joint which i've not got back to over-paint yet!

Chris - Good to see you around here. And unfortunately we're not all blessed with your crazy ranks of, well, everything!!!
« Last Edit: April 03, 2014, 08:18:09 pm by TuffSkull » Logged

Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 631

« Reply #33 on: April 03, 2014, 08:30:00 pm »

That explains a lot! Thank you for the answer.
I guess what I see as teeth is in fact the horny ridge of the inner beak.

Roleplaying games are a bit like a holiday. You visit new places and meet interesting people.
Twilight Creator
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 2640

« Reply #34 on: April 03, 2014, 10:24:29 pm »

Thanks Paul!
The Kelahn was a challenging sculpt, but I'm happy with how it eventually turned out. The jaw looks a bit weird due to the unusual 'teeth'. I nearly cheated and did proper teeth, but it just felt wrong (even if it might have looked more natural to our eyes...).
I like the whip-tail, but I've done a snub tail that will come as an option if people don't like it!
Looking forward to getting joe to paint one, although we are both unsure about colours just yet...

You can also see one in person next weekend...
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 512

« Reply #35 on: April 03, 2014, 10:39:33 pm »

Regarding colours, I look forward to whatever Joe and yourself concoct for this beast. May I humbly suggest simply that Joe doesn't accidentally load Purple glaze into an airbrush rather than Midnight blue glaze as someone else might have done.....  Wink

Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 631

« Reply #36 on: April 04, 2014, 05:02:03 am »

 Smiley It happens to many of us  Wink.
The colour of his skin will probably depend on the time of the day he is hunting.
If this happens during twilight and early night I see no problem with the purple skin. Perhaps you can do some stripes or spots to break the colour as he has large open skin areas (I don't know why but suddenly the image of the green with orange stripes from he-man flashed in my mind  Cheesy.

Roleplaying games are a bit like a holiday. You visit new places and meet interesting people.
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 512

« Reply #37 on: October 26, 2014, 06:19:46 pm »

Back again Smiley

I've had these Noble guard since they were first made available for Salute nearly 2 years ago, but was never sure what direction to go with them. Finally inspiration struck with them being used in a few games lately, and they've been struck by the brush at last!

Need some ideas what should go on the banner and shield though. Any thoughts? Mike or otherwise?


Twilight Creator
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 2640

« Reply #38 on: October 26, 2014, 10:34:36 pm »

I'm loving what you are doing there! Great colour choices.
If you can wait a few days then I'd be happy to try and sketch out some iconography for you.
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 512

« Reply #39 on: October 26, 2014, 11:14:00 pm »

Happy to wait, in fact I've already varnished them as they stand in the hopes of such a reply Smiley

Turned my attention to the devanu instead, all in all a productive afternoon /evening Smiley


Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 631

« Reply #40 on: October 27, 2014, 06:31:04 am »

These look great!
The purple and white on the noble guard make a great colour palette for them.
Love the Devanu as well, the spots make them look like real predators.

Can't wait to see what the final banner will look like.

Roleplaying games are a bit like a holiday. You visit new places and meet interesting people.
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 512

« Reply #41 on: October 27, 2014, 11:25:53 pm »

Thanks krypto!

The nobles saw action twice again tonight. Unfortunately no pictures, but the games were great fun and made for a reasonable narative*.... So forgive me a few waffling notes......

One of our group took command of the nobles, whilst I took some regular fubarnii and played the new capture the belan mission. It was all going so well....

The fubarnii militia had been tracking the beast through the woods outside their village for days, desperate to utilise it taking supplies to their forces fighting to the north before the cold winter set in.

They drew close, wearing it down with sling and bolas, before making the final move to encircle the beast. Unfortunately they didn't manage to entirely close the ring, and this was to prove to be their downfall. The beast staggered away from its would-be captors, right into the path of the charging noble guard. But the noble guard had no wish for capture. They were under orders to slay the belan and return it's head and hide to adorn the hall of their noble. And slay they did, as the beast staggered clear of the militia and straight into the path of their charge out of the woods, from where they had been trailing the towns hunting party these past two days.

No care for the good of their town, or the borders beyond!

The nobles won the hunt, but it led to uprisings among the people.....

.... And so we played the next scenario - balance of power Smiley

The militia, backed now by some mounted light cavalry and joined by a militia captain on enuk, sought to hunt down the noble responsible for the days embarrassment and see him out of town. See how he fares without the forces to the north having the supplies he deprived them of just so he could boast ever more to his "noble" friends.

The troops on foot, led by the mounted militia captain approached directly from the town, whilst the mounted slingers made to flank the nobles forces and Harry their possible escape.

To the amazement of all who watched, the noble guards were filled with a riotous frenzy, and two of their number made enormous charges to catch the riders, and their Ryad after shrugging off their initial thrown spear strikes. Not only that, but they cut them down with their mighty halberds too, oblivious of their mounts and despite the skill and speed the riders normally show.

The mounted flank crumbled, their Enuks seemingly hobbled and unable to outrun simple guards on foot.

The militia however faired better, and covered by volley after volley of slingshot fire, managed to whittle down the remaining guards, and make a number of decisive strikes taking advantage of their numbers wherever they could isolate a guard previously so Bold as to leave their group.

The nobles me refused to flee, and indeed continued to make heroic charges from all angles, despite advancing into far greater (but, granted, ever decreasing!) numbers. One guard in particular retreated back into the woods, only to return with a fearsome cry, impaling one militia on his initial charge, and delivering an enormous sweeping blow to cleave two others clean in half before succoming himself.

In the end, the nobles time was up however, and his forces died at the hands of his own cowardice, so content was he on his own survival that he continued to disrupt his own forces defences in order to pull his men into the path of oncoming slingshot, leaving them no chance to put their great training to use.

And so it was the the noble was bought to his knees and justice was done, but a bloody day was had for all of the town!

Great fun was had, and more inspiration for paint slinging!

*i say that.... We actually played the games the other way around, starting with balance of power... But it works far better this way.... Wink

The Slann
Qualified Engineer
Posts: 318

« Reply #42 on: October 28, 2014, 10:38:03 am »

Really nice guard and Devanu. Now I want to paint more Wink

need to order stuff... Wink
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 631

« Reply #43 on: October 28, 2014, 07:00:36 pm »

Nice job writing out these battlereports as short stories and even binding them together in an ongoing serie. I love to hear how the unfortunate Noble will fare in the future Smiley.
Very entertaining!

Roleplaying games are a bit like a holiday. You visit new places and meet interesting people.
Twilight Creator
Distinguished Engineer
Posts: 2640

« Reply #44 on: October 29, 2014, 08:16:32 am »

Great work on those devanu - good to see such a large group in one place!
The battle report certainly makes for a fun read  Smiley
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